Tsarina is Pissy
Ok, boys and girls, it looks like Tsarina may be absent for a while, and honestly I don't know when I'll be back. You see, Verizon is demanding their money, which I absolutely agree that they deserve. It's not that I'm a complete loser, but I believed that when I was told I would be paid for all the meetings I attended this summer, and that I'd be reimbursed for the conference in June, that I would receive money in a somewhat timely manner. Our school board (hereafter known as Rich White Fuckers, or RWF), has decided that this is one more way to control us. They are in contract negotiations right now, and in spite of the fact that we are the absolutely lowest-paid urban district in the area, they stated that paying us makes us lazier. So, along that line, they have chosen to withhold all stipend money until negotiations are over, meaning the end of August at the earliest.
Let me explain a couple of things about our school board (and I don't think they're much different from other school boards): First, most do not send their children to public schools, which speaks volumes about their character. I'm a firm believer that if you are working for a school district, you should send your children to that district- otherwise it's a show of bad faith.Second, one of the school board members wandered into Bill's room last year, sat through 17 minutes of class (this was his class with 2 kids on parole for aggravated battery and six kids who receive special ed services in a class of 27). After this 17 minutes, the RWF proceeded to berate Bill for not being "tough enough". Bill politely explained that for starters, the 6 kids were doing the best they could, but most were severely ADHD, and they physically could not remain seated for too long at a time. He explained that you do not get in the face of an aggressive student (this is especially true of males) and challenge them, as the situation will escalate and someone will get hurt {one of the 2 kids had been sent to the office during the 17 minutes for swearing}. The member actually said, "Well, if he got violent, we could get him out of here for good, that would improve the schools". Bill and I looked at each other, and Bill placidly said, "Yes, without students, my job would be much easier", and went back to his room.
Several others have sent memos saying things like: "Stop allowing students to fight in school. This is costing the district too much money. Teachers should simply not put up with this any longer". *Does that mean the cockfights in the gym are off too?* "Teachers should start trying to help students to pass their classes. We have too many students being retained. Teachers should offer tutoring to these students" *Lemme see if I get this...START TRYING TO HELP STUDENTS? Why didn't I think of that*?
I also personally received a letter from a board member about her nephew who was in my class: "Nephew tells me that you do not encourage students to memorize information. He does not understand, nor do I, why you do not want him to 'spit facts' at you.... Why do you keep insisting that he should 'find new solutions to old problems'? ...
Also, I am deeply concerned that you encourage your students to 'question authority'. Why on earth would you want that? Nephew says you allow students to question your authority- this is an alarming trend. What would happen if everyone questioned every instruction they received, merely because it did not make sense to them? Chaos would ensue. ...
I received a first-class education, and my teachers did none of the aforementioned activities. We were told to sit down, read, and answer questions. We respected our teachers, and did not misbehave. ...
I am a member of the [district name] school board, and if you do not desist from these behaviors immediately, I will bring this matter to the board's attention."
That was a 2 page letter. I don't know if she brought the matter up in a meeting or not; frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. The truth is that I love my job, I love my kids, I love my principal, and I love most of my co-workers. I had the opportunity to take a job with a lot more money and benefits, but I chose to remain because that is not what motivates me. However, I would like to see this happen in any other job: what if your boss suddenly told you, "I dunno when you'll get paid, but don't worry, you will". Would you be inclined to continue? I'll admit, I was late for a meeting yesterday, something that I've never been before, and it was out of spite. I could not bring myself to move faster when I knew I wasn't going to get paid anytime soon, and the people paying me have no respect for what I do anyway. I've already borrowed 200 dollars from my mom, a fact that is humiliating enough, but now my phone will be shut off AGAIN? Christ, this grown up thing is just not working for me. I'll see ya when I see ya.
Let me explain a couple of things about our school board (and I don't think they're much different from other school boards): First, most do not send their children to public schools, which speaks volumes about their character. I'm a firm believer that if you are working for a school district, you should send your children to that district- otherwise it's a show of bad faith.Second, one of the school board members wandered into Bill's room last year, sat through 17 minutes of class (this was his class with 2 kids on parole for aggravated battery and six kids who receive special ed services in a class of 27). After this 17 minutes, the RWF proceeded to berate Bill for not being "tough enough". Bill politely explained that for starters, the 6 kids were doing the best they could, but most were severely ADHD, and they physically could not remain seated for too long at a time. He explained that you do not get in the face of an aggressive student (this is especially true of males) and challenge them, as the situation will escalate and someone will get hurt {one of the 2 kids had been sent to the office during the 17 minutes for swearing}. The member actually said, "Well, if he got violent, we could get him out of here for good, that would improve the schools". Bill and I looked at each other, and Bill placidly said, "Yes, without students, my job would be much easier", and went back to his room.
Several others have sent memos saying things like: "Stop allowing students to fight in school. This is costing the district too much money. Teachers should simply not put up with this any longer". *Does that mean the cockfights in the gym are off too?* "Teachers should start trying to help students to pass their classes. We have too many students being retained. Teachers should offer tutoring to these students" *Lemme see if I get this...START TRYING TO HELP STUDENTS? Why didn't I think of that*?
I also personally received a letter from a board member about her nephew who was in my class: "Nephew tells me that you do not encourage students to memorize information. He does not understand, nor do I, why you do not want him to 'spit facts' at you.... Why do you keep insisting that he should 'find new solutions to old problems'? ...
Also, I am deeply concerned that you encourage your students to 'question authority'. Why on earth would you want that? Nephew says you allow students to question your authority- this is an alarming trend. What would happen if everyone questioned every instruction they received, merely because it did not make sense to them? Chaos would ensue. ...
I received a first-class education, and my teachers did none of the aforementioned activities. We were told to sit down, read, and answer questions. We respected our teachers, and did not misbehave. ...
I am a member of the [district name] school board, and if you do not desist from these behaviors immediately, I will bring this matter to the board's attention."
That was a 2 page letter. I don't know if she brought the matter up in a meeting or not; frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. The truth is that I love my job, I love my kids, I love my principal, and I love most of my co-workers. I had the opportunity to take a job with a lot more money and benefits, but I chose to remain because that is not what motivates me. However, I would like to see this happen in any other job: what if your boss suddenly told you, "I dunno when you'll get paid, but don't worry, you will". Would you be inclined to continue? I'll admit, I was late for a meeting yesterday, something that I've never been before, and it was out of spite. I could not bring myself to move faster when I knew I wasn't going to get paid anytime soon, and the people paying me have no respect for what I do anyway. I've already borrowed 200 dollars from my mom, a fact that is humiliating enough, but now my phone will be shut off AGAIN? Christ, this grown up thing is just not working for me. I'll see ya when I see ya.
At 11:24 AM,
Derek said…
I get really fumed when I read posts like these. Some people are just so fucking stupid. gah...
Best of luck to ya, and hope to see ya soon.
At 12:18 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Oh Tsarina... fucking idiots!! The lot of them!!! THIS MAKES ME SOOO MAD!!!!
At 12:30 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
I e-mailed you. hope it gets there in time.
At 12:44 PM,
Tsarina said…
Thanks for your anger/indignation; it is appreciated. The Verizon guy was very nice and extended me a week, so I have until the 12th...I've got a couple of ideas (not immoral, so relax!), and I'm hoping something will come up.
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