Stuff About Her Royal Highness
Two posts in one day- Tsarina needs to find a hobby!
I wandered to Nobius' place and stole this:
The 5 Right Now Meme.
5 things you feel right now:
Better about my appearance
Last 5 things you bought:
ice cream cone...mmmmm
gas- ugh, don't remind me
cheap wine (shut up, JD)
a song on Napster, which is an evil empire
5 objects of lust:
1967 yellow Mustang convertible
a new pair of Chuck Taylors, especially these or these
any man who can dance
did I mention Dee Brown?
5 things in your pockets or purse:
maxed out credit cards
$3.00 purple shades with rhinestones
lip gloss
a key that I can't remember what it's to, but am afraid to throw it out
various notes to myself that I can never find when I need them
5 things you collect:
most of this stuff, I never intended to collect, but people found out I liked something and kept buying me crap:
turtles- not real ones, but I used to have one that I loved
old National Geographic Magazines...I have thousands...thousands *sob*
maps/globes (I do intentionally collect these things)
cookie jars (ditto)
5 true statements you can make that most people can't:
I once drank 8 shots of Wild Turkey within two hours and didn't barf or die (and won the bet, making me 50 dollars richer)
I would like to die by drowning; preferably in the ocean, where I can become part of the life cycle, instead of being put in a box to mold and take up space.
On the death note: If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't regret anything.
As a 3 or 4 year-old, I started telling my mom stories about my "other mom" and my life before I joined her family. It freaked her out.
I've never thought I couldn't do something. I always knew that I would have to work harder to accomplish some things, but I always thought I was capable of doing anything.
I wandered to Nobius' place and stole this:
The 5 Right Now Meme.
5 things you feel right now:
Better about my appearance
Last 5 things you bought:
ice cream cone...mmmmm
gas- ugh, don't remind me
cheap wine (shut up, JD)
a song on Napster, which is an evil empire
5 objects of lust:
1967 yellow Mustang convertible
a new pair of Chuck Taylors, especially these or these
any man who can dance
did I mention Dee Brown?
5 things in your pockets or purse:
maxed out credit cards
$3.00 purple shades with rhinestones
lip gloss
a key that I can't remember what it's to, but am afraid to throw it out
various notes to myself that I can never find when I need them
5 things you collect:
most of this stuff, I never intended to collect, but people found out I liked something and kept buying me crap:
turtles- not real ones, but I used to have one that I loved
old National Geographic Magazines...I have thousands...thousands *sob*
maps/globes (I do intentionally collect these things)
cookie jars (ditto)
5 true statements you can make that most people can't:
I once drank 8 shots of Wild Turkey within two hours and didn't barf or die (and won the bet, making me 50 dollars richer)
I would like to die by drowning; preferably in the ocean, where I can become part of the life cycle, instead of being put in a box to mold and take up space.
On the death note: If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't regret anything.
As a 3 or 4 year-old, I started telling my mom stories about my "other mom" and my life before I joined her family. It freaked her out.
I've never thought I couldn't do something. I always knew that I would have to work harder to accomplish some things, but I always thought I was capable of doing anything.
At 11:31 PM,
Derek said…
8 shots of wild turkey eh.. what is this 'wild turkey' 8 shots in two hours.. and 50 bucks.. I think i found a way to make my living..
drowning! yikes, thats my biggest fear.
At 11:17 AM,
Tsarina said…
Wild Turkey is, I believe the chosen drink of toothless moonshiners when their still is not working. I under no circumstances recommend trying that at home; the only reason they bet me is because I was a cute 18 year old girl. And btw, I was literally sick for two weeks. Choose a new career ;)
At 1:48 PM,
Derek said…
haha shucks, had my hopes up :p
At 9:07 PM,
Derek said…
hey, remember you wanted me to do a jump for ya.. went to do it tonight.. yeah, little problem. Didnt make it. At all. Fucking smoked the rail the hardest I ever have. I smashed my knee and fell in with a horrible face plant.
I dragged my ass outta the water and my knee was instantly swollen and stiff. All the old ladies looked pissed off at me. I wanted to tell them all to fuck off.
So now I'm fucked
At 12:05 AM,
JamDaddy said…
I was looking for a hidden message in your post. In list one the word SWEATY, list two CHEAP WINE, list three DEE BROWN (twice). Have you been getting your freak on in preparation for the toy party? You really do need a hobby or a Hitachi Magic Wand.
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