Was That the Meth Lab Exploding, or Is It the Fourth of July?
At some point, our society has interfered with Darwinism, and it's really pissing me off. Those meth addicted skinheads down the road from me should have been dead about six times over in the past month, but NOOOOOOO, that's why we have medical professionals, to fix them up so they can come back for another round of stupid human tricks.
This latest one shocks even me, and I grew up with some of the kings of stupidity in my family. Let me set the stage if I may:
We last had rain around May 1st...1976 (or so it seems)
The heat index has hovered around 400 degrees for several weeks (note to my special friends: the extra heat evaporates moisture that would normally be in the ground, keeping the grass, trees, and plants moist)
So, as all patriotic Americans are legally obliged to do, the morons decide to celebrate our nation's birth with gunpowder and fire. Now, maybe those pussy Canadians would wet the ground first, or have a fire extinguisher on hand, but we're Americans. We don't need no stinking safety precautions. The stupid motherfuckers have been at it for two days (except for the brief time around 5 am when firefighters were called to put out a small blaze on their shed roof). Did that deter them from their God-given right to blow shit up? HELL NO...they just decide to light the shit off in the road...by MY FUCKING HOUSE.
Tsarina can be very diplomatic when required. I weighed my options- one sleep deprived high strung teacher VS twelve large, twitchy, extremely high strung meth addicts with swasticka tattoos. I chose to start with a neighborly smile. No response. "Hey guys, looks like you're enjoying your weekend off, eh?" Oh, shit, do they work? Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. "Um, say guys, would you mind shooting those off a little farther from my house? I don't wanna spoil your fun or anything, but it's a little dry, and well, it's an old house, you know"nervous laugh...please say something... "You live there"? Duh, you stupid motherfucker; I've been here for two years. I nod. "Damn, baby, I thought that place was empty- you need to do some work on it". Laughter all around. Some fucking nerve- your house gives tarpaper shacks a bad name... I smile. "Well, anyway, if you'd just move back a little ways, I'd appreciate it, thanks". Something crude is said as I walk away- I didn't hear it, but I heard the laughter.
So, the speed freaks moved about ten yards back... four bottle rockets have hit my house so far. I'm mad at my ex right now for convincing me to move out here, then leaving when the first house payment was due. I'm mad at myself for not speaking up more when we were househunting, and not getting out from under it when he left. But, mostly I'm mad at the paramedics who come out monthly to patch up whatever stupid shit my neighbors have done to themselves, thereby allowing them to reproduce at an alarming rate.
*Sigh* The only thing to really brighten my day has been working on a desktop theme with Dee. Oh, STFU- don't tell me you don't have some secret, dirty little fantasy life too! Anyway, have a happy 4th, and if you decide to burn shit, STAY AWAY FROM MY HOUSE.
This latest one shocks even me, and I grew up with some of the kings of stupidity in my family. Let me set the stage if I may:
We last had rain around May 1st...1976 (or so it seems)
The heat index has hovered around 400 degrees for several weeks (note to my special friends: the extra heat evaporates moisture that would normally be in the ground, keeping the grass, trees, and plants moist)
So, as all patriotic Americans are legally obliged to do, the morons decide to celebrate our nation's birth with gunpowder and fire. Now, maybe those pussy Canadians would wet the ground first, or have a fire extinguisher on hand, but we're Americans. We don't need no stinking safety precautions. The stupid motherfuckers have been at it for two days (except for the brief time around 5 am when firefighters were called to put out a small blaze on their shed roof). Did that deter them from their God-given right to blow shit up? HELL NO...they just decide to light the shit off in the road...by MY FUCKING HOUSE.
Tsarina can be very diplomatic when required. I weighed my options- one sleep deprived high strung teacher VS twelve large, twitchy, extremely high strung meth addicts with swasticka tattoos. I chose to start with a neighborly smile. No response. "Hey guys, looks like you're enjoying your weekend off, eh?" Oh, shit, do they work? Maybe that was the wrong thing to say. "Um, say guys, would you mind shooting those off a little farther from my house? I don't wanna spoil your fun or anything, but it's a little dry, and well, it's an old house, you know"nervous laugh...please say something... "You live there"? Duh, you stupid motherfucker; I've been here for two years. I nod. "Damn, baby, I thought that place was empty- you need to do some work on it". Laughter all around. Some fucking nerve- your house gives tarpaper shacks a bad name... I smile. "Well, anyway, if you'd just move back a little ways, I'd appreciate it, thanks". Something crude is said as I walk away- I didn't hear it, but I heard the laughter.
So, the speed freaks moved about ten yards back... four bottle rockets have hit my house so far. I'm mad at my ex right now for convincing me to move out here, then leaving when the first house payment was due. I'm mad at myself for not speaking up more when we were househunting, and not getting out from under it when he left. But, mostly I'm mad at the paramedics who come out monthly to patch up whatever stupid shit my neighbors have done to themselves, thereby allowing them to reproduce at an alarming rate.
*Sigh* The only thing to really brighten my day has been working on a desktop theme with Dee. Oh, STFU- don't tell me you don't have some secret, dirty little fantasy life too! Anyway, have a happy 4th, and if you decide to burn shit, STAY AWAY FROM MY HOUSE.

At 7:31 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Oh man!! May I suggest... a waterhose to dampen their enthusiasm for exploding shit near your house? I mean, the cops won't mind one more call out there will they?
That sucks girl. I hope you are safe and sound. Funny post though, great choice of words.
At 3:25 PM,
Tsarina said…
Hmmm, I'm really not brave enough to want to piss these guys off too much...our "local" cop only works about 6 hours weekly, and the county would take 20+ minutes to get here- long enough for Tsarina to 'disappear'. I just want to MOVE.
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