Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life...
For any of you who remember "Young Frankenstein", you should understand the title! Yes, friends, I finally found Mr.Right Now... *enormous smile*
I really want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- N wants me to call her today and go...hmmm...I'm not sure I want to see it that badly.
Sunday or Monday I'm going to blog about my big experience tomorrow night... I'm going to an "Adult Toy" party with my friends. I've never been to one, and I'm thinking it might be a little strange, but you know I'm all about new experiences. I'm putting that in the "weird stuff I have done" category.
We had a faculty meeting yesterday... department head was PISSED OFF that I had planned Science Challenge Night. She demanded to know why she wasn't consulted, and informed me that if I were trying to take her job, I would fail because I'm non-tenured (why the fuck would I want her job?) She complained to the Principal (have I mentioned that I would take a bullet for him?). He told her, "Ms. Tsarina is not like many people (looking directly at her) who NEED to take credit for things. She is doing this because she believes it will be beneficial for our kids. I approved this, and I think it's a wonderful idea; I assume that as department head, you will assist her with funding and in anything else she needs." She assurred him that she would, but stressed that she was just concerned because I had not gone through the "proper channels", and didn't want it to reflect badly on me. He smiled politely, and said, "She came to me. It's my building. Therefore, she did follow proper procedure". And he walked away. I love him! Ass principal and Nina had gone to a really great geology conference in AZ. Dept. Head apparently told him that Ann and I told her we didn't want to go... she never mentioned it to us. So, we both made a point of asking him questions about it and just casually said we wished we'd known about it... Even he was a little pissed at dept. head. *Innocent smile*
Ok, I have to go get some groceries- I'm sick to death of Ramen noodles.
See you soon...*still smiling*
I really want to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- N wants me to call her today and go...hmmm...I'm not sure I want to see it that badly.
Sunday or Monday I'm going to blog about my big experience tomorrow night... I'm going to an "Adult Toy" party with my friends. I've never been to one, and I'm thinking it might be a little strange, but you know I'm all about new experiences. I'm putting that in the "weird stuff I have done" category.
We had a faculty meeting yesterday... department head was PISSED OFF that I had planned Science Challenge Night. She demanded to know why she wasn't consulted, and informed me that if I were trying to take her job, I would fail because I'm non-tenured (why the fuck would I want her job?) She complained to the Principal (have I mentioned that I would take a bullet for him?). He told her, "Ms. Tsarina is not like many people (looking directly at her) who NEED to take credit for things. She is doing this because she believes it will be beneficial for our kids. I approved this, and I think it's a wonderful idea; I assume that as department head, you will assist her with funding and in anything else she needs." She assurred him that she would, but stressed that she was just concerned because I had not gone through the "proper channels", and didn't want it to reflect badly on me. He smiled politely, and said, "She came to me. It's my building. Therefore, she did follow proper procedure". And he walked away. I love him! Ass principal and Nina had gone to a really great geology conference in AZ. Dept. Head apparently told him that Ann and I told her we didn't want to go... she never mentioned it to us. So, we both made a point of asking him questions about it and just casually said we wished we'd known about it... Even he was a little pissed at dept. head. *Innocent smile*
Ok, I have to go get some groceries- I'm sick to death of Ramen noodles.
See you soon...*still smiling*
At 6:46 PM,
Michael said…
Adult toy party... ok, i will def. stay tuned...
At 8:16 PM,
Derek said…
happy days!
haha. I just saw the "there's no I in drunk" I love it! haha I want to get some of those. Or give em to my friends that Ive had to drag their asses to my bathroom or outta the bushes.
One in particular that was puking on my parents bed.. that was fun.. this kid is kind heavy too, and I was kinda sloppy. So it was no easy task getting him to the bathroom.. and then i lost my grip on him.. and um.. well he preceded to fly down my stairs head first into a wall..
we laugh now, but at the time.. sketchy business haha.
ah the wonders and retardness of being wasted.. sigh..
At 9:33 PM,
Tsarina said…
Hi Michael, thanks for dropping by. If there's anything you want me to pick up for you, just let me know ;)
One thing I decided a long time ago- if someone is so drunk that they're laying in the bushes...fuggem, they can stay there. Life's lessons aren't always pretty. If the guy is gacking in your parents bed, roll him onto the floor (face down) and leave him be. Trust me, he'll be better off for having spent a night in his own waste!
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