IT'S DONE!!!! After about 40 hours over the past 4 days, I'm happy to report that the student handbook is finished...all 114 pages of it! I do still want to add a couple of things to it, but the hard part is over. I have the disk with last year's on it (created by Ass Principal): how that man has gotten as far as he has with such a limited grasp of the English language is beyond me. He's probably not going to be happy that I did not devote the bulk of the handbook to crimes and their punishments, either.
Ann told me about a site for teachers, where I could put a real webpage up for very little money, so of course, I've been working on that too. I swear, the older I get, the harder it is for me to focus on one thing. I'm actually pleased with it. One page on the site is devoted to "Survival Tips". I had my kids write letters to next year's class, offering advice on how to survive my class, and I put parts of some of them up. Some of them are hysterical: One starts out, "Dear Victims"... hehe James' advice is " Always do your work or you is going to have to have a long......long talk with her at lunch". Most mention not talking when I am talking (big pet peeve) and being respectful at all times. A couple call me scary, which pleases me! I'm not sure what the school board would think if they saw the one that says to be prepared to get me a diet pepsi if I ask for it (the soda machine is very close to my room; I'm not sending them to the store or anything).
I did finally break down and hoist the 100 lb. airconditioner into the window this week. I decided that when I got up at 10:30 and the heat index was already 104 and climbing, I needed something. The only problem with being comfortable is that now I'm hungry.
One of my "friends", Chris, has been trying to call me for a couple of days. We went to high school toghether, and she used to be fun. Then she married an accountant, had the most boring child in the world, and apparently shoved a post completely up her ass. She says things like, "I can't believe kids listen to such crap these days". Anyway, she's pregnant again, and calls me sobbing about things like..."I DON'T WANT TO NAME THE BABY KYLE". Seriously, this was like an hour's sobfest. Now, maybe I'm just an insensitive bitch (it's been said before), and I DO realize that she has raging hormones, but for fuck's sake, deal with it. I think I would have more patience if she didn't annoy me so much anyway. I can't stand the person she's become, and she constantly feels the need to insinuate that I'm too immature. Unfortunately for me, my family loves her, and she's at everything. She called three times before 11:00 this morning. Let me explain something- it's summer, and I have strep not fucking call my house unless I've won money or a car!
Ok, I think I'm going to shower and fix something for dinner...mmmm Pad Thai sounds good....mmmm Have a great weekend everyone!
Ann told me about a site for teachers, where I could put a real webpage up for very little money, so of course, I've been working on that too. I swear, the older I get, the harder it is for me to focus on one thing. I'm actually pleased with it. One page on the site is devoted to "Survival Tips". I had my kids write letters to next year's class, offering advice on how to survive my class, and I put parts of some of them up. Some of them are hysterical: One starts out, "Dear Victims"... hehe James' advice is " Always do your work or you is going to have to have a long......long talk with her at lunch". Most mention not talking when I am talking (big pet peeve) and being respectful at all times. A couple call me scary, which pleases me! I'm not sure what the school board would think if they saw the one that says to be prepared to get me a diet pepsi if I ask for it (the soda machine is very close to my room; I'm not sending them to the store or anything).
I did finally break down and hoist the 100 lb. airconditioner into the window this week. I decided that when I got up at 10:30 and the heat index was already 104 and climbing, I needed something. The only problem with being comfortable is that now I'm hungry.
One of my "friends", Chris, has been trying to call me for a couple of days. We went to high school toghether, and she used to be fun. Then she married an accountant, had the most boring child in the world, and apparently shoved a post completely up her ass. She says things like, "I can't believe kids listen to such crap these days". Anyway, she's pregnant again, and calls me sobbing about things like..."I DON'T WANT TO NAME THE BABY KYLE". Seriously, this was like an hour's sobfest. Now, maybe I'm just an insensitive bitch (it's been said before), and I DO realize that she has raging hormones, but for fuck's sake, deal with it. I think I would have more patience if she didn't annoy me so much anyway. I can't stand the person she's become, and she constantly feels the need to insinuate that I'm too immature. Unfortunately for me, my family loves her, and she's at everything. She called three times before 11:00 this morning. Let me explain something- it's summer, and I have strep not fucking call my house unless I've won money or a car!
Ok, I think I'm going to shower and fix something for dinner...mmmm Pad Thai sounds good....mmmm Have a great weekend everyone!
At 9:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I frikin' hate people like the friend you described. I can not wash their tedious family dilemmas and their miniscule ideas off my consciousness fast enough. My best friend is going through the stuff you described, but he's million dolla cool skippin all that in our conversations and keeping on track with interesting, relevant stuff. Good friends are like great wine; hard to come by, worth the sacrifice.
At 12:19 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
I totally understand... totally. You have my sympathy.
At 2:18 PM,
Michael said…
What's your number? I was gonna call you about the new car you won.
Okay, it's a '72 POS with duct tape holding up the rubber-band-propelled engine, but still...
At 9:19 PM,
Tsarina said…
I knew others (especially you, Nanner) would be able to feel my pain in regard to Chris. Oh well, this too shall pass...
Michael- you may think you're kidding, but right now I'd be (almost) pleased with the duct-tape special you're offering. My 99 Escort wagon has seen better days, and driving 100 miles a day doesn't help.
At 9:23 AM,
JamDaddy said…
The webpage sounds wonderful. I am sure the kids will love it.
Your friend sounds like a complete pain and probably hangs around because no one else puts up with her. I can see how parents would love that.
Pad-Thai, mmmmmmm.
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