I am completely overwhelmed. It's one week into the new year, and I already feel like I'm in over my head. The pressure on us is incredible this year. We're beginning our 5th year on the watch list, which means if our test scores don't meet a standard set by the government, we can all lose our jobs. I have absolutely no problem being held responsible for my students' learning; what I do have a problem with is the fact that when over 40% of my students read at a 3rd grade level (or below), it takes a lot more time to help them reach the "acceptable" level set by the government. My suggestion is, and always has been, test them at the beginning of the year and again at the end of the year and see if progress has been made.
We also found out that our first information about last year's test scores was not entirely correct. The reading scores did, in fact, improve drastically. Math, unfortunately, went down.
Now, with his hands full with this, the principal has allowed the Ass to run rampant. He spends his days talking down to us, barking orders at us, and just totally demoralizing the staff. I love many of the other staff members, but this is not the same building I worked in last year. If someone doesn't reign him in, I am worried about the atmosphere in the school. Another source of contention is our union. They suck. Let me tell you, I've always been a proud union supporter- I believe they are necessary to protect the humanity of many workers. Our union, on the other hand takes a ridiculous amount of my paycheck in order to protect the tenured teachers, most of whom should not be working around children. Federal mediators have been requested because they can't agree on certain aspects of our contract. Most of these points are stupid, and the union is simply acting like a greedy child. Even if I quit the union, they will still be able to take money out of my check, which I don't understand how that is legal. Several of us are considering quitting the union as a symbolic gesture. This will cause a huge rift between the "old school", hardcore teachers and those of us who are newer. I hope they don't ask me to go on strike, because as sick as it would make me to cross a picket line, I WILL NOT give my kids the impression that the stupid shit they are arguing for is more important to me than them.
I found out that one of my angels from last year is pregnant. She is smart and strong, so I hope she will be able to continue her education. All of this, in addition to a HUGE budget cut from the federal government has totally devastated us. Thank God for my kids. I think we'll have a great year; I know many of them from last year.
Terrible news about James' family. I talked with John, who told me grandma is in the hospital. Apparently, she has cancer and is dying. John is much harder to reach than James and (I don't remember what I called the younger one, so I'll call him Josh). John and Josh are both back in 7th grade, although I am working with the principal because we both feel that a mistake was made with Josh. I don't know what it is about these kids that they touch my heart the way they do. What they believe will happen when grandma passes is that James will stay with an aunt in town, and John, Josh, and the little one Jerry will be farmed out to relatives around the country. That will break my heart. I want so badly to get my back taxes paid, sell this house, move there and become a foster parent. I don't know if the family would agree to let a "stranger" keep them, but I know grandma would give me the ok. She's a wonderful woman who loves them and recognizes that I do too. John says he's going to start coming in 2 days a week for tutoring- if he does, I know I can help him. I just hope we have enough time.
Ok, I've got work to do. I'll check back when I can. Have a good week.
We also found out that our first information about last year's test scores was not entirely correct. The reading scores did, in fact, improve drastically. Math, unfortunately, went down.
Now, with his hands full with this, the principal has allowed the Ass to run rampant. He spends his days talking down to us, barking orders at us, and just totally demoralizing the staff. I love many of the other staff members, but this is not the same building I worked in last year. If someone doesn't reign him in, I am worried about the atmosphere in the school. Another source of contention is our union. They suck. Let me tell you, I've always been a proud union supporter- I believe they are necessary to protect the humanity of many workers. Our union, on the other hand takes a ridiculous amount of my paycheck in order to protect the tenured teachers, most of whom should not be working around children. Federal mediators have been requested because they can't agree on certain aspects of our contract. Most of these points are stupid, and the union is simply acting like a greedy child. Even if I quit the union, they will still be able to take money out of my check, which I don't understand how that is legal. Several of us are considering quitting the union as a symbolic gesture. This will cause a huge rift between the "old school", hardcore teachers and those of us who are newer. I hope they don't ask me to go on strike, because as sick as it would make me to cross a picket line, I WILL NOT give my kids the impression that the stupid shit they are arguing for is more important to me than them.
I found out that one of my angels from last year is pregnant. She is smart and strong, so I hope she will be able to continue her education. All of this, in addition to a HUGE budget cut from the federal government has totally devastated us. Thank God for my kids. I think we'll have a great year; I know many of them from last year.
Terrible news about James' family. I talked with John, who told me grandma is in the hospital. Apparently, she has cancer and is dying. John is much harder to reach than James and (I don't remember what I called the younger one, so I'll call him Josh). John and Josh are both back in 7th grade, although I am working with the principal because we both feel that a mistake was made with Josh. I don't know what it is about these kids that they touch my heart the way they do. What they believe will happen when grandma passes is that James will stay with an aunt in town, and John, Josh, and the little one Jerry will be farmed out to relatives around the country. That will break my heart. I want so badly to get my back taxes paid, sell this house, move there and become a foster parent. I don't know if the family would agree to let a "stranger" keep them, but I know grandma would give me the ok. She's a wonderful woman who loves them and recognizes that I do too. John says he's going to start coming in 2 days a week for tutoring- if he does, I know I can help him. I just hope we have enough time.
Ok, I've got work to do. I'll check back when I can. Have a good week.
At 1:47 PM,
Derek said…
I'm all for unions, but yeah, sometimes it's a bit screwy.
bummer about grandma. Hope things work out there.
At 11:03 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Having worked both sides of Union issues I would never suggest crossing the picket lines except in extreme circumstances (Federal mediator requires it, etc.). Otherwise the after strike work environment can get really nasty for years to come. What seems like immediate support for your kids can have long term affects on how you can support them because of the people around you. Remember if the other adults hold grudges you will not be able to do your job in the long run.
I do agree about unions asking for screwball things sometimes. One time years ago we went on strike and one of the things was reducing our work week to 30 hours. We actually got it reduced to 37.5. I thought it was a load of crap. 3 weeks off to for something that stupid and we eventually went back to 40 hours.
At 12:35 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Unions, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Good luck Tsarina... good luck.
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