Stormy Weather
Hmmm, yesterday it was 65 degrees. Then it started to rain, and rain, and rain. Then the rain changed to snow. Now it's -21 windchill. It took almost three hours to get home because all of the roads to my home are closed due to flooding. I finally made it home and called in sick for the teacher's in-service tomorrow (darn). So many people are quoting the Book of Revealations because of all the weird weather. Whatever, if they keep me from spending 8 hours in meetings, I'll fix a lovely brunch for the horsemen!
Had a great day at school in spite of th fact that T didn't come again. He's pretty much given up, and honestly, I can't blame him. I wouldn't want to spend my last few days of freedom at school, either. If he's not there Tues, I'll call his house and see what's up. I have a workshop to go to on Wed... should be informative, but my awful dept. head is going, too BLAH.
Mom called; the dr. thinks grandma is in the final stages and will pass on very soon. I hope so- she is so miserable; she's been dead for several years, but her body hasn't realized it. I have prayed for her to be allowed to cross over peacefully and quickly. Grandpa is waiting. When she could still talk, she would say that he was just there, and was so convinced that I believe he was. Sometimes she would know things that no one had discussed in her presence, and she'd say Grandpa told her. I wish he'd help her let go.
Ok, I'm really tired; I'll post more tomorrow or Sat. Have a great day!
Had a great day at school in spite of th fact that T didn't come again. He's pretty much given up, and honestly, I can't blame him. I wouldn't want to spend my last few days of freedom at school, either. If he's not there Tues, I'll call his house and see what's up. I have a workshop to go to on Wed... should be informative, but my awful dept. head is going, too BLAH.
Mom called; the dr. thinks grandma is in the final stages and will pass on very soon. I hope so- she is so miserable; she's been dead for several years, but her body hasn't realized it. I have prayed for her to be allowed to cross over peacefully and quickly. Grandpa is waiting. When she could still talk, she would say that he was just there, and was so convinced that I believe he was. Sometimes she would know things that no one had discussed in her presence, and she'd say Grandpa told her. I wish he'd help her let go.
Ok, I'm really tired; I'll post more tomorrow or Sat. Have a great day!
At 8:18 AM,
Nobius said…
If I here someone else tell me it's the end of the world I'll choke. The world's been ending for 1000's of years and fifty different blokes have predicted it to the day, even though those days came and went just like any other.
If God's going to end it all, I just hope I don't die on the toilet or in a compromising act. :)
At 11:13 AM,
Tsarina said…
Hehehe...I think there's probably a special room in the next world for people who died in embarassing positions. I thought only the good people were supposed to die and we sinners were supposed to live a while longer in our own filth (I'm hoping to have sex during this period of time!)...I dunno, ask a Christian for the specifics- all I care about right now is that I don't have to go to my meeting today!
At 2:25 PM,
Derek said…
end of the world!? shucks! I think everyone in the back of their head, in a weird sorta way would think itd be cool to live through that. I mean thats why people enjoy mass destruction movies so much.
I'll admit, i think itd be interesting.. just the different ways people would handle their last days..
At 12:00 AM,
Jack said…
I just found you over at Fleece's place. You tell powerful stories about your kids. Thank you for what you do.
At 12:20 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- That's a very interesting idea. You could probably turn that into a Sociology thesis once you get to college. I'd never considered that before...clever boy!
Jack- Thanks for coming by! I hope my stories about the kids help others to see them the way that I do.
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