Nose to the Grindstone
Thanks to all of you who commented on my last post- sorry I didn't respond individually, but I was busy crying my eyes out because Seven reminded me that I don't have a social life! (I'm jerking your chain here, Seven, please don't fret).
Just a quick "hi", then off to bed-there's a wicked ice storm coming in overnight, so I'll have to leave extra early if I'm going to get to work. Although... I am thinking that if it's too bad, I'm not leaving. It's 15 miles from my house to a major road, and much of it has five to six foot ditches on either side. I hate leaving my class with a sub, especially right after break like this, but I'd hate paying for car repairs even more.
I swear most of my kids grew over break- I'm now one of the shortest people in all of my classes, as they felt compelled to point out! Overall, though, it was kind of a disappointing day. The kids were really lethargic- most admitted they had slept til noon every day (I pointed out that I did too, but was still excited to see them). They found it funny that I slept late! I forget how old and uncool you think all of your teachers are when you're 14.
T had a rough break- I may post about it when I have more energy...or I may let it go. James is upset with me that I couldn't stay to watch his basketball game tonight. I tried to explain about the storm, but he pouted through class. For crying out loud, his MOM hasn't gone to even one game, and he's pissed because I'm missing one! Ok, it bothers me that he's disappointed, but I've got to learn to let them know that I can't do it all, even when I want to. Scholastic bowl starts this week- I'm one of the coaches, so that's going to take a lot of time, too. If any of you get that cloning technique down, please let me know, because I could use it!
Ok, I'm going to bed- I've got my new flannel jammies on, and I just finished my cocoa- I'm feeling very content and sleepy! Have a beautiful day!
Just a quick "hi", then off to bed-there's a wicked ice storm coming in overnight, so I'll have to leave extra early if I'm going to get to work. Although... I am thinking that if it's too bad, I'm not leaving. It's 15 miles from my house to a major road, and much of it has five to six foot ditches on either side. I hate leaving my class with a sub, especially right after break like this, but I'd hate paying for car repairs even more.
I swear most of my kids grew over break- I'm now one of the shortest people in all of my classes, as they felt compelled to point out! Overall, though, it was kind of a disappointing day. The kids were really lethargic- most admitted they had slept til noon every day (I pointed out that I did too, but was still excited to see them). They found it funny that I slept late! I forget how old and uncool you think all of your teachers are when you're 14.
T had a rough break- I may post about it when I have more energy...or I may let it go. James is upset with me that I couldn't stay to watch his basketball game tonight. I tried to explain about the storm, but he pouted through class. For crying out loud, his MOM hasn't gone to even one game, and he's pissed because I'm missing one! Ok, it bothers me that he's disappointed, but I've got to learn to let them know that I can't do it all, even when I want to. Scholastic bowl starts this week- I'm one of the coaches, so that's going to take a lot of time, too. If any of you get that cloning technique down, please let me know, because I could use it!
Ok, I'm going to bed- I've got my new flannel jammies on, and I just finished my cocoa- I'm feeling very content and sleepy! Have a beautiful day!
At 10:10 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Ice storm... YIKES! *kicks Seven ;)* I hope your New Year is everything you want it to be and more!! I heard about the ice storm from another blogger in Des Moines. Hope you are warm and toasty with no car repairs in your future!!
At 4:35 PM,
se7en said…
*ooww* !! now i feel guilty AND i don't have anyone special to show affection to either =( and my shin hurts too...
hope you get ta feeling better!
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