Tsarina Returns Home
I'm back! In case any of you received the Murder Mystery game and haven't played yet, I'm not going to tell you who did it. I will tell you that it was soooooo much fun! We really got into our characters and had a great time! I actually got back yesterday, but was feeling a little...ahem..."under the weather".
In keeping with stupid New Year's traditions, I am posting my list of resolutions.
1. I will speak up when co-workers say things that piss me off. Normally, I just walk away silently, or say, "I'm not going to listen to this". I have decieded that tenured or not, when someone is saying something negative, either about the students or the administration, I'm going to express my point of view.
2. I will try to develop a life of my own outside of work before summer. Normally, I put everything I have into my work, then when summer comes, I wonder why none of my friends are around any more. I'm going to make a point to do something with my friends at least once a month (doesn't sound like much, but for me, it's an improvement).
3. I'm going to try to be less harsh in my judgements of other adults. I have realized that I am very forgiving of my students (of course they are kids), but much less so of older individuals. I am going to start challenging myself to practice what I preach.
4. Every day (except Sundays, when I rarely see anyone else), I'm going to do one good deed. This doesn't have to be major- maybe just letting someone merge into traffic in front of me. By doing so, I'm going to help flood the world with more positive energy-- I challenge all of you to do the same--BLOGGERS OF THE WORLD UNITE IN BRINGING POSITIVE KARMA TO THE WORLD!!!!
5. I'm going to hug my students more often. I'm always worried when one of them (especially the boys) wants a hug. There are so many creepy-teacher stories any more that I've been worried about what people think. I am going to reduce worrying and increase hugging- if that bothers anyone-----FUGGEM
Ok, I think that's enough for anyone! I'm going back to work tomorrow-- I miss my kids sooooo much, and hope they're all doing well.
I feel guilty that I haven't mentioned the tragedy in Asia yet. I'm not sure what I can say, except that I hope we're all praying for the victims, their families, the countries involved, and for our own government to continue helping those in need. Major life-changing events like this are an opportunity for us to realize that we are all connected to one another, and to the Earth: no matter how smart we think we are, Mother Earth will always prove more powerful.
In keeping with stupid New Year's traditions, I am posting my list of resolutions.
1. I will speak up when co-workers say things that piss me off. Normally, I just walk away silently, or say, "I'm not going to listen to this". I have decieded that tenured or not, when someone is saying something negative, either about the students or the administration, I'm going to express my point of view.
2. I will try to develop a life of my own outside of work before summer. Normally, I put everything I have into my work, then when summer comes, I wonder why none of my friends are around any more. I'm going to make a point to do something with my friends at least once a month (doesn't sound like much, but for me, it's an improvement).
3. I'm going to try to be less harsh in my judgements of other adults. I have realized that I am very forgiving of my students (of course they are kids), but much less so of older individuals. I am going to start challenging myself to practice what I preach.
4. Every day (except Sundays, when I rarely see anyone else), I'm going to do one good deed. This doesn't have to be major- maybe just letting someone merge into traffic in front of me. By doing so, I'm going to help flood the world with more positive energy-- I challenge all of you to do the same--BLOGGERS OF THE WORLD UNITE IN BRINGING POSITIVE KARMA TO THE WORLD!!!!
5. I'm going to hug my students more often. I'm always worried when one of them (especially the boys) wants a hug. There are so many creepy-teacher stories any more that I've been worried about what people think. I am going to reduce worrying and increase hugging- if that bothers anyone-----FUGGEM
Ok, I think that's enough for anyone! I'm going back to work tomorrow-- I miss my kids sooooo much, and hope they're all doing well.
I feel guilty that I haven't mentioned the tragedy in Asia yet. I'm not sure what I can say, except that I hope we're all praying for the victims, their families, the countries involved, and for our own government to continue helping those in need. Major life-changing events like this are an opportunity for us to realize that we are all connected to one another, and to the Earth: no matter how smart we think we are, Mother Earth will always prove more powerful.
At 1:00 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Tsarina, that sounds like a WONDERFUL NEW YEARS!!! Much better than mine!! Maybe I'll do that next year!! So many exclamation points. I will work with you to bring more positive karma to the world. And I haven't mentioned the Asia tsunami either but my thoughts are with the so many affected. Did you see the news about the nightclub fire in Argentina? The tsunami was made by nature but that nightclub owner allowed his bar to reach 1 1/2 times capacity and then barred some of the doors because he was afraid people would get in for free. People died because of his greed. I hope they put him in jail for one year for every one of the over 170 people killed.
At 1:39 PM,
Derek said…
Glad to here that ya had a great time!
Im not much of a person for resolutions, but yours seem pretty awesome!
really the only thing i can see making a resolution of is to quit some of the things i do.
im also making a note to never talk behind peoples backs.. ive had this going for a while now and i want to take it into 2005.
have fun tomorrow! i know i wont..
At 5:17 PM,
se7en said…
i agree with the speaking up part, and i found a friend
in Lexapro (like prozac) to help me do just that. it's one of the best things that ever happened to me. it also helps me to be more outgoing and i display affection
more easily. Yay!
At 9:59 PM,
Tsarina said…
Inanna- I did see that story and was disgusted by it. I'm not sure even prison is just for the person responsible: if he has any conscience, that will probably be more of a punishment than anything.
Derek- Well, of course you won't have a good day if you're already telling yourself you won't...attitude is everything :)
Seven- I'm planning to get back on my anxiety meds soon; they help me be confident enough to do things like speak up more. I'm not sure about my affection displays- *sigh* I have no one to practice on... thanks for dropping by and depressing me!!;)
At 4:43 PM,
Derek said…
"Derek- Well, of course you won't have a good day if you're already telling yourself you won't...attitude is everything :)"
true i guess.. lol
but it wasnt all that bad.. got to tell my silly stories and hear other ones. Was definitely SO tired though
At 8:24 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
Tsarina you have a great day!!! Pass it on ;)
Love and Light
At 4:25 PM,
se7en said…
doh! i am sorry if i made you feel more depressed, it certainly was not my intention, or were you just teasing me? hehe
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