Tsarina's World

The musings, rants, and general complaints of a schoolteacher in the MidWest. I have no real social life, which sucks for me personally, but makes my dog happy- he is the center of my universe! Come on in, take your shoes off and stay a while... who wants pie and coffee?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

More Strange Stuff

As you know, I follow a Buddhist philosophy in my life. I believe that each soul is born many times until it has learned all of the lessons it needs, then has the choice to move on or to be reborn and help guide others. Due to this continuous rebirth cycle, I believe that we meet many of the same souls time after time. This explains the immediate feeling of like or dislike we often have for people we've just met.

My first dog, Tippy (original, eh?), was as close to me as any person I've ever known. I loved him with all of my heart, and he responded by protecting me as best he could. Several times, when my mom was raging mad, Tippy would get between us, haunches up and teeth bared, growling at her. She was scared, but since Dad never saw this, he didn't believe her, and Tippy stayed.

He was a scraggly little mutt, with a brown muzzle and eyebrows, mostly black fur except for white feet and a white tip on his tail (hence the name). I got him for my 5th birthday, and he died when I was 18. As he got older and sicker, I would sometimes cry and beg him never to leave me. A few days after we buried him, I had my first dream of him. Over the years, I would often dream of him; always with a sense of relief that I'd finally found him after such a long search. In the dreams, I always had the sense that he missed me as much as I did him.

In Nov. 2000, I was in a failing relationship, depressed over that and the election of the night before (I couldn't believe that enough people had voted for him to challenge Gore). That night, I dreamed of Tippy; this time was different. Always before, my dreams of him were set in the house I grew up in. In this dream, he was standing beside my garage. I remember he didn't look the same, but I don't remember what he did look like. The next morning, as I looked out the back window, there was a yellow dog standing next to my garage, a chain dragging from his collar. He was just staring at the house, tail wagging. I went outside to shoo him off, and he ran to me. I loved him immediately. I walked him around the neighborhood, asking him where he lived, and he kept bringing me back to my house. The mailman said he was from a house a few blocks back, and was seriously neglected- usually without water or shelter. He said he'd called the Humane Society, but nothing was done. Baxter stayed. Whether he carries Tippy's spirit in him or not- I don't know. I do know that I have not once dreamed of Tippy since Baxter found me.


  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger JamDaddy said…

    Nice doggie story. We have always had "found" dogs, they always show up at just the right time.

    I have to remember the Buddhist defense next time I get pulled over for road rage. Yeah, I knew that guy in a former life and he had it coming officer! I am just guiding him into the median so he can start his next life early.

  • At 11:53 AM, Blogger Rev. Kimberly Rich said…

    Tsarina if it isnt Tippy, I can tell you Tippy sent Baxter to you. Either way is a blessing.

    Love and Light

  • At 2:12 PM, Blogger Derek said…

    reading your first paragraph, sounds like you might like "The Five people You Meet in Heaven" about a guy that dies and goes through 5 people in heaven that had something to do with his life and they try to explain things to him.. very powerful book

  • At 12:02 AM, Blogger Derek said…

    speaking of ghosts and such. ill have to show you a picture i took.. its of a angel garden decoration beside a stream.. i took it at night and the flash made a perfect reflection of the angel in the water.. looks very ghost like

  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger Traci Dolan said…

    That just rocks!!! And I'm with Robyn?, I think its either Tippy or Baxter was sent by Tippy. I hope I get my Ivy back, in one form or another.

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Tsarina said…

    JD- You go ahead and try the "Buddhist Defense"; if it works, let me know!

    Thanks everyone for your positive comments (and Inanna, I hope you get Ivy back, too- it's such a blessing to have a second chance with someone you love). Derek- post the pic- it sounds cool! I'll post more later- I've gotta go say "hi" to all of you, then grade research papers :(


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