New Pet
Please check out my new pet in the sidebar! I got this from Robyn (thanks). It's supposed to get to know me over time, and when you click on it, it will talk to you and tell you stuff; cool, eh? I LOVE animals, and found it exciting that I could have one in my blog, too! My own babies are acting weird lately; very clingy and needy. It's nice that they want to cuddle at night when it's cold, but I just had to bribe the 40 lb dog off my lap with a cookie, and then cuddle each cat for a few minutes.My male cat looks terrible. I know I'm going to have to have him put down one of these days, but he doesn't act like he feels bad, still purrs and eats soft food (and anything I'm eating). But, his weight has dropped from 20 lbs (yeah, I know) down to 5 in just over a year and a half. The vet just says he's getting older. He still plays and runs around a lot, though, so I'm putting it off as long as possible.
I have so much work to do- I didn't get any work done yesterday. Then I couldn't sleep- terrible panic attack. When I was finally able to sleep, I had several nightmares. I had one really nice dream, which I'll save for myself (get your minds out of the gutter, pervs)! I hate the nightmares- the doctor always told my mom I'd outgrow them...I'm still waiting. It seems like they come in groups; I'll have a lot of them for a while, then none for a while.
Strange, though, I had such a beautiful day yesterday. I had to go to town and make my house payment, so I took the dog with me. Most of the corn has been cut, so you could see for miles. The clouds were so close, it looked like you could reach up and touch them. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel really connected to the land here. I've been to other areas of the country, and some are really beautiful, but this place makes me feel complete. I love the large expanses of flat land, and the black soil.I've been to the mountains, and frankly, I feel suffocated. I've been to the desert, and while I found it lovely, I spent the whole time worried about snakes and scorpions. I did love the deep woods, and felt very safe among the trees and animals there. I know I'm rambling- nightmares scramble my thoughts, and it helps to refocus on what I love... I love my job, so I guess I should go prepare for it!
Have a great day!
I have so much work to do- I didn't get any work done yesterday. Then I couldn't sleep- terrible panic attack. When I was finally able to sleep, I had several nightmares. I had one really nice dream, which I'll save for myself (get your minds out of the gutter, pervs)! I hate the nightmares- the doctor always told my mom I'd outgrow them...I'm still waiting. It seems like they come in groups; I'll have a lot of them for a while, then none for a while.
Strange, though, I had such a beautiful day yesterday. I had to go to town and make my house payment, so I took the dog with me. Most of the corn has been cut, so you could see for miles. The clouds were so close, it looked like you could reach up and touch them. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel really connected to the land here. I've been to other areas of the country, and some are really beautiful, but this place makes me feel complete. I love the large expanses of flat land, and the black soil.I've been to the mountains, and frankly, I feel suffocated. I've been to the desert, and while I found it lovely, I spent the whole time worried about snakes and scorpions. I did love the deep woods, and felt very safe among the trees and animals there. I know I'm rambling- nightmares scramble my thoughts, and it helps to refocus on what I love... I love my job, so I guess I should go prepare for it!
Have a great day!
At 1:43 PM,
Katrina said…
Sorry to hear about the nightmares...:(
Does your new pet have a name?
Have a great day! I need to go write some papers...:(
At 3:03 PM,
Derek said…
speaking of nightmares.. felt like i was in one for a bit of last night.. was freaky.
my cats are still kicking. friggin things are nuts some times.. always meow at my door at night too.. pisses me off.. lol
At 4:49 PM,
Tsarina said…
I haven't decided on a name for the little guy yet...I'll have to get to know him a bit!
Derek- mine used to cry outside the door, too; then I moved to a house with no bedroom door- problem solved!
At 6:23 PM,
Katrina said…
Derek - my cats do that all the time. They not only cry really loudly outside my door, sometimes, they go as far as to throw themselves at the door...I'm serious.
It is very frustrating on the weekends when I don't have to get up at 5 am...
At 7:01 PM,
Derek said…
haha slam themselves into the door eh? mine paw at the door. our first cat would get its paws under the door and pull at it so it would shake in the door jam.. so loud at night
At 11:11 PM,
JamDaddy said…
My meds cause some nightmares so I can relate. Mine come in groups also. Nancy sends me out of the room when they get to violent, lol. The bonus is I really get to kick some ass.
We have not had a cat in a long time, I miss them. We lost one each move. I don't think cat's like new places very well. That or they just don't like me.
At 9:04 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
I think your animals are feeling what the rest of us are. Take time to protect them as well. This year seem especially bad. But then it would be a bad one wouldnt it? A war, an poor excuse for an election, other things we dont know about yet. Take time to ground and to protect yourself too please.
Love and Light,
At 6:17 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- Don't even get me started on the horrifying dreams I've had while medicated (I now just say I'm allergic to morphine after several awful ones when I had an appendectomy). I'm sure your cats didn't hate you- mine were really stressed for several weeks after each move. They're afraid of outside, though, so they couldn't leave ;)
Robyn- Funny thing is; after I read your post about white light protection, I tried it first for the pets, before I thought to do it for myself! It did seem to work though, last night I had really comforting dreams! I agree with you about all of the negativity attracting more dark energy than usual- someday I may post about the nightmares that haunted me for years, and how close to reality they have become... but for now, I'll put on some Van Morrison, take a long hot shower, drink some cocoa, and hope for the best! Thankyou for your advice
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