Good Morning!
Oh, my gosh, could this be a more beautiful day? It's cool and clear and filled with the gorgeous golds and browns of autumn. I love fall; it's my favorite time of year. I love Halloween; it's my favorite holiday. Why Halloween? Think about it: no family get-togethers like most, no reminders that I'm still single like Valentine's, no bruises from getting pinched like St. Pat's. And top that off with CANDY, lots and lots of candy! Also, I love to be scared with movies and the haunted houses (although most are really cheesy any more because of insurance nightmares).
I just made a huge plate of biscuits and gravy, I have a steaming cup of coffee, and the view from my house is amazing; what more could I ask for?
I'm going to brag for a minute... I got a letter from a student yesterday. Let me preface this with some background on her: she is not eligible for special ed services because they label her a "slow learner" (I don't understand either), her mother was abused for many years until she took her kids and left last year. They recently moved out of the shelter and into an apartment. This is a very reserved, quiet girl who smiles a lot. Her letter said in part, "You are very special to me. It is god to have a teacher who cares about you and wants to help you. I never like science before, but i no now that it can be fun. You are the best science teacher i ever have. I never rite to a teacher before but i want you to no that you are very special to me". Let me say, I cried like a fountain! I've never gotten anything like that, and it meant so much to me. One of my main goals was to help my students learn to like science, and maybe I am making some progress in that area.
I just made a huge plate of biscuits and gravy, I have a steaming cup of coffee, and the view from my house is amazing; what more could I ask for?
I'm going to brag for a minute... I got a letter from a student yesterday. Let me preface this with some background on her: she is not eligible for special ed services because they label her a "slow learner" (I don't understand either), her mother was abused for many years until she took her kids and left last year. They recently moved out of the shelter and into an apartment. This is a very reserved, quiet girl who smiles a lot. Her letter said in part, "You are very special to me. It is god to have a teacher who cares about you and wants to help you. I never like science before, but i no now that it can be fun. You are the best science teacher i ever have. I never rite to a teacher before but i want you to no that you are very special to me". Let me say, I cried like a fountain! I've never gotten anything like that, and it meant so much to me. One of my main goals was to help my students learn to like science, and maybe I am making some progress in that area.
At 10:47 AM,
Tsarina said…
I always buy really good candy for trick or treaters, then eat it all and have to grab whatever is left at the store on Halloween day!
At 2:47 PM,
JamDaddy said…
I agree Halloween RULES! I am a big decoration freak and love to buy lots of the good candy. I get to keep whatever is left over so I go all out, lol.
What a wonderful letter to receive, make sure that gets added to your permanent file! And to think Mr. Grumpy thought it would take you 5 years to become a value added member of the team.
At 5:37 PM,
Tsarina said…
OMG, I LOVE the "Mr. Grumpy" tag- I'm gonna use that! I just bought some really cool Halloween decorations at Wal-Mart for my class, now I can't wait to get there and decorate it!
At 5:50 PM,
Derek said…
awesome letter!
yeah fall and halloween really do kick ass..
At 8:22 PM,
Katrina said…
What a beautiful note! I know that I teach just for those amazing moments!
When I started at my current school, the principal told all of us first year teachers at that school anyway, that each one of us would end up being the favourite teacher of at least one student this year...I remember thinking, yeah right...I was so pleasantly surprised when I got a beautiful card from a student...:)
I love fall too! My favourite holiday right now is Thanksgiving since I am preparing to cook a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow!:)
At 8:45 PM,
Tsarina said…
Hi Derek, hope all is well- you never told me how the date went a couple of weeks ago. You KNOW that I don't have a social life, so I depend on all of you to let me live vicariously through you!!
Katrina, is this an early Thanksgiving celebration, or some form of protest against the self-important white people who destroyed the land and peoples that were here first? (notice I tried to keep my liberal leanings out of that!)
At 10:13 PM,
Katrina said…
Hahah. No protest, and not early in my opinion;) I grew up in Canada, Monday is the "official" Thanksgiving, but since you Americans haven't caught on to that yet, I have to work that day;) heheh.
I am an American-born, Canadian-raised, back teaching in the US for the past two years girl...I haven't adjusted when I feel this holiday should be yet...:)
At 10:21 PM,
Derek said…
ah yes the date.. went well. Went and saw The forgotten, yeah i know.. movie date.. normally i could have thought of something much better, but oh well.. but yeah, went well.. shes really shy though
At 12:01 AM,
Tsarina said…
Katrina- so do you say "aboot" or "about"? Since I've been at my new job, I keep getting teased about my "Chicago accent", which is funny, because I've never lived in (or near) Chicago! Do you eat turkey and stuffing, and...mmmmmmm food....
Derek- I saw The Forgotten last weekend; what'd you think? I loved it until the last five minutes- the ending blew.
At 10:27 AM,
Derek said…
Yeah the hollywood ending kinda blew. Im too much of a movie geek now though, by the shots, musical score and directors touch i could tell when every jump scene was gonna happen.. eh oh well, the girl i was with was jumping outta her skin though.. was pretty funny
but yeah i thought it was a pretty cool movie
At 4:46 PM,
Katrina said…
I think I say about...but then again, the only Canadians I have ever heard say aboot are Newfoundlanders....:)
Thanksgiving dinner is the same here or there, it's just the date that changes...But this feels like Thanksgiving to me. it's funny I said that to my mom yesterday (she was raised in the States and moved to Canada when she was 30...I was raised in Canada and moved to the States when I was 28...) and she said that she still (at 59?!) feels like end of November is the real Thanksgiving. Just depends on what you are raised with I guess. :)
Our dinner menu today is: turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes, broccoli salad, green salad, cole slaw and home made buns. The only things technically missing are the cranberries and pumpkin pie..but I don't like either of them and I am serving;) heehe
At 10:42 PM,
Derek said…
i say about too.. ive only heard aboot said as a joke.. say eh alot though
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