Halloween Stories
Since we've been on the topic of nightmares, and today at lunch we were talking about ghosts, I decided to share this story with you. I give it to you not as any proof of anything, I'm just sharing my perceptions and the effects they have had on me. Cue spooky music...
As I've mentioned, I've had terrible nightmares my whole life. When I was little, they were especially terrifying. My parents firmly believed that these, along with my many assorted fears, indicated that I was weak, and refused to coddle me. Finally, when I was 4 or 5, they told me not to come to their room in the night or they'd spank me. So, here I was, awake sometime in the depths of night, too frightened to go back to sleep, but afraid of the spanking if I woke up my parents. I stood in the dining room, silently crying and wondering what to do, when I noticed a light begin to shine (I was also terrified of the dark- still am). At first, it was about the brightness of a nightlight, but within seconds, it was like a 40 watt bulb. I stared at the old rocking chair where it was coming from, and a shape began to form. It was a young woman, in a long dress or robe. She had long dark hair, and she appeared to be rocking a baby. The only thing I can compare her to is Lily Munster- she was extremely pale, but not translucent. I was mesmerized, and stood staring for what seemed like forever. Rather than being afraid, I felt very safe and warm as I stood in her glow. I wanted to hug her and hold on for dear life. Finally, she looked up at me and smiled sadly. I heard her voice, but honestly, I didn't hear it with my ears. She looked toward my parents' door and said, "They can't help you. You have to learn to trust yourself now. I'll help as much as I can, but you've got to do it; it's important that you are ok". With that, she faded out, and was gone. I stood there, afraid and confused. Finally, I went back to bed, piling my stuffed animals on top of me to protect me through the night.
The next day, I tried to tell my parents, and they said it was just a dream. In fact, they never listened to any of the strange events that happened to my sister and I in that house. Only recently has my mom admitted that she heard the footsteps and had doors slam when she was alone, too. Dad says we're all full of shit.
As I've mentioned, I've had terrible nightmares my whole life. When I was little, they were especially terrifying. My parents firmly believed that these, along with my many assorted fears, indicated that I was weak, and refused to coddle me. Finally, when I was 4 or 5, they told me not to come to their room in the night or they'd spank me. So, here I was, awake sometime in the depths of night, too frightened to go back to sleep, but afraid of the spanking if I woke up my parents. I stood in the dining room, silently crying and wondering what to do, when I noticed a light begin to shine (I was also terrified of the dark- still am). At first, it was about the brightness of a nightlight, but within seconds, it was like a 40 watt bulb. I stared at the old rocking chair where it was coming from, and a shape began to form. It was a young woman, in a long dress or robe. She had long dark hair, and she appeared to be rocking a baby. The only thing I can compare her to is Lily Munster- she was extremely pale, but not translucent. I was mesmerized, and stood staring for what seemed like forever. Rather than being afraid, I felt very safe and warm as I stood in her glow. I wanted to hug her and hold on for dear life. Finally, she looked up at me and smiled sadly. I heard her voice, but honestly, I didn't hear it with my ears. She looked toward my parents' door and said, "They can't help you. You have to learn to trust yourself now. I'll help as much as I can, but you've got to do it; it's important that you are ok". With that, she faded out, and was gone. I stood there, afraid and confused. Finally, I went back to bed, piling my stuffed animals on top of me to protect me through the night.
The next day, I tried to tell my parents, and they said it was just a dream. In fact, they never listened to any of the strange events that happened to my sister and I in that house. Only recently has my mom admitted that she heard the footsteps and had doors slam when she was alone, too. Dad says we're all full of shit.
At 9:20 PM,
Derek said…
i dont have any stories like that.. ive had some really scary nights when i thought something was up though.. my imagination is rediculous.. but its getting better. i live in the middle of now where surrounded my woods.. and hear racoon and coyotoes all the time.. and i have to walk home or bike home all the time.. gets sketchy sometimes..
one time i took the back way to my house.. through all the woods.. oh my god, bad move.. was terrified.. my paintball field is back there.. i was just htinking.. if something hits my tin bunkers im gonna crap my pants and die back here.. god i was scared.. this was last year.. i felt like the biggest baby ever
At 8:09 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
Sounds like you had someone who was looking out for you in that house. I am not sure you understand how awesome it is that you could both see and hear her. What a wonderful talent. I have to ask can you still see them in times of need or did access to that fade as you grew up??
Love and Light
At 8:42 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Tried to comment last night but blogger didn't like me! Wha! Anyway, what an incredible story!! At least you felt somewhat at peace after that. Perhaps she was one of your spirit guides????
At 1:30 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- doesn't it suck when your imagination scares you to death? I used to watch scary movies until I moved here (middle of nowhere); now I'm too cowardly to watch.
Robyn- Funny that you ask- I never clearly saw her again (although when I woke up scared, I always felt her sit on the bed next to me until I slept again). There is an old man that I still see to this day- I first saw him when I was around 8 or 9. All of us were at my grandma's and there were around 15 kids piled on the porchswing. Suddenly, the man was there, motioning me to get off the swing. Right after I did, the swing broke, sending everyone flying over the edge of the porch (about 5' to the ground). Almost everyone was hurt. Now when I see him, I just do what he wants- he obviously knows more than me! Oh, I did see my favorite grandma at my college graduation, and sometimes when I meditate and ask for her to guide me, she will appear for a minute or two. I really think that they're here all the time, people just don't pay attention to them.
Inanna- I have no idea who she is- I used to call her "The Lady that Loves Me", which eventually became "The Lady", which I still call her. I think it would be fun to have a blog where anyone can contribute their own ghost stories... I love Halloween, always have!
Have a great day!
At 9:19 PM,
JamDaddy said…
I love to listen to all my kids dreams. I still remember how I felt as a child having a nightmare or being just plain scared. I really enjoy just stroking their hair as they talk about their dreams and fall back asleep. I guess that is why they are not to scared about anything now.
I have never had a ghost or close encounter. If I saw a light I would investigate until I figured it out. If needed I would just turn on a light and look under everything. Guess that scared them all off. Sometimes being fearless means you miss out on the subtle things in life, lol.
At 12:19 AM,
Ange said…
I've been following your blog for a while now and haven't felt the need to let myself be known until now. This post got me thinkin'...About ghosts and spirits and interesting dreams...
I too have had encounters of the supernatural kind. I work at a place that is "haunted" by the ghosts of a military man (it used to be a Nike missile base in the 1950's) a woman and a baby and a couple of other spirits that have not been seen. It makes my overnight shifts interesting to say the least!
I have had my deceased brother visit me in my dreams and shortly before we let him go he came to me in the chapel at the hospital, he was grinning and happy and told me not to worry. That was a good one.
I believe that most spirits are just hanging around and watching and if you are quiet enough you can feel, hear, see and speak to them.
Anyway, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the spirit world as long as you protect yourself from malevolent ones...
If you're interested go to
and look up the main images in your dreams. Makes for good food for thought..
Cheers! And happy HOWLoween!
At 5:48 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- That's really sweet that you comfort your kids when they're scared... when my nephew was little (they lived with us), I'd do that with him. It's amazing how much a little compassion can do; he's not afraid of much, either. As for the ghosts; if you saw one, you'd probably fix it a Margarita! ;)
Ange- Welcome! I love haunted place stories- that would definitely add some interest to the job! I agree that if we'd just stop and really look and listen we could understand so much more about our world. Glad to have you here- there's always room for one more!
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