Tsarina's World

The musings, rants, and general complaints of a schoolteacher in the MidWest. I have no real social life, which sucks for me personally, but makes my dog happy- he is the center of my universe! Come on in, take your shoes off and stay a while... who wants pie and coffee?

Sunday, October 03, 2004


I have to admit something to you, and I hope you won't think less of me. I am an addict. There, I said it. If I don't get a regular fix, I get twitchy and bitchy and I can't concentrate. Sometimes I can go for a couple of days without a fix, but that freaking monkey always climbs on for another ride. It's gotten so bad, I even had to get a fix at school the other day, something I have rarely done in the past. I'm talking of course about my Internet addiction (what'd you think?).

Take today as an example. I have a lot of work to do today. I thought I'd just check my blog while I was eating breakfast, then get busy. Well, what's the point of checking just my blog; I'm curious as to what all of you are up to, so that took over an hour. Then I remembered I wanted to order some craft kits for my homeroom kids to make- we're throwing a Halloween party for the Special Ed kids and we wanted to give them gifts. So, Oriental Trading took up another 45 minutes. Since I was already online, and just got paid, I wanted to look at winter coats. I'm looking for a shorter, camel-colored pea coat (LL Bean has a great one- I have the navy, longer version). Of course, you can't just shop at one website, you have to compare. Also, you have to check the SALE page, right? Two more hours, and nothing accomplished. Finally, I realize that I haven't blogged much lately, so I try to think of something interesting to share with you... thirty minutes of blankness and blogger problems. Now, I look at the clock, and I've lost the whole morning because of my sickness. I'm thinking of going cold-turkey... tomorrow or the next day.

Another stress this week is that I have my first formal evaluation. I was hoping to be evaluated by the principal. Unfortunately, fate is mooning me, and I drew the Vice Principal. Honestly, he scares the shit out of me. He's very much an old-school disciplinarian. I imagine he longs for the days of beating our students. In case you hadn't gotten the idea, I'm a LITTLE different in my philosophies. He already told me that I will not get a score of excellent on anything! He says until you have been with a school for at least five years, you can't possibly be excellent. So, no matter what I do, my official evealuation form (which will be seen by HR and any other districts, should I go elsewhere) will say I am average or below! Now, I'm not saying I'm perfect; I know I have lots of room for improvement, but for crying out loud, keep an open fucking mind!

Ok, I'm really going this time... just one last thing to check on, and I'm getting to work! Hope you all have a great week!


  • At 6:11 PM, Blogger JamDaddy said…

    Do you really only have 3 levels, Excellent, Average, and Below? There must be at least 5 right? Anyway, Average is a cop-out for a new teacher, that is what you get when you have been there for years and are tired of teaching. You should get either a below average rating and have your hiring in the system evaluated (be on warning) or above average confirming they made the right decision hiring you. Of course if you do get average or below expect plenty of notes why. I never let my supervisors take the easy way out. People are owed and explanation and saying noone can be a great teacher right off the block is a bunch of crap. Good Luck!

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger Traci Dolan said…

    Piss on them!!! I can tell you are a great teacher who wants to inspire students and cares about them!!! There are too few teachers like you. We know you're excellent Tsarina, don't ever let them make you think otherwise!!

  • At 2:23 PM, Blogger Rev. Kimberly Rich said…

    You know you are an internet addict when:

    you answer to your nick in real life

    you call your mate by their nick instead of their real name

    you would rather read blogs than watch the news

    someone asks for your address and you give them your web addy

    you know ALL the local access numbers so you can try them for a better connection

    you know all of your passwords by heart but you can not remember the birthdays of family members

    enough for now.
    Love and light,
    (not my real name but I do answer to it irl)

  • At 6:22 PM, Blogger Derek said…

    i quit cold turkey for 2-3 days.. was tough..was aiming for a week, didnt happen

    no sleep, paintball all day, and carring a couch 2km really tires ya out.. think i might go pass out!

  • At 9:08 PM, Blogger Katrina said…

    I am so jealous you get to do anything at your school for Halloween! We aren't allowed to do a thing for ANY holiday...absolutely crazy!

    As for the internet addiction, I absolutely understand. My intense obsession with blogging usually hits around the time I think I should do some work for grad school;)


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