Ah, I feel very decadent this morning... I'm not at school. I have a dentist appointment later, and I'm planning on going to a "doc in the box" pretty soon. I slept for 13 hours last night, and it was wonderful! Then I had time to drink TWO cups of coffee without having to rush. I did bring some work home (of course), but nothing that will require a lot of brain power.
As we speak, the substitute is dealing with my "challenging" fourth hour class *giggle*. I did leave him/her a brownie and a thankyou note. The journal prompt I left for them makes them describe ways to make the sub's job easier with their own behavior. I subbed for so long, I try to make their jobs as easy as possible. The kids have all been bribed and threatened; tricks I normally don't employ, but there are teachers who can't get a sub because their classes are sooooo bad.
My homeroom went and played a game with the special ed class yesterday. We're having a Halloween party for them next week. I was really proud of my kids; many of them were nervous and uncomfortable, but they were patient and kind and NEVER ONCE laughed at the kids (when you're talking 13-15 year olds, that's hard to manage). So, I'm going to reward them tomorrow with candy (I know, education professors are cringing, but other teachers understand- in the world of kids, CANDY IS KING!)
I'm also very excited- I have a new winter coat! I may not have mentioned it, but I am addicted to coats and jackets. Some women buy shoes they don't need; I buy coats and jackets. To my credit, every year I donate at least two to the homeless shelter, but I still have a closet full. This one is a lovely reversible down jacket that I got for under $30.00!!! I do find these coats on sale; I'd feel too guilty paying full price. That's why I didn't get the pea coat I wanted; too much money. I once was high for weeks after finding a brand new London Fog trenchcoat with a zip-out liner at the Goodwill store for $5.00!!!! So, now I get to buy a new hat, scarf, and gloves to match the new coat... I feel so frivolous- is this how J-Lo feels?
Have a beautiful day- here, it's cool and rainy and the leaves are shining with the beautiful golds and reds of the season!
As we speak, the substitute is dealing with my "challenging" fourth hour class *giggle*. I did leave him/her a brownie and a thankyou note. The journal prompt I left for them makes them describe ways to make the sub's job easier with their own behavior. I subbed for so long, I try to make their jobs as easy as possible. The kids have all been bribed and threatened; tricks I normally don't employ, but there are teachers who can't get a sub because their classes are sooooo bad.
My homeroom went and played a game with the special ed class yesterday. We're having a Halloween party for them next week. I was really proud of my kids; many of them were nervous and uncomfortable, but they were patient and kind and NEVER ONCE laughed at the kids (when you're talking 13-15 year olds, that's hard to manage). So, I'm going to reward them tomorrow with candy (I know, education professors are cringing, but other teachers understand- in the world of kids, CANDY IS KING!)
I'm also very excited- I have a new winter coat! I may not have mentioned it, but I am addicted to coats and jackets. Some women buy shoes they don't need; I buy coats and jackets. To my credit, every year I donate at least two to the homeless shelter, but I still have a closet full. This one is a lovely reversible down jacket that I got for under $30.00!!! I do find these coats on sale; I'd feel too guilty paying full price. That's why I didn't get the pea coat I wanted; too much money. I once was high for weeks after finding a brand new London Fog trenchcoat with a zip-out liner at the Goodwill store for $5.00!!!! So, now I get to buy a new hat, scarf, and gloves to match the new coat... I feel so frivolous- is this how J-Lo feels?
Have a beautiful day- here, it's cool and rainy and the leaves are shining with the beautiful golds and reds of the season!
At 2:14 PM,
Derek said…
i only shop at thrift stores now, have for the past 2-3 years. I refuse to pay normal store price. But thrift stores have become trendy and now the owners realize they can charge more.. really sucks, but thats what switching tags is for.
At 11:14 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Cool that your class worked so well with the SpecEd class. I was happy to hear my daughter stick up for some SpecEd kids at school. She is 15 and it is one of those things you love to see happen.
Thrift Stores Rule, but like Derek said the prices have really gone up. I only shop for clothes once every 2 or 3 years, but baby I shop big when I do, lol.
At 4:53 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, Derek, Derek, *heavy sigh*, switching tags is STEALING, son! You just have to find the thrift store on the rougher side of town; their prices are still really low (or do you have rough sides of town in Canada? ;) Around here, it's sooooo upper middle class suburban, many wouldn't step into a thrift store if their lives depended on it, which is fine with me!
JD, it really does make you feel good when you see kids who are compassionate. We had a long discussion about what it's like to be discriminated against because of something we can't change (like skin color). Then I asked if they realized these kids were discriminated against every day, and that seemed to click. The party is next week, so I'll let you know how it goes.
At 7:44 AM,
Katrina said…
Congratulations on the new coat! While I do not share your passion for coat buying (or any clothes buying really...), I do understand the joy of finding that perfect something that makes you giddy! For me, it is books. :)
I bribe and reward my kids with candy all the time. Although, I have tried to cut down on that since our school district has decided no junk food at school anymore....I don't know if that applies to teachers or just the vending machine/stores...
Have fun on your day home! I am so jealous!:)
At 2:46 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Absolutely, I'm jealous too... slogging through bulls**t at work... ugh! Excellent about your kids though, I can tell you care sooo much. And, yeah, I've started looking in 2nd hand stores more. There's one down the street and I'm going to look for a coat for my trip to Boston, don't like the one I have for such a trip. Wish me luck!
At 6:54 PM,
Derek said…
well they buy the clothes for extremely cheap and make a huge profit off it.. they can afford to sell me a couple sweaters for cheaper.
we have another thrift store downtown, crappy though.. and then another that i swear i get high from the smell every time i go in there..
and yeah we have different sides of cities.. look at toronto. we have the suburbs, the subdivisons, urban scral, and then the slum type down town, they are trying to make it nicer, but it still has a bad rap. which is where we usually hang out actaully.. grr we're bad kids, watch out!
At 8:38 PM,
Tsarina said…
Katrina and Inanna- sorry to rub my slothfulness in your faces... well, not THAT sorry, but it sounds good! Inanna, I hope you find the perfect coat; when are you going to Boston? I've never been, but being the history buff that I am, I'd love to go!
Derek- you don't have to justify your actions to me; I'm just pointing out the obvious (I'm actually jerking your chain- in my younger days, I switched a few tags myself)!
At 8:59 PM,
Derek said…
oh.. so the truth comes out! lol
ya gotta do thigns like that when youre young.. otherwise, what will you have to hide from your kids? If my kids find out about my teen years ill never be able to control em, little whipper snappers
At 10:08 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Hopefully I'm going to Boston the first weekend of November... looking forward to it.
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