Tsarina's World

The musings, rants, and general complaints of a schoolteacher in the MidWest. I have no real social life, which sucks for me personally, but makes my dog happy- he is the center of my universe! Come on in, take your shoes off and stay a while... who wants pie and coffee?

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Tsarina returns

This will be brief, and hopefully some of you still come by. So much has happened in such a short few months.

Lots of stress at work (not new). James and his brothers have become very dear to me- to the point that when their grandma passes away, they may come live with me. She's thankfully gotten stronger, though, so hopefully that won't be for a very long time. Their dad and I have begun a slight flirtation... we'll see.

I did meet a guy recently- very cute and lots of fun...again, we'll see.

The job still takes up most of my energy- but I don't regret any of it. We may be going on strike on Wed... pray for a settlement before Tues. They'll be forced to close the schools if it happens. My kids have finally grown on me to the point that I miss them when I'm not there. It took longer for this group to get there, but they had a hard act to follow.

I'll write more later- I'm meeting friends, but I wanted to check in and say hi to all of you- i'll visit you soon!

Have a great weekend!


  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger Derek said…

    nice to hear from ya.

    oh to the love interests eh.. i threw myself in a bit of a tangle this weekend with that kinda jazz. Im a manipulative dink when im buzz drunk. But none of that...

    cya around

  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger JamDaddy said…

    Thanks for the update. Glad you are having such a great time with James and his brother.


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