Money, School, and Sex
Just when you think it's not possible to get any further in debt, something else creeps up. When my ex left, he promised to pay back the money he owed- including a huge amount of money to Verizon wireless for his phone contract. I've never seen a penny of it, and since it's in my get it. Technically, my house has been sold for the 500 dollars I owe in taxes, although I have a while to pay it back- I'm planning to do that with my next paycheck. I'm going today to try to hock my engagement ring to pay my electric bill. Now, I am an intelligent person who preaches "good choices" all the time, so how do I end up so far in debt? Why am I sooooo bad with money? And, more importantly, how do I get better? If any of you have used credit counselors, could you please let me know how that worked? I'm willing to try anything at this point in time.
I need to type up a proposal for the school district- if I can create a summer class, they'll pay me a lot of money to teach it. I'm thinking about organic gardening, which would probably appeal to 5-6th graders. That would be nice because then they'd know me by the time they got to my class. Otherwise, I was considering something about Illinois biodiversity and/or environmental concerns...I need to get this done soon, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm about ready to kick James' ass- those of you with teenage boys will understand. There's a girl on our team who WANTS to get pregnant. She's slept with at least 5 of my guys that I know of, and told each of them that she's pregnant. Two of them have sobbed and asked for my help. The most recent was one of James' best friends. Now, she's after James, and he's very accepting of her attention. This is a girl who followed his friend into the bathroom at school and had sex on the toilet! I have referred her to a counselor, who just says, "she wants to get pregnant, and won't listen to me". I kept James after class one day and (without mentioning her name specifically), I told him that just because something was easy did not make it a good choice. I discussed that any girl who wears baby shoes from her belt loops (yup) or carries a pacifier in her bookbag (yup) is not a girl who is looking for a "no strings attached" relationship. I reminded him of the horror of his early years with his mom, and told him that much of the abuse he suffered would have been because she was not mature enough to be a mother. I told him to think before he acted... IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER! If they haven't had sex yet, they soon will. Two of my kids were caught having sex in the auditorium at lunch- they found a broken gate and snuck in. WTF? At least they used a had to be confiscated in a baggie to use in their suspensions. Can you imagine being the parent, sitting in the principal's office, looking at a baggie with a used condom in it filled with...EWWWWW
On that lovely note, I have to get to the pawn shop- have a great weekend.
I need to type up a proposal for the school district- if I can create a summer class, they'll pay me a lot of money to teach it. I'm thinking about organic gardening, which would probably appeal to 5-6th graders. That would be nice because then they'd know me by the time they got to my class. Otherwise, I was considering something about Illinois biodiversity and/or environmental concerns...I need to get this done soon, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I'm about ready to kick James' ass- those of you with teenage boys will understand. There's a girl on our team who WANTS to get pregnant. She's slept with at least 5 of my guys that I know of, and told each of them that she's pregnant. Two of them have sobbed and asked for my help. The most recent was one of James' best friends. Now, she's after James, and he's very accepting of her attention. This is a girl who followed his friend into the bathroom at school and had sex on the toilet! I have referred her to a counselor, who just says, "she wants to get pregnant, and won't listen to me". I kept James after class one day and (without mentioning her name specifically), I told him that just because something was easy did not make it a good choice. I discussed that any girl who wears baby shoes from her belt loops (yup) or carries a pacifier in her bookbag (yup) is not a girl who is looking for a "no strings attached" relationship. I reminded him of the horror of his early years with his mom, and told him that much of the abuse he suffered would have been because she was not mature enough to be a mother. I told him to think before he acted... IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER! If they haven't had sex yet, they soon will. Two of my kids were caught having sex in the auditorium at lunch- they found a broken gate and snuck in. WTF? At least they used a had to be confiscated in a baggie to use in their suspensions. Can you imagine being the parent, sitting in the principal's office, looking at a baggie with a used condom in it filled with...EWWWWW
On that lovely note, I have to get to the pawn shop- have a great weekend.
At 1:11 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Hi Tsarina, sounds like you are having loads of fun. Money, School, and Sex? I thought maybe you had worked out a part time job with one of the male teachers, lol. If you are thinking about credit counseling got to this is the industries top organization and sets standards for fees, hours of operation and customer service. Common problems are for people to be charged to many fees which add to your debt, having your creditors paid late which adds to your late fees and penalties, thus adding to your debt. This organization makes sure its members follow strict guidelines.
If you want some further help email me and I can put you in touch with my mother who is a life coach, she also teaches elementary age children. She has coached Fortune 500 executives down to college students and is very good but you have to be vetted by me. Hey, she is my Mom and I gotta be careful, lol.
Maybe you could teach something that you can tie to the community. Organic Gardening with a tilt toward planting around the school. Maybe home economics with a leaning toward babysitting or making lunches for those kids on their own. Or maybe a community service class teaching kids how to maintain the community. Planting, weeding, visiting old folks, cleaning up a playgrounds, etc. They could work on school grounds most of the time, stay outside so they don't get tired of being inside and stay active. You could also work a fitness component into it so the kids would get a chance to work out a bit. This would teach them community service and how to care for things at school and at home. Plus when school started they could point to the flowers or trees they planted.
At 12:08 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- Thanks for the info. I went to the site, and all of the counselors in IL are around Chicago, about 3 1/2 hrs away-I've emailed a couple,though. I can't believe that I'm a grown woman who can't manage her money better than this.
I definitely like the community service angle to the class, as well as getting out and moving around. I wish I knew more about the city, so I knew what resources are available. I'm going to talk to a couple of people this week to try to get a handle on it. I'm thinking about organic gardening for the homeless shelter.
Thanks for your advice: as always, it's worth gold!
At 12:20 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Don't feel bad about money management most people are never taught. I give my kida allowance to teach them how to manage money not for chores. Chores you do for family and the money is to learn how to spend and or save. Money management is learned and knowing that should send you running to the library. You could probaly learn quite a bit on your own.
There are many good resources for inner city planting online which show planting patterns for limited space to increase yield. It should be a lot of fun. I did it with the Cub Scouts I had one year and did really good in a small area.
At 7:16 PM,
Derek said…
Nice your commenting is back up. It was down last time I tried.
I dont understand sex at that age. It's just gross. And not healthy for the girl.
Younger kids are fucked now. Some like grade 6's were doing pot in the park today. They were trying to be tough and said something to us and then asked if we had any pot.
My teenage guy instincts kicked and I turned around and laughed at him and said something along the lines of "are you fucking kidding me, youre like 7 you little faggot"
I dunno where it came from. I usually hate calling people faggots. But it's pretty much the other curse word left with some kick to it. The kids just shut up and backed off.
I can't stand these little shits anymore. I used to respect teenagers and avoided them. Now they are all fearless little shit heads that lip too much and some time they are going to do it to someone a lot meaner then me and pay for it.
It's digusting that these kids are growing up like this. I actually don't want kids now that I've been seeing this trend lately. Why would I ever want to bring something into such a fucked world. I'm too distant from it to try and raise something within it.
How liberating it would have been to go up to those kids and push them around and scare some sense into them. But is negative reinforcement really what they need? At least it would teach them responcibility.
That's the biggest problem. See I knew if I said shit when I was younger I risked getting beat up. These kids have no sense of what might happen and suffer no consequence for their actions. If I had knocked them around I could risk getting in serious shit and the kid gets away with it. Too bad the parent would be too fucking stupid to realize I was doing them a favour.
It's fucked up.
*sigh* sorry ya had to suffer the rant.
At 9:02 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Hey, give yourself a break sweetie!! I used a debt counseling service (still am). They helped me get reduced interest, fees waived, and I have one payment taken out of my account a month. I can't open any new accounts or anything but they also offer classes and stuff. I did everything via Internet and US Mail. Also, I have a book that may help you. If you want I can send it to you. My e-mail is Keep your chin up. Organic gardening sounds great! But, so does Medieval History but I'm strange that way.
At 2:45 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Medieval History, Hmmmm, maybe the kids could make chastity belts?
At 10:16 AM,
Tsarina said…
Hmmmm, chastity belts- that sounds like a great idea! Inanna, you will be receiving an email shortly- I desperately need help. Thanks everyone!
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