Conferences, Co-Workers, and Crap
I'm back from the conference, and you'll be glad to know I survived! The conference itself was GREAT!!! I can't wait to share all of the information I got.
Actually, N wasn't as bad as I expected. The first night, we all went out to dinner then for a few drinks. The second day, Tina joined us. We went to a beautiful vinyard, where we consumed a huge amount of wine, then we went to dinner, and out dancing... well, Tina went dancing. I am beginning to remember why I don't have many girlfriends. Let me begin by telling you that Sue and I are the only single women in our group of friends. Tina, N, everyone else is married (Amy is getting a divorce, but she'd NEVER act like I'm about to describe).
So, we get to the club, and we sit down with a drink. Two guys sit at the table next to ours- one of them is quite hot. He and I did the "eye flirt dance" for a little while, and I was planning to finish my conversation with the girls, then ask him to dance. Tina has been watching the eye contact, and slides over next to him, asking him to dance, while moving seductively in his face. They walked away. We had been planning to get back early, since the final day of the conference started early. Tina and N stayed at the club, letting Sue and I (the single women, remember) go back to the hotel. They stumbled in around 4:30, and didn't make it to the conference which our district paid a huge amount of money for us to attend.
I should let you know that this is the second time Tina has known that I was interested in someone, and done this. I realize it's a sign of insecurity, but wtf does she have to be insecure about? She's blonde, tan, has a great body and a hot husband. On the other hand, I know that the next time I see her, she'll have some gift she saw and "just thought of" me. The really sucky thing is that Tina is going to be on my team next year, so I can't really confront her about this behavior.
OHHHHH, I almost forgot to tell you... our principal was at the conference on the second day (before we went to the vineyard). He was talking with another principal he knows from a Chicago school district much like ours. Apparently, he said some really complementary things about me, and later the principal pulled me aside and OFFERED ME A JOB! I am so proud to say that in spite of the fact that it was A LOT ($10,000) more money, and he offered to pay all moving expenses, including buying my house if it didn't sell, I wasn't tempted. Don't get me wrong, the money would be nice, but it's more important to me that I stay true to my word: I gave my principal my word that I'd be back, and there are kids coming into my class next year to whom I gave my word that I'd be there for them. It does feel good to be in high demand, though.
Ok, I've got a lot of work to do- tomorrow I'm going to share much of the information I got with one of the committees I'm on. Thanks for listening.
Have a beautiful day!
Actually, N wasn't as bad as I expected. The first night, we all went out to dinner then for a few drinks. The second day, Tina joined us. We went to a beautiful vinyard, where we consumed a huge amount of wine, then we went to dinner, and out dancing... well, Tina went dancing. I am beginning to remember why I don't have many girlfriends. Let me begin by telling you that Sue and I are the only single women in our group of friends. Tina, N, everyone else is married (Amy is getting a divorce, but she'd NEVER act like I'm about to describe).
So, we get to the club, and we sit down with a drink. Two guys sit at the table next to ours- one of them is quite hot. He and I did the "eye flirt dance" for a little while, and I was planning to finish my conversation with the girls, then ask him to dance. Tina has been watching the eye contact, and slides over next to him, asking him to dance, while moving seductively in his face. They walked away. We had been planning to get back early, since the final day of the conference started early. Tina and N stayed at the club, letting Sue and I (the single women, remember) go back to the hotel. They stumbled in around 4:30, and didn't make it to the conference which our district paid a huge amount of money for us to attend.
I should let you know that this is the second time Tina has known that I was interested in someone, and done this. I realize it's a sign of insecurity, but wtf does she have to be insecure about? She's blonde, tan, has a great body and a hot husband. On the other hand, I know that the next time I see her, she'll have some gift she saw and "just thought of" me. The really sucky thing is that Tina is going to be on my team next year, so I can't really confront her about this behavior.
OHHHHH, I almost forgot to tell you... our principal was at the conference on the second day (before we went to the vineyard). He was talking with another principal he knows from a Chicago school district much like ours. Apparently, he said some really complementary things about me, and later the principal pulled me aside and OFFERED ME A JOB! I am so proud to say that in spite of the fact that it was A LOT ($10,000) more money, and he offered to pay all moving expenses, including buying my house if it didn't sell, I wasn't tempted. Don't get me wrong, the money would be nice, but it's more important to me that I stay true to my word: I gave my principal my word that I'd be back, and there are kids coming into my class next year to whom I gave my word that I'd be there for them. It does feel good to be in high demand, though.
Ok, I've got a lot of work to do- tomorrow I'm going to share much of the information I got with one of the committees I'm on. Thanks for listening.
Have a beautiful day!
At 6:47 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
How wonderful to know your skills are in demand, and as for Tina, well... I've had that happen but if they guy didn't have the nuts to come over to you then piss on him anyway!
At 7:35 PM,
Tsarina said…
I was really pleased that my principal spoke so highly of me- you never really know what someone is thinking.
The guy himself owed me nothing, but Tina broke the "girl code". The few women whom I consider true friends understand it and would never break it. Tina has proved that she is disloyal, not only to her husband, but also to her "friends". I do feel sorry for her and how hollow her life really is.
At 11:09 AM,
Derek said…
high damand. dang.
yeah, that girl guy eye flirt thinger. I dont like it when im trying to get the attention of one, and her friend or someone else comes up. but im too tactful to say go away. So i'll be sly about it and then go talk to the other one.
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