Tsarina Smiles
I never thought I'd be so glad for an uneventful week! Aside from the fact that my phone will be shut off any minute, it wasn't too bad. Two kids suspended- an incredibly good week, all in all.
I am a bit pissed about both suspensions- Ty was suspended for something I do not believe that he did. Several students came to me (not friends of his- in fact, quite the opposite), and they were upset that the stupid bitch (SB) had written him up for something that he obviously could not have done, as his back was turned, and they told her who did it (throwing paperballs, for God's sake). These kids were really mad at the unfairness of the situation, so I contacted GC who took them to the Ass Principal and told him their concerns. Believe it or not, he REDUCED the suspension to one day!!!! Miracles do happen.
The second was Marcus. The racist prick (RP) of a shop teacher and he got into it after school, and Marcus reacted LOUDLY. Now, I will not excuse his behavior- he must learn to be polite to those in positions of authority (note; I will not ask him to be respectful of a person's position, but I do expect courtesy). However, I will say that he calmed down immediately when I tried to talk with him and only began yelling again when RP stuck his stupid face back into the mix and ORDERED Marcus to the office. I assurred him that I was bringing Marcus down, and he could go ahead, but he refused, and rekindled the flames all the way down. By the time we got there, I wanted to tear his ugly face off.
I see this time and again with male teachers; they get into a pissing contest with the boys, then feel like they won because the kid gets punished. Let's face it, folks, any time a teacher and a student clash, the teacher will ultimately win (as long as we don't cross the line). So, wouldn't it be better to allow the student to learn a lesson about self-control than to keep pushing the issue? I'm not stupid; I know that if I hadn't entered when I did, RP would have kept inciting him until Marcus hit him. That's what he was trying to do. I am grateful that something compelled me to walk back to that hallway when I did. Nina was there when it started, but I am beginning to believe that she is only slightly less prejudiced than RP. She laughs at his imitations of urban dialects and other things that don't completely cross the line, but step on it hard enough to sicken me.
On the bright side, we did a huge project this week, which I am now taking a break from grading. I have three students who rarely do any work, especially something this involved...ALL THREE TURNED IN QUALITY WORK!!!!!! You have no idea what that means to me- I was giddy all day!
We turned in our Awards for each subject this week. For most improved, I chose James and another student who has made remarkable progress this year. My team did not feel that James deserved it because he has received so much help from me. I politely told them that any student who wanted extra help from me could have it; James was smart enough to take me up on it. Then (get this), I very nicely told them that it was MY class, MY choice, and they could fuck off if it displeased them! Four jaws dropped as I picked up my things, told them to have a nice day and left. I laughed all the way to my classroom! Sometimes the direct approach is the only thing that people understand.
I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I've discovered that if I buy HUD housing in the city, I can buy at 1/2 price as long as I agree to live there 3 years! Sure, it limits my choices, but imagine a $12,000 house! Sure, location is not perfect for most of them, but there are actually a couple that are in ok neighborhoods. God, I hope someone will buy my house (I guess I should clean it before I try to sell it, eh?).
One more bit of exciting news- I've found TardBlog again!!!!!! I'm going to link to it as soon as I can- the newer entries are not as great as the original Riti Sped posts, but the archives are worth the read. There are few in my "real" life to whom I could admit my love of this site, but to you who know me better than most, I will confess my affection. Go to the archives, begin at the beginning and read all the way through. Please do not mistake these as someone making fun of her students- she is merely finding humor in a situation that would drive the best of us over the edge. Special ed teachers are a rare breed, with spines of steel and balls of brass- I admire them immensely. ("Lunch lady gets the smackdown" is my favorite)
Ok, it's late and I'm tired- tomorrow is supposed to be fantastic weather again. Don't know when the phone will be shut off, so I'll talk to you ASAP. Have a great week!
I am a bit pissed about both suspensions- Ty was suspended for something I do not believe that he did. Several students came to me (not friends of his- in fact, quite the opposite), and they were upset that the stupid bitch (SB) had written him up for something that he obviously could not have done, as his back was turned, and they told her who did it (throwing paperballs, for God's sake). These kids were really mad at the unfairness of the situation, so I contacted GC who took them to the Ass Principal and told him their concerns. Believe it or not, he REDUCED the suspension to one day!!!! Miracles do happen.
The second was Marcus. The racist prick (RP) of a shop teacher and he got into it after school, and Marcus reacted LOUDLY. Now, I will not excuse his behavior- he must learn to be polite to those in positions of authority (note; I will not ask him to be respectful of a person's position, but I do expect courtesy). However, I will say that he calmed down immediately when I tried to talk with him and only began yelling again when RP stuck his stupid face back into the mix and ORDERED Marcus to the office. I assurred him that I was bringing Marcus down, and he could go ahead, but he refused, and rekindled the flames all the way down. By the time we got there, I wanted to tear his ugly face off.
I see this time and again with male teachers; they get into a pissing contest with the boys, then feel like they won because the kid gets punished. Let's face it, folks, any time a teacher and a student clash, the teacher will ultimately win (as long as we don't cross the line). So, wouldn't it be better to allow the student to learn a lesson about self-control than to keep pushing the issue? I'm not stupid; I know that if I hadn't entered when I did, RP would have kept inciting him until Marcus hit him. That's what he was trying to do. I am grateful that something compelled me to walk back to that hallway when I did. Nina was there when it started, but I am beginning to believe that she is only slightly less prejudiced than RP. She laughs at his imitations of urban dialects and other things that don't completely cross the line, but step on it hard enough to sicken me.
On the bright side, we did a huge project this week, which I am now taking a break from grading. I have three students who rarely do any work, especially something this involved...ALL THREE TURNED IN QUALITY WORK!!!!!! You have no idea what that means to me- I was giddy all day!
We turned in our Awards for each subject this week. For most improved, I chose James and another student who has made remarkable progress this year. My team did not feel that James deserved it because he has received so much help from me. I politely told them that any student who wanted extra help from me could have it; James was smart enough to take me up on it. Then (get this), I very nicely told them that it was MY class, MY choice, and they could fuck off if it displeased them! Four jaws dropped as I picked up my things, told them to have a nice day and left. I laughed all the way to my classroom! Sometimes the direct approach is the only thing that people understand.
I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I've discovered that if I buy HUD housing in the city, I can buy at 1/2 price as long as I agree to live there 3 years! Sure, it limits my choices, but imagine a $12,000 house! Sure, location is not perfect for most of them, but there are actually a couple that are in ok neighborhoods. God, I hope someone will buy my house (I guess I should clean it before I try to sell it, eh?).
One more bit of exciting news- I've found TardBlog again!!!!!! I'm going to link to it as soon as I can- the newer entries are not as great as the original Riti Sped posts, but the archives are worth the read. There are few in my "real" life to whom I could admit my love of this site, but to you who know me better than most, I will confess my affection. Go to the archives, begin at the beginning and read all the way through. Please do not mistake these as someone making fun of her students- she is merely finding humor in a situation that would drive the best of us over the edge. Special ed teachers are a rare breed, with spines of steel and balls of brass- I admire them immensely. ("Lunch lady gets the smackdown" is my favorite)
Ok, it's late and I'm tired- tomorrow is supposed to be fantastic weather again. Don't know when the phone will be shut off, so I'll talk to you ASAP. Have a great week!
At 1:24 AM,
JamDaddy said…
$12k house? That is an apartment around here for a year, lol. Maybe a 12 month mortgage? That seems like a pretty good deal even though most HUD's need lots of work you could afford to invest in bars, security, and new carpet. You might even have enough for tequila and chips - SWEET! Call for a basement quote, I work for parties!
At 10:07 AM,
Tsarina said…
JD- I keep thinking that with the tiny house payments, I could actually work my way out of debt before I die! I've also found out that if I stay in my district for five consecutive years, most of my student loan debt will be forgiven (I'm also a big enough person to thank GW for that- he upped the total $ amount). Think about it- out of debt = buying EXPENSIVE tequila!!!! You're on the guest list!
At 12:32 PM,
JamDaddy said…
LOL, and we both know GW did that all by his lonesome right? Sounds like you are covering all bases. Hope you weather is as nice there as it is here, I am heading back out to plant more trees (part of my conservative agenda, you know conserve nature).
At 2:27 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
I'll help paint!! I haven't checked out Tard-blog but I will and I got your e-mail. Respond shortly.
At 4:52 PM,
Derek said…
gotta love telling people to fuck off eh. I thoroughly enjoy it.
I turned in an essay today that might be pushing the limits of anything I've ever sent for marking.
I basically explain why , and i quote "I cant fucking stand school anymore" and about my skpping classes "fuck your rules"
theres a few more f-bombs I think. Shit gets in there every so often.
It isnt excessive though. actaully i think those are the only times I drop the f-bomb now that i think of it. 2 words out of 2187 is pretty good I guess.
Itll be interesting to see his thoughts on it.
At 8:28 PM,
Tsarina said…
Sandi- I know what you mean- that is some of the funniest shit I've ever read; even more so because it's true!
Inanna- Any time you want to paint, head on over- EVERYTHING needs done!
Derek,Derek,Derek (heavy sigh), as I tell my students all of the time; "we all WANT to say it, but sometimes you just SHOULDN'T say it" ;)
At 1:01 AM,
Derek said…
I got that essay back that I swore in. 100% haha. He also took it for his greatest essays of all time folder.
At 12:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi, guys! I'm at my mom's right now- no phone at home means that I don't have Internet, and Blogger is blocked at school.
Hope all is well, doing ok here. I'll post asap. Tsarina
At 11:50 PM,
JamDaddy said…
You need a laptop with WIFI or something your killing me with this dry spell. Maybe you should send us some snail mail or just call on the phone.
At 9:11 PM,
Derek said…
Looking forward to hearing back from ya.
I was wondering.. when you say Midwest US, which state in particular? I'm hoping to go on a trip next summer and am hoping to be able to meet some bloggers.. wondering if youd be on my route or near by.
At 10:40 PM,
JamDaddy said…
I think she is in a tent out in Wyoming or something. I think there are about 12 places in the US without internet connections, most of West Virginia, Some campsites in Wyoming, and some place I went when I drank moonshine. I used to think she was outside of ChiTown, but she has been out of the loop tooooo long. (translation, hurry up and update T-girl)
At 7:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is a spectacular blog, and I'm just thrilled that I rediscovered it.
Todd Vodka
At 3:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stupid Blogger doesn't recognize me anymore...
Ok, boys and girls- phone gets paid this coming week. So much to tell you, and I've missed you all terribly.
No tent in WY- I'm in IL- a little closer to St.Louis than Chicago, but I'd love to see you Derek.
Promise- I'll blog SOON
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