Moving Right Along
We came back from spring break this week- I'm happy to report that none of my angels were locked up or in the hospital. The district is looking into year-round school (they're going to try it in 2006-7 at two schools), and I think it might be a great idea to help keep the kids occupied. Ty did get suspended on Tuesday...the stupid social studies teacher asked where something was, and he suggested she look up her ass, since her head was already there! Bwahahahahahaha! I love my kids!
I never understand what happens to boys at this age, but I swear that in 5 days, most of my guys have grown six inches! I have one kid who suffers from an illness that has stunted his growth, but otherwise, I am now shorter than ALL of my guys (and many of the girls, too).
I've started looking at houses in the city- I know I'll have to sell mine before I can get another one, but it never hurts to look. I've found two that I love- one is probably out of my price range, but the other is a beautiful brick two-story with 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths (I'm considering becoming a foster parent once I get moved), a garage and a fenced-in back yard. I asked some of my kids about the neighborhood, and some said definitely not, while others said it's not bad. James said he lives near there (as much as I love my kids, I'm not sure I want to live next to them...Ms.Tsarina would like to keep her private life PRIVATE). In class, in front of his friends, he said it wasn't a bad neighborhood, but after school, he came up to me with a serious look on his face and said, "Don't buy that house, I don't think you'd be really safe". I found the concern touching. However, Ann lives near there, and she said it would be fine. Most cities have one side that's dangerous...this one has a few square blocks that are safe spread out here and there- it's really strange. I'm also worried about the stench- it's not your normal city smell, like Chicago. There is a plant there that emits the most noxious odor I've ever smelled (and I've lived near a dog food plant, cows, pigs, and drug houses). Sadly, you can smell it from even twenty or thirty miles away (there are actually days where I can smell it at my house, 50+ miles away).
We had the most fantastic storms Wed night--- golfball sized hail, and perfect storm clouds! The timing was perfect since we're studying storm formation. I've got to start carrying the camera with me so I can photograph these things and show the kids.
We have this amazing man from the community who volunteers a lot of time at the school to work with our at-risk kids. He's going to arrange for a group of men and women who have been in prison to come to my classes and talk to my kids about choices- how bad choices led them into prison, and how good ones are helping them to get their lives back on track. I'm really excited about this, as I think the kids relate better when someone with "real-life" experience talks. Ok, I'm going to take Baxter for a walk, as it's beautiful outside.
Have a wonderful weekend!
I never understand what happens to boys at this age, but I swear that in 5 days, most of my guys have grown six inches! I have one kid who suffers from an illness that has stunted his growth, but otherwise, I am now shorter than ALL of my guys (and many of the girls, too).
I've started looking at houses in the city- I know I'll have to sell mine before I can get another one, but it never hurts to look. I've found two that I love- one is probably out of my price range, but the other is a beautiful brick two-story with 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths (I'm considering becoming a foster parent once I get moved), a garage and a fenced-in back yard. I asked some of my kids about the neighborhood, and some said definitely not, while others said it's not bad. James said he lives near there (as much as I love my kids, I'm not sure I want to live next to them...Ms.Tsarina would like to keep her private life PRIVATE). In class, in front of his friends, he said it wasn't a bad neighborhood, but after school, he came up to me with a serious look on his face and said, "Don't buy that house, I don't think you'd be really safe". I found the concern touching. However, Ann lives near there, and she said it would be fine. Most cities have one side that's dangerous...this one has a few square blocks that are safe spread out here and there- it's really strange. I'm also worried about the stench- it's not your normal city smell, like Chicago. There is a plant there that emits the most noxious odor I've ever smelled (and I've lived near a dog food plant, cows, pigs, and drug houses). Sadly, you can smell it from even twenty or thirty miles away (there are actually days where I can smell it at my house, 50+ miles away).
We had the most fantastic storms Wed night--- golfball sized hail, and perfect storm clouds! The timing was perfect since we're studying storm formation. I've got to start carrying the camera with me so I can photograph these things and show the kids.
We have this amazing man from the community who volunteers a lot of time at the school to work with our at-risk kids. He's going to arrange for a group of men and women who have been in prison to come to my classes and talk to my kids about choices- how bad choices led them into prison, and how good ones are helping them to get their lives back on track. I'm really excited about this, as I think the kids relate better when someone with "real-life" experience talks. Ok, I'm going to take Baxter for a walk, as it's beautiful outside.
Have a wonderful weekend!
At 12:04 PM,
Derek said…
city smells.. barf..
weather's been all out of sorts around here. It was 15*C yesterday (about 60*F), and now its snowing.. what the hell.
I think that might be really cool for the kids to hear those people speak. Though I dont think scare tactics are the best way to instigate change, it certainly helps open their eyes to the possible outcomes of their actions.
What they really need is to learn a sense of responsibility and an understanding of effects that come from certain causes. Unfortunately this is usually only learnt the hard way.
At 4:29 AM,
JamDaddy said…
I used to talk to school groups and had a great time. I am not in a program here in the NOVA area. However I do know some people in mentoring programs kind of like big brother/big sister. I really think those things make a big difference. Having a responsible adult to model is a big part of a childs development and having contact multiple times really helps make a point. Hopefully you can find a mix of the "scared straight" tactics and good mentors to help the kids. Maybe you can check the area for corporations who sponsor schools in mentoring my company does in some areas so I know other must.
Be careful of living too close to stinky areas. I used to live about 8 miles from a chicken rendering plant and some warm and moist mornings you would think the septic system had died and flooded the yard. Yuck!
At 7:19 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Yikes, I live across the river from 3 chemical factories. What's really weird is after it rains and all the chemicals in the ground come up. Good to see you !!!
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