Friday night, I chaperoned a dance at school. Boy, talk about the more things change, the more they stay the same... As far as changes- many of the girls were wearing strapless dresses and stilletto heels. The music was a strange combination of hip-hop and heavy metal. Funny to watch the black kids trying to teach the white kids to dance to Snoop Dog, and the white kids trying to show the black kids how to dance to AC/DC! Several of my kids who should not have been allowed in were there... I didn't say anything, because I feel like school-sponsored activities are a much better choice than leaving them to their own devices. Several of the other teachers had gone for cocktails beforehand, and they were really enjoying themselves!! Afterward, we all went for drinks, and I had a great time there, too.
As for things staying the same... why is it that at every dance, there must be girls in the bathroom crying? ALWAYS! I could actually see several of the girls' hearts breaking when no one asked them to dance. I was really proud of a couple of my girls, though, who went and asked boys! One of my girls stood and talked to a couple of us most of the night. I could tell she wanted to dance, but she's a little awkward and no one asked her. I was trying to catch James' eye; I was hoping he'd ask her. That is another great thing about him; he's very empathetic.
I'm trying to plan for the week while high on codine cough medicine. I have bronchitis, and they gave me the good stuff so I can sleep! MMMmmmm, codine! Anyway, I'm going to get this done and do some laundry. Hope you all had a good weekend, I'll try to post soon.
As for things staying the same... why is it that at every dance, there must be girls in the bathroom crying? ALWAYS! I could actually see several of the girls' hearts breaking when no one asked them to dance. I was really proud of a couple of my girls, though, who went and asked boys! One of my girls stood and talked to a couple of us most of the night. I could tell she wanted to dance, but she's a little awkward and no one asked her. I was trying to catch James' eye; I was hoping he'd ask her. That is another great thing about him; he's very empathetic.
I'm trying to plan for the week while high on codine cough medicine. I have bronchitis, and they gave me the good stuff so I can sleep! MMMmmmm, codine! Anyway, I'm going to get this done and do some laundry. Hope you all had a good weekend, I'll try to post soon.
At 4:20 PM,
JamDaddy said…
It's hard to ask someone to dance at a dance. Well, maybe not now, but I remember those days. There were a few times I was shy about it, the friends egging me on, the girls shyly looking up, then boom I tried and it worked. I guess kids never change. Just wait until they learn that a lot of cute girls sit at home Friday night because people are afraid to ask them out. That was the best revalation of my life, Bwahahaha.
I love to chaperone the dances at my kids schools. I have not been asked yet this year because my son is on suspension for after school activities. I miss the drama, lol.
At 7:31 PM,
Tsarina said…
It was so strange to see my guys who usually have so much confidence (basketball players, etc), stand in a corner, trying to act cool. Even though I know most of the girls like them, they were all dancing with this nerdy little white kid who looked like Beaver Cleaver's friend. He would go right up and ask them to dance, then really enjoy himself. I don't think he sat out once! Maybe he's a quick learner, and has already learned your "Friday night" lesson. Sorry to hear about your son's problems- like I tell the kids; we all make bad choices, learn from them and move on.
At 8:28 PM,
Derek said…
awe i remember dances. havent been to a high school one though, my 3rd year too, oh well.
i remember em' in grade 7 and 8. first one i lost my balls, made it some where up to my throat.. but once i did i found it fun and asked everyone.
at grad i rocked it out..
but then i discovered moshing. That was my true dance. I started going to concerts and rocking it out there hard core.. man i love moshing..
but apparently my g/f wants to go to her semi formal.. now if ya knew me in person youd realize that thats not some Derek would do at all... but ill have to see.. hmm
At 11:16 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Yech! School dances. Hurray for cocktails though!!!
At 11:56 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- I only went to one high school dance, and it sucked. Don't let people tell you that you'll regret it if you don't go to prom...I never have. Besides, you can still go to the post-prom parties!
Inanna- I knew you'd like the cocktails portion of the evening!
Sandi- Nice to have you here...I'm so bad with putting things into my blog that it took me about an hour to get the stupid pet where I wanted it!
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