Checking in
Just a quick post, then off to bed. I finally got my night guard to keep me from clenching and grinding my teeth at night!!! I woke up this morning without screaming pain in my neck for the first time in years~the best part is that my dentist is charging me half price and letting me make payments! He is so great, when Joe left and I wasn't working steadily, he wouldn't accept a payment until I got a job! You better believe that he's getting paid back before anyone else!
We were sharing creepy stories today, and I remembered this one from my Grandmother:
When I was little, the house two miles down the road from my grandparents burned. Someone (I don't remember who) died, and the rest of the family moved away. That winter (I think around Xmas, but I could be wrong), a family was travelling in a blizzard, and their car went off the road. They saw the mailbox for the burned-out house, and walked up the lane. Of course they were upset to see the house, but sought shelter as the storm was getting worse and they had 2 or 3 kids. Inside, they found a card table, a blanket, and a space heater. They all climbed under the table, put the blanket over it to make a tent, and turned on the heater to keep warm. The next day, they could hear a snowplow coming down the road, and when they got outside, there was a cop with the driver beside their car. Someone had reported them missing, so the cop was looking for them. When they told him the story of how they survived, he just stared at them. They asked what was wrong, and he said, "the power isn't on at this house". When they insisted, he went up and checked- showing them where the power line to the house had been cut (or burned) away from the house- no electricity could get in.
Ok, gotta go find a scary story to read to homeroom tomorrow. Have a good day!
We were sharing creepy stories today, and I remembered this one from my Grandmother:
When I was little, the house two miles down the road from my grandparents burned. Someone (I don't remember who) died, and the rest of the family moved away. That winter (I think around Xmas, but I could be wrong), a family was travelling in a blizzard, and their car went off the road. They saw the mailbox for the burned-out house, and walked up the lane. Of course they were upset to see the house, but sought shelter as the storm was getting worse and they had 2 or 3 kids. Inside, they found a card table, a blanket, and a space heater. They all climbed under the table, put the blanket over it to make a tent, and turned on the heater to keep warm. The next day, they could hear a snowplow coming down the road, and when they got outside, there was a cop with the driver beside their car. Someone had reported them missing, so the cop was looking for them. When they told him the story of how they survived, he just stared at them. They asked what was wrong, and he said, "the power isn't on at this house". When they insisted, he went up and checked- showing them where the power line to the house had been cut (or burned) away from the house- no electricity could get in.
Ok, gotta go find a scary story to read to homeroom tomorrow. Have a good day!
At 2:46 PM,
Derek said…
hmm interesting.. interesting...
i dont really have any good spooky stories..
im really hating my poison ivy though.. the stuff i put on it completely dried up my ear lobe and it looks like its gonna fall off... eek
At 9:28 PM,
Tsarina said…
Well, Derek- I'd consider that to be a creepy story, anyway! I'm immune to poison ivy, at least I've never gotten it even when standing barefoot in a patch of it. Hope it's better soon :(
At 9:38 PM,
Derek said…
lucky gal... if i walked bare foot through it.. i wouldnt be able to walk.. i have it between my eyes, ear and fingers..
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