Rambling 'Rina
I've always written to help me sort out my thoughts. I never expected for people to actually visit my blog, let alone frequent it. So, I hope you're not sick of hearing about my kids, because right now, my thoughts of them are what I am sorting out.
I have worked with kids for several years. Some touch your heart more than others. James is definitely one of those. I love him, and would adopt him if I were offered the opportunity. He is discovering his value, and that's a magical thing to observe. (to remind you: he is in his third year in middle school; previous serious behavior problems; this year, good grades and BASKETBALL TEAM). Some website has ranked the players from the city, and he's ranked SECOND! He's recently begun showing me some of his poetry, and it's so beautiful that he's made me choke up several times. They're really thoughtful, sensitive works about the drugs and gangs that surround him, and the hopelessness of his life. I would put it up here, but I don't have permission, and I don't think it's my place. I am so reminded of the movie, "Finding Forrester", that I'm thinking of showing that the week of Christmas. He hurt his ankle badly in their game last night (but went back in and scored several more points). When he was down, it took every ounce of self-control I had not to rush onto the court and try to carry him off. As he sat with ice on it, all he kept saying was, "I wanna play": I don't understand it, but I admire his drive.
T. is suspended. He does not deserve to be, as I know for a fact that he served the detention with the ass principal (yes, I realize I wrote ASS principal *raises eyebrow*). However, the ass principal says he didn't, and suspended him. Strange- I have a white student who committed the same offense, and is much more disruptive in class who received three days in-school suspension. I tried to talk with T's mom the day it happened, but when I called, she seemed VERY "out of it". I hope he is ok- he told me the Mon. after Thanksgiving that over the weekend, he was robbed at gunpoint. Sigh, sometimes the obstacles they face is overwhelming to ME- how must they feel?
The bitch teacher has given them a semester project that would make college students cringe. She is now irate with me because I told them we could use a couple of days of class time to work on it. She thinks I'm undermining her. I don't give a flying fuck. She's also mad because the kids were saying stuff about their other teachers, and she said, "well, they are not clones of me". To which one student (who rarely wakes up long enough to switch classes) opened his eyes and shouted, "PRAISE GOD!" She set herself up- no pity. I talked to my principal about her today. He assures me something will be done...forgive my cynicism, but we'll see.
Today was actually a wonderful day, in spite of the fact that I have no voice. None, nada, zilch. My kids came in, and were very sympathetic; they stayed quiet so they could hear me whisper, and they worked dilligently. I love them. I have never worked anywhere that I loved the kids this much. It's like I've finally found where I'm supposed to be. Maybe forever, maybe just for this year, but I KNOW without a doubt that this is where I was meant to be at this moment in time.
I hope you all feel like that when you leave for work in the morning- have a great Friday!
I have worked with kids for several years. Some touch your heart more than others. James is definitely one of those. I love him, and would adopt him if I were offered the opportunity. He is discovering his value, and that's a magical thing to observe. (to remind you: he is in his third year in middle school; previous serious behavior problems; this year, good grades and BASKETBALL TEAM). Some website has ranked the players from the city, and he's ranked SECOND! He's recently begun showing me some of his poetry, and it's so beautiful that he's made me choke up several times. They're really thoughtful, sensitive works about the drugs and gangs that surround him, and the hopelessness of his life. I would put it up here, but I don't have permission, and I don't think it's my place. I am so reminded of the movie, "Finding Forrester", that I'm thinking of showing that the week of Christmas. He hurt his ankle badly in their game last night (but went back in and scored several more points). When he was down, it took every ounce of self-control I had not to rush onto the court and try to carry him off. As he sat with ice on it, all he kept saying was, "I wanna play": I don't understand it, but I admire his drive.
T. is suspended. He does not deserve to be, as I know for a fact that he served the detention with the ass principal (yes, I realize I wrote ASS principal *raises eyebrow*). However, the ass principal says he didn't, and suspended him. Strange- I have a white student who committed the same offense, and is much more disruptive in class who received three days in-school suspension. I tried to talk with T's mom the day it happened, but when I called, she seemed VERY "out of it". I hope he is ok- he told me the Mon. after Thanksgiving that over the weekend, he was robbed at gunpoint. Sigh, sometimes the obstacles they face is overwhelming to ME- how must they feel?
The bitch teacher has given them a semester project that would make college students cringe. She is now irate with me because I told them we could use a couple of days of class time to work on it. She thinks I'm undermining her. I don't give a flying fuck. She's also mad because the kids were saying stuff about their other teachers, and she said, "well, they are not clones of me". To which one student (who rarely wakes up long enough to switch classes) opened his eyes and shouted, "PRAISE GOD!" She set herself up- no pity. I talked to my principal about her today. He assures me something will be done...forgive my cynicism, but we'll see.
Today was actually a wonderful day, in spite of the fact that I have no voice. None, nada, zilch. My kids came in, and were very sympathetic; they stayed quiet so they could hear me whisper, and they worked dilligently. I love them. I have never worked anywhere that I loved the kids this much. It's like I've finally found where I'm supposed to be. Maybe forever, maybe just for this year, but I KNOW without a doubt that this is where I was meant to be at this moment in time.
I hope you all feel like that when you leave for work in the morning- have a great Friday!
At 7:39 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Nothing feels better than to be in the right place at the right time. Being there with your family of kids makes it that much sweeter. Rock on!
At 10:25 AM,
Derek said…
you definitely arent the stereotypical female teacher. which is a damn good thing! haha.
gah i hate semester projects.. i have one for this semester.. im horrible for doing projects, im a test kid. and inschool assignments as tests.. i always screw those up. Like wednesday, didnt even get half finished.
oh well
At 11:22 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
You ROCK!! You're kids know that. I wish there were more of you in this world.
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