A Tough Week
Warning: The following rant contains language that is not appropriate for all family members. If you are offended by swearing, go the fuck away.
Until now, I have not told you about the stupid bitch who is on my team. I had held out hope that she would relax and become a decent teacher. That has not panned out, and I'm done. Our social studies teacher is, as the kids describe her, EVIL. She is an older woman who has gone into teaching later in life, and expects the kids to sit quietly, read the book, fill out worksheets, and actually learn something. She has no interest in trying to teach at their level- for crying out loud- they spent an entire week going over Amendments that were never ratified!!! She is also very disorganized, loses their work (at first I thought the kids were making this up, but there are parents who actually photocopy their kids' work, then hand it in themselves, and she still swears they didn't hand it in)! When one of my kids is suspended or receiving an F, it's usually because of her. The rest of us try to encourage each baby step we see, but all she sees is that the student is not perfect, and berates him/her. I've had BOYS who don't really worry about school, break down in tears at how unfair the situtation is. I keep encouraging the kids that if they have a problem with ANY teacher (even me), to get their parents involved. However, as you can imagine, most of them don't have the PTA type parents.
Last week, when T was suspended for 3 days because of her, I decided I've had enough. I don't care if I'm non-tenured. I don't care if I don't get rehired next year. I don't care if they think I'm a racist and that's why I don't like this bitch. FUCK THEM- my kids deserve a quality education. I went to administration, I went to the student assistance counselors and asked them to monitor her classroom, I have allowed the kids to vent their frustration as they need to (never directly contributing myself). It took every ounce of strength I had not to snatch that fake hair off her head and body slam her into a wall. We have tried to talk to her about her behavior management several times, and she assures us all is well and normal. I refuse to even talk to her any more, or listen when she opens her fat, stupid mouth. While it flies in the face of all that I beleive in-- I hate this cunt and I hope she gets hit by a fucking bus.
I am also sporting a softball-sized bruise on my back. There was a huge fight on Thursday, and while trying to hold the crowd (300+ kids) back, I was nailed in the back with an elbow. In total, two kids will be expelled, five are suspended, and thirteen are on in-school suspension... all girls. Thursday was a rough one. In the melee, I told one of my kids I'd give him 20 extra-credit points if he'd help get people away- he ran the opposite way, and like lemmings to a cliff, about thirty kids followed him to see what was going on- that was worth 20 points to me. I love that kid!
Parent-teacher conferences are Monday night. I'll get out of school, race the 50 miles home, let the dog out, then race back to stay until 8 o'clock, drive the hour home again, only to get up at 4:30 Tues to go to school. We couldn't do it Wed (no school Thurs), because I work with the biggest bunch of churchy people who couldn't give up one night of church to do their fucking job. Don't get me wrong- if someone has beliefs that give them strength and comfort, I'm happy for them. However, my problem with these people (and I've seen it many other times in many other places), is that their attendance in a building is more important to them than helping out someone else. There are four of us who drive at least an hour, and Wed would have been much better for us, but NOOOOOO, we have to show our hypocritical fucking faces in a fucking building, or our God won't love us any more. When I worked retail, one of the girls' mom passed away, and the funeral was Wed night. Of the three "Christians" and myself who worked there, I ended up covering her shift (making a 16 hour day for me), because they all had church. I realize that there are decent people out there of all faiths (and assholes, for that matter), but I'm really tired of certain groups being given preferrence over others. Anyway, I'm beginning to sound like Seeker, so I should go and try to gain some positive energy. Have a great weekend, all.
Until now, I have not told you about the stupid bitch who is on my team. I had held out hope that she would relax and become a decent teacher. That has not panned out, and I'm done. Our social studies teacher is, as the kids describe her, EVIL. She is an older woman who has gone into teaching later in life, and expects the kids to sit quietly, read the book, fill out worksheets, and actually learn something. She has no interest in trying to teach at their level- for crying out loud- they spent an entire week going over Amendments that were never ratified!!! She is also very disorganized, loses their work (at first I thought the kids were making this up, but there are parents who actually photocopy their kids' work, then hand it in themselves, and she still swears they didn't hand it in)! When one of my kids is suspended or receiving an F, it's usually because of her. The rest of us try to encourage each baby step we see, but all she sees is that the student is not perfect, and berates him/her. I've had BOYS who don't really worry about school, break down in tears at how unfair the situtation is. I keep encouraging the kids that if they have a problem with ANY teacher (even me), to get their parents involved. However, as you can imagine, most of them don't have the PTA type parents.
Last week, when T was suspended for 3 days because of her, I decided I've had enough. I don't care if I'm non-tenured. I don't care if I don't get rehired next year. I don't care if they think I'm a racist and that's why I don't like this bitch. FUCK THEM- my kids deserve a quality education. I went to administration, I went to the student assistance counselors and asked them to monitor her classroom, I have allowed the kids to vent their frustration as they need to (never directly contributing myself). It took every ounce of strength I had not to snatch that fake hair off her head and body slam her into a wall. We have tried to talk to her about her behavior management several times, and she assures us all is well and normal. I refuse to even talk to her any more, or listen when she opens her fat, stupid mouth. While it flies in the face of all that I beleive in-- I hate this cunt and I hope she gets hit by a fucking bus.
I am also sporting a softball-sized bruise on my back. There was a huge fight on Thursday, and while trying to hold the crowd (300+ kids) back, I was nailed in the back with an elbow. In total, two kids will be expelled, five are suspended, and thirteen are on in-school suspension... all girls. Thursday was a rough one. In the melee, I told one of my kids I'd give him 20 extra-credit points if he'd help get people away- he ran the opposite way, and like lemmings to a cliff, about thirty kids followed him to see what was going on- that was worth 20 points to me. I love that kid!
Parent-teacher conferences are Monday night. I'll get out of school, race the 50 miles home, let the dog out, then race back to stay until 8 o'clock, drive the hour home again, only to get up at 4:30 Tues to go to school. We couldn't do it Wed (no school Thurs), because I work with the biggest bunch of churchy people who couldn't give up one night of church to do their fucking job. Don't get me wrong- if someone has beliefs that give them strength and comfort, I'm happy for them. However, my problem with these people (and I've seen it many other times in many other places), is that their attendance in a building is more important to them than helping out someone else. There are four of us who drive at least an hour, and Wed would have been much better for us, but NOOOOOO, we have to show our hypocritical fucking faces in a fucking building, or our God won't love us any more. When I worked retail, one of the girls' mom passed away, and the funeral was Wed night. Of the three "Christians" and myself who worked there, I ended up covering her shift (making a 16 hour day for me), because they all had church. I realize that there are decent people out there of all faiths (and assholes, for that matter), but I'm really tired of certain groups being given preferrence over others. Anyway, I'm beginning to sound like Seeker, so I should go and try to gain some positive energy. Have a great weekend, all.
At 10:38 PM,
Derek said…
damn.. shitty week
hmm bitch teachers always blow.. the way it works here is if the teacher blows and doesnt respect us or just plain sucks.. they dont get respect or anything and the students end up running the show and some times torment the teachers to the point that they have no control.. maybe they could do that?
speaking of huge fights.. there was one here.. all girls also. between these girls that think they are ghetto from my school (they live in the North end though, thats teh generally rich section of my city) and some other girls.. i guess it was brutal and bloody.. meh, chick fights are a joke
but yeah.. thats a real pain about the teacher.. im glad to see tha tya care enough to try and get it solved though. we need more teachers that care that much
At 11:56 PM,
JamDaddy said…
You wrote the "C" word, hahahaha!
Bad teachers suck big time. I had one, the parents, students, and teachers finally all got together and signed a big petition to have her fired. The school did not pick her up the next year. We thought it was pretty cool, of course I transferred and she was at my new school. She of course took all her anger out on me. The only class I ever failed in my life. Things were so bad the one day she cursed at me and I grabbed her by the arm and took her to the office for disciplinary action. The principle thought I lost my mind. He was all like, we are so lucky to have her and all that crap. Then I told him I knew the truth, she was booted from the last school and for that she hated me. They immediately broke school "policy" and placed me with the teacher of my choice. She left at the end of the year never to be seen again.
Now when my kids complain I am skeptical, but at least check it out. You just never know.
Fights at school can be really bad. Breaking them up can be dangerous stuff, glad you are only one bump wiser. At least you can now help these girls in their future professions - as mud wrestlers, bwahaha.
At 4:28 AM,
Seeker said…
Tsarina ~ hun now you are just being plain silly. You dont want to end up with a perm scowl on your face like me do you? The answer is simple you got some bad seeds in that school find them have them put some drugs in the bitches desk and then have one of the good kids tell the principal that they saw the cunt taking some coke or something she will be gone that day.
Religion is interesting in its sense of tradition but for the rest of it I see it more of a hope for the wak and lost. they got to be told what to do so that they confunction... but hey to each their own.
At 8:31 AM,
Tsarina said…
Reaz- Thanks for the encouragement!
Derek- Part of why the bitch freaks out is that the kids ARE running the show in her classroom. In the hall one day, I saw one of our kids doing something, and I said, "Hey, don't do that"... he stopped. She couldn't believe he stopped w/o me yelling... I told her I rarely raise my voice and have very few problems. She stood there open-mouthed and I chuckled as I walked away.Hate her...
JD- At least your administration listened to you- ours has had over 72 parent complaints THIS YEAR about her. The principal keeps saying that people are being unfair because she's African-American...Dude, 70% of our students (AND their complaining parents) are African-American! As far as these girls' careers, they're 7th graders-I won't have to deal with them til next year. Oh, and btw- that is one of my favorite words when I'm mad!
Seeker-I have been using extra anti-wrinkle cream of late to avoid the permanent scowl! If we got rid of all of the kids who have drugs, we'd have very little to do all day. The 7th graders are dangerously crazy- one of them threatened to pipe bomb my car because I saw him in the hall and told him he should get to class!
At 11:08 AM,
Katrina said…
I'm sorry you are going through this right now..:(
We had a bad teacher at our school and it was very difficult to fire her because of union issues and such...I know the union is there to protect the teachers, for which I am grateful, BUT there should be a line to draw when the teacher truly is BAD!
At 6:54 PM,
Derek said…
hm.. then maybe the kids should give her a break, then she wouldnt be a snap show on them?
i dunno. Ive had my fair share of shitty teachers.. i just do well on the tests and snooze through the rest of it..
At 9:10 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Tsarina, I will glad to come out there and help you kick that cunt's ass!!! Oh, and she's supposed to be the adult not a back-biting tween...
At 9:52 AM,
Jamie said…
I ran in to an old teacher of mine(he's not old, but y'know what I mean) and he quit teaching due to a fight he tried to break up. Knifes came out, he got stabbed, and the school didn't care much. Let the kids come back, and wanted him to teach them.
It's cool you are watching out for the kids, but don't get hurt!
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