All About Me
It has occurred to me that I am one of the few bloggers who has not written a list about myself. Always one to jump on the bandwagon, I decided to do just that. So, here you go- some interesting (or not) stuff about yours truly:
1. With the exception of Brad Pitt, I have never been attracted to a blonde.
2. When I was little, I creeped my mom out by telling her stories about the family I had BEFORE I lived with my current family (I was around 4).
3. I got my first tattoo when I was 19 to commemorate the first time I voted.
4. I am deathly afraid of snakes, and tend to faint when I see them.
5. I am an excellent judge of character- while sometimes I'll think someone is decent, and then get screwed over by them, I have NEVER said someone was a bad person and been proven wrong.
6. My nephew and I have a psychic bond, and we usually know when the other is upset. In fact, when my sister was pregnant, everyone else thought he was a girl, but I KNEW differently, just like I knew she was pregnant before she said anything.
7. When I see a dead animal beside the road, I always say a brief prayer for its spirit.
8. While I am ashamed to admit it, I have more patience with boys than with girls.
9. So do my mom and grandma
10. When I was little, my dad taught me how to pick locks and hotwire cars.
11. My dad has a lot of friends who've been in prison
12. My dad was in military jail during Vietnam for hitting a superior officer.
13. I've always wished I could sing (so does anyone who's ever ridden in a car with me)
14. I've always felt drawn to Russia and South Dakota... I intend to visit both some day.
15. I love black bears, turtles, and great apes.
16. I prefer animals to people.
17. I need solitude- I rarely feel really lonely.
18. I'm not afraid of death.
19. I am afraid of pain.
20. My favorite color is yellow. My least favorite is blue.
21. I love my dog second only to my nephew.
22. My uncle who died last summer was the first kind man I ever met. I always secretly wished he was my dad.
23. As bad as it makes me feel, every Christmas, I think that our lives would be easier if my dad were dead.
24. I miss smoking weed and think about it daily.
25. When I was 16, I wanted to run away and follow Ozzy around the country.
26. I cry when I see injustice (I cry a lot)
27. It's very hard to embarass me.
28. When someone pisses me off, my first instinct is to punch them...I've learned not to give into that.
29. I have suffered extreme nightmares my whole life.
30. I've always wanted to live in Ireland in a cottage with a thatched roof.
31. I love it when my students question authority, even mine.
32. I prefer irises to roses, and moths to butterflies.
33. I hate WalMart, but find myself there at least twice a week.
34. I am extremely messy.
35. I love cartoons- if it's animated, I'll watch it!
36. If someone starts riding my back bumper to try to make me speed up, I will take my foot completely off the gas and coast until they either pass or back off (I only do this in the right lane; I'm not a complete asshole)
37. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, and I've read it so much I've worn out two books.
38. I love video games.
39. Gandhi is my personal hero.
40. I hope you all have a great weekend!
1. With the exception of Brad Pitt, I have never been attracted to a blonde.
2. When I was little, I creeped my mom out by telling her stories about the family I had BEFORE I lived with my current family (I was around 4).
3. I got my first tattoo when I was 19 to commemorate the first time I voted.
4. I am deathly afraid of snakes, and tend to faint when I see them.
5. I am an excellent judge of character- while sometimes I'll think someone is decent, and then get screwed over by them, I have NEVER said someone was a bad person and been proven wrong.
6. My nephew and I have a psychic bond, and we usually know when the other is upset. In fact, when my sister was pregnant, everyone else thought he was a girl, but I KNEW differently, just like I knew she was pregnant before she said anything.
7. When I see a dead animal beside the road, I always say a brief prayer for its spirit.
8. While I am ashamed to admit it, I have more patience with boys than with girls.
9. So do my mom and grandma
10. When I was little, my dad taught me how to pick locks and hotwire cars.
11. My dad has a lot of friends who've been in prison
12. My dad was in military jail during Vietnam for hitting a superior officer.
13. I've always wished I could sing (so does anyone who's ever ridden in a car with me)
14. I've always felt drawn to Russia and South Dakota... I intend to visit both some day.
15. I love black bears, turtles, and great apes.
16. I prefer animals to people.
17. I need solitude- I rarely feel really lonely.
18. I'm not afraid of death.
19. I am afraid of pain.
20. My favorite color is yellow. My least favorite is blue.
21. I love my dog second only to my nephew.
22. My uncle who died last summer was the first kind man I ever met. I always secretly wished he was my dad.
23. As bad as it makes me feel, every Christmas, I think that our lives would be easier if my dad were dead.
24. I miss smoking weed and think about it daily.
25. When I was 16, I wanted to run away and follow Ozzy around the country.
26. I cry when I see injustice (I cry a lot)
27. It's very hard to embarass me.
28. When someone pisses me off, my first instinct is to punch them...I've learned not to give into that.
29. I have suffered extreme nightmares my whole life.
30. I've always wanted to live in Ireland in a cottage with a thatched roof.
31. I love it when my students question authority, even mine.
32. I prefer irises to roses, and moths to butterflies.
33. I hate WalMart, but find myself there at least twice a week.
34. I am extremely messy.
35. I love cartoons- if it's animated, I'll watch it!
36. If someone starts riding my back bumper to try to make me speed up, I will take my foot completely off the gas and coast until they either pass or back off (I only do this in the right lane; I'm not a complete asshole)
37. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, and I've read it so much I've worn out two books.
38. I love video games.
39. Gandhi is my personal hero.
40. I hope you all have a great weekend!
At 9:41 PM,
Derek said…
interesting interesting.. faint at snakes eh.. lol thats crazy..
im should do one of those things.. but my blogs not confidential.. some people i go to school with would read it.. that suck
At 1:06 AM,
JamDaddy said…
South Dakota? Just go! Dang girl it's only a road trip away. Ireland, that's a 4 day weekend trip, now Moscow you may want to hold off until summer. Just get out and do it. Some things are worth running up a bit of a credit card bill, lol.
I don't judge family members on the most part as a whole. I don't get along with most or agree with them. I pick the best of each and attach to that, the rest I throw away. I also picked the traits I liked from all those around me, near and far, and absorbed those as my own. Hence I am nothing like anyone in my family.
At 9:14 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
Loved the list Tsarina. *makes a mental note not to send you any snakes as gifts* I think you may want to look into snake as a shadow totem. Make friends with it and you can overcome whatever fear or hurt it is guarding for you.
I just can't bring myself to do one of these lists. If my rarely seen politics shocks people imagine what my list would do lol.
Love and Light
At 9:40 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- It seems to me like your poetry is much more personal and revealing than a list would be. Anyway, it was kind of fun to do, I may have my homeroom kids make one for themselves (not only so they think about who they are, but it also helps me to get to know them!)
JD- Hmm, I DID just get a new credit card... Actually, I've been paying for several years to correct some previous bad spending choices, so I'll wait until I've gotten storm windows and saved for the trip! As far as Dad's good traits...yes, he has a few, but he mean, nasty, drunk ones overwhelm them. My compassion is a work in progress!
Robyn- I decided about the snake shadow totem as soon as I read about them! Had a dream the other night that one bit me twice in the hand, and when I woke up, it was sore!! Maybe you should do a list: 'The 50 Most Shocking Things About Robyn'. Just get it all out there, let everyone freak out, and get over it ;)
At 10:54 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
I would honored to go to Russia with you but I'll not share my thatched roof hut in Ireland, I'm far too solitary for that. :o) *Reminder to self - do not take Tsarina to the "Snake Pit" if she ever visits*
At 8:47 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
Hmmmm it could funny to watch folks freak out for a day or two. I will take that under advisement.
Love and Light
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