Bugs, Bitches, and Basketball
Ok, once again a perfectly beautiful Saturday has been disrupted by real life. I'm not sure if this is a problem in the rest of the country, but around here we have Japanese beetles (they look like orange lady bugs, but they bite and smell bad). Apparently a few years ago, some lunkhead in the Dept. of Agriculture decided to import a gazillion of these things to get rid of our aphids... Have you ever heard the phrase, "don't fuck with Mother Nature"? See, these things have no natural enemies here, so they CAN NOT be stopped. Every fall swarms of them invade in biblical proportions. I have spent three hours vacuuming them from all over the inside of my house. It's not even like I just go hunting for them, I mean they COVER entire walls. Now before you think it's just me and my messy house, let me assure you, this is a huge problem for everyone. I filled 2 1/2 vacuum bags with these things, and they're still coming. I am seriously considering moving out and letting the fuckers have the house. When you contact the Dept. of Ag, they have no real suggestions as to how to get rid of these things that they brought in to start with. There are baits, but why would I want to ATTRACT them to anything? There are no predators for these bastards, so they keep reproducing and every year they get worse and worse. Some people say the smell of Mulberry will keep them away, so I bought tons of those nasty candles and sprays- now I just have a STINKY bug-filled house. Here's my point, if the Dept. of Ag. brought them in, they should personally be responsible for removing them. I want the guy who signed off on the deal to personally stand in my living room with a vacuum, sucking the little things up 24/7 until the season is over.
I intended to blog about my week, but I'm going to skip a lot of it. I was planning to bitch about the negativity of many of the teachers, but what's the point? When you have a 22 year-old teacher who says, "well, I WAS going to talk to my kids about careers in science, but most of them require college". (me- "so"?) "Well, most of them won't go anyway, so why show them what they can't ever have"- how do you begin to address that? I never say to my kids, "IF you go to college", I always say "WHEN". If their teacher doesn't believe that they can do it, why should they? So, instead of sharing those stories, I'm going to tell you about one of my kids, James. James was held back last year. He has a history of fighting in school and suspensions. His mom is a crackhead, he has several younger siblings, and they all live with his elderly grandmother. At the beginning of the year, I called home to tell his grandma that he was doing a good job (I do this with a lot of kids that seem like they could go either way- it usually works). Since then, he has worked very hard in my class. He has made great strides in his school performance and his behavior problems. Three weeks ago, I asked if he was going to try out for basketball. He didn't think they'd let him because he used to be in trouble a lot. I encouraged him to try, and I talked to Bill (he's the coach). Last night, James came running into my class just as I was about to leave for the day- he made the team and wanted to tell me! I was so proud of him! Bill was standing across the hall watching and smiling- he always says, "When I get too old to give a kid another chance, put me in a pine box".
Have a beautiful weekend!
I intended to blog about my week, but I'm going to skip a lot of it. I was planning to bitch about the negativity of many of the teachers, but what's the point? When you have a 22 year-old teacher who says, "well, I WAS going to talk to my kids about careers in science, but most of them require college". (me- "so"?) "Well, most of them won't go anyway, so why show them what they can't ever have"- how do you begin to address that? I never say to my kids, "IF you go to college", I always say "WHEN". If their teacher doesn't believe that they can do it, why should they? So, instead of sharing those stories, I'm going to tell you about one of my kids, James. James was held back last year. He has a history of fighting in school and suspensions. His mom is a crackhead, he has several younger siblings, and they all live with his elderly grandmother. At the beginning of the year, I called home to tell his grandma that he was doing a good job (I do this with a lot of kids that seem like they could go either way- it usually works). Since then, he has worked very hard in my class. He has made great strides in his school performance and his behavior problems. Three weeks ago, I asked if he was going to try out for basketball. He didn't think they'd let him because he used to be in trouble a lot. I encouraged him to try, and I talked to Bill (he's the coach). Last night, James came running into my class just as I was about to leave for the day- he made the team and wanted to tell me! I was so proud of him! Bill was standing across the hall watching and smiling- he always says, "When I get too old to give a kid another chance, put me in a pine box".
Have a beautiful weekend!
At 10:30 PM,
Derek said…
argh we get those bastard lady bugs too.. hate the fuckers. They get EVERYWHERE.. couple seasons ago some one left a door open a crack.. when i got home.. damn room was FULL of the m.. they make your vaccumm cleaner wreek like hell too.. make biking very dangerous.. they taste like they smell..
At 12:21 AM,
Katrina said…
You sound like a great and caring teacher. :)
I used the same tactic at the beginning of this year as well...I had heard about these kids before school even started and was told they were little hellions...now come on, how could they NOT be embarassed that they are three brothers all within 4 months of age but obviously by three different mothers? ahahha I would be pretty embarassed...anyway, so yeah, I called home on the third day of school because one student forgot a book for silent reading and then mentioned how great they were doing in class and how I looked forward to working with them this year and I have not had one problem....to the bewilderment of the counselor and other teachers!;)
At 9:38 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- Sadly, I DO know how they taste, too: last year, one crawled INTO the bristles of my freaking toothbrush! I didn't notice until it went into my mouth :P
Katrina- Doesn't it amaze you how much farther positive reinforcement goes than negative? Once a month, our team writes "Good News Notes" to parents. The other teachers always choose to write to the parents of straight A kids; I'm sure they need reinforcement too, but I prefer to write to the parents who have probably never heard a positive comment about their kids. As for your brothers all in one class- that sounds like you've diffused a powder keg... GOOD FOR YOU!!!! :)
At 9:51 AM,
Derek said…
having brothers in the same class from a students point of view can be pretty funny. We had these twins in my history class. So funny to hear em argue about things, expecially when they started fighting about something at home and theyd end up punching eachother haha. Teachers hated it, but i thought it was pretty funny.
At 2:28 PM,
Jason said…
When I was stationed on Guam I found out about brown-tree snakes. Some time ago, apparently Guam had a rat problem. Someone said, let's get some snakes to kill the rats.
Great idea, right? Well, with no snake predators on the island the snakes have infested the place. The bird population on the island has been decimated. The snakes would crawl up the tree into the nest and get the eggs.
You'd think the dept. of ag. would know the consequences of their actions.
At 7:27 PM,
Tsarina said…
OMG! If I've never mentioned it, let me tell you-I HAVE AN EXTREME PHOBIA OF SNAKES! Not just an,"eek, a snake" kind of thing, but a, "thump- she fainted" kind of thing. I guess maybe I should shut up about the damn bugs and be glad it's not snakes *shudder* Thanks for a dose of reality, Jason!
At 10:46 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Tsarina, great job with the students as always. I will never cease to be amazed at how often a liberal will go into teaching and then simple decide the rest of a kids life. Let's keep everyone down since I see no hope for them. Glad you have the conservative view of things! You Rule!
Maybe you should tell the teacher the the students are much better behaved when...Oh sorry, you are never going to get there, never mind. And just walk away.
I spray fruit tree pesticide all over my lot for the ladybugs. It's fairly safe since you can eat fruit it has been sprayed on. They die like mad all over my yard, I even spray my bushes and around the house entrance and windows. The fruit spray does not kill all bugs, but does stop me from any infestations. My yard is always good and crunchy though, lol.
At 11:34 PM,
Katrina said…
Derek, In this same class, I have these three brothers (all the same age within 4 months...) and a set of identical twins. Plus I have one twin girl, her sister is in the next period. hahah...Craziness!
I have had quite a few classes with siblings...they usually don't want to have anything to do with the other...these five boys (the three and the twins..) are quite the opposite...they love working together, and the three don't give me any problems, the twins have only given me problems during silent reading. :)
At 7:31 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- Ahem, have we met? Hello, Ms. Liberal here, damn glad to meet you! Just fyi, the girl who sees no hope for them is a die-hard conservative (although I must also note that Bill is, too). It just proves my point that there are decent people and jerks from all points of view! I sprayed toxic outdoor only spray inside my house, probably drastically shortening my lifespan, but making the time I have left more enjoyable! Hope you had a great visit w/ your bro. :)
At 7:40 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Ugh, I hate those beetles!!! My parents have them by the truckload at their farm! Everytime I stepped outside Sunday I had to pick four or five out of my hair... yech! And, wonderful job with those kids!!! You should be teacher of the year!!!!
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