This post has been removed because I refuse to get into a political arguement at my own fucking blog. If you disagree with me, that is fine; you are free to express that so long as you treat me with respect. However, (Beth, please pay attention), DO NOT read bits and pieces of a post, and try to tell me that A) I am racist or B) I have never read The Bill of Rights or the Patriot Act. To the rest of you who read and understood this post, I hope that by sharing my own reactions to these attacks helps you to deal with your own feelings. Dan- hope you're feelling better soon. Jason- I'm going to read the letter when I get a minute. JD and Derek- as always, thanks for stopping by.
At 1:52 PM,
Derek said…
ah shucks, i had this nice long comment telling beth off.. i understand why ya took it down though.
At 4:19 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, you're swell! I also had a nice long response to her. However, I decided that since she could not understand the post, there was no point in treating her like an intelligent individual. I am considering putting the post back up because it means something to me... we'll see how I feel in a little while.
At 6:47 PM,
Beth said…
Gee, Tsarina, Way to impinge on my right to free speech. First and foremost, if you actually read my comments, you'd know I didn't say that you're a racist, though I do believe you've never read the Patriot Act. And I believe my comments were respectful and I even said I apologized in advance if I jumped to conclusions.
And if you want to talk about treating others with respect, don't say I didn't understand your post. And don't say I'm not an intelligent individual. You have no evidence either way, and I would not treat anyone with such a lack of respect simply for having a differing point of view.
I did, to the point that I didn't understand how you can hate all Palestinians. Which I believe is ignorant. If you look up the word ignorant, you'll understand that it means "uninformed, unaware" and that I mean that you simply don't understand the situation at hand if you can honestly say you hate all Palestinians.
Believe you me, I do understand that this is your blog and I was not meaning to incite a riot. I was simply asking about your understanding that all of Palestine is to be hated and challenging you not spread that hate.
Go ahead, pull this post down, too. Free speech is only to be defended if it's in support of your opinions, right?
However, "The lady dost protest too much, methinks."
At 6:59 PM,
Derek said…
beth, you know what word sounds a lot like ignorance? arrogance..
here's the low down. The first time I had a nice civil comment to put here, not necessarily in the defence of Tsarnia, but more questioning your approach and you know, maybe trying to spark some fires in your head. get ya thinking a bit better for next time. I made sure it was nice, civil and didnt attack you.. but now.. im questioning my own approach, because quite frankly, i dont think it would have acomplished anything.
Beth, take look around you. Your in a room in your house. Now look at the back of your computer.. see that.. thats a cord.. it takes you to the 'internet' this nice imaginary world where opinions are flying all over the place.. now if one takes this 'internet' too seriously, they could have an aneyurism... Lets grow up and realize other people have other opinions and it is not your duty to play the opinion police in the imaginary world of the internet... so please.. fuck off.
At 9:41 PM,
Beth said…
Gee, now that's intelligent discourse. You're mother know you talk that way?
All I want to know, seriously, is how someone gets from the events of 9/11 to hating, even for the moment, Palestinians? That was my question all along.
If you look at my original post, which no one will now because Tsarina, ruler of this land, took it down, you'll see that I was telling of what I knew and what I saw coming from each side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
I simply want to know how you got to that conclusion, whether or not it passed.
I'm not a troll -- Were I one, I surely wouldn't post under my own name. If you bothered to find anything out about me (as I did about you before I posted), you'd see I'm a learner by nature -- I'm curious. As you are a teacher, I thought you'd be interested in showing me how this came about.
About this, I am curious, and I honestly want to know how someone who hated all Palestinians in the wake of 9/11 doesn't understand the importance of the Patriot Act and the defense of this country and our rights?
I am curious! I'm not trying to police anything. I am Curious! Do you get it? I'm trying to learn. Trying to open some discourse. Trying to understand how people get to think the way they do.
If you'd rather keep people from learning, then you are failing the challenge I put forth -- Not to hate, but to learn.
At 10:22 PM,
Tsarina said…
Beth, since you seem to be unable to grasp meaning from what you read, I will type very slowly. When I stated "I have since gotten past my anger toward all Palestinians. To remain angry and blame them would be the same as the hatred that caused people to crash airplanes into buildings that contained average people who had no voice in our nation's policies.", I meant I DO NOT HATE ALL PALESTINIANS. I do not know how much clearer I can make things for you.
Also, DO NOT presume to tell me what I have or have not read. I have read, understood, and taught the Bill of Rights for many years. Last year, my 8th grade U.S. History students read The Patriot Act. If a group of disinterested 14 year-olds can say, "But, isn't that the opposite of what The Bill of Rights says?", then it is glaringly obvious. If my point of view does not coincide with yours, it does not mean that I am a knuckle-dragging, toothless imbecile. It means that based on my life experience and personality, I have chosen to believe differently.
There are regular visitors here who have vastly different opinions than mine, and they share them freely and respectfully. Were you one of my students, I would suggest that instead of trying to force your opinions on other people, you should work on your communication skills. As my grandma always said, "You'll catch more flies with honey". Now let me explain one final time: this is not, repeat NOT a political blog, and none of us here comes for long-winded political debate. If you are, as you claim to be, a learner, then learn this: it is rude to come to someone else's home and begin telling them that they are ignorant because you have misunderstood them. And, yes, it is my kingdom, and I do reserve the final right to remove anything that annoys me. If that bothers you, then take some advice from my grandpa, who was less tactful than Gran: "Go the fuck home".
At 11:31 PM,
Seeker said…
awww man i missed Beth's original post! Damn that sucks.
As for respect... Tsarina you can always be my bitch dawlin' =)
love yas
At 11:37 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Gee Wiz I missed most of the fun. What started as a wonderful post of someones feelings about the impact of 9/11 has turned into political and personal thrashing. Tsarina, what you said was insightful and a reflection of true emotions. I was impressed and can see how you became the Tsarina over this kingdom of the net.
Beth, relax read for content and meaning. Taking anything out of context leads to error. I personally love the Patriot Act and can see how it keeps the Bill of Rights and other freedoms safe. However, Tsarina's posting was in no way about that.
At 2:31 PM,
Derek said…
"Gee, now that's intelligent discourse. You're mother know you talk that way? "
actaully i thought it was pretty intelligent.. oh no everyone, he said fuck, clearly any and all the words before and after mean nothing at all, because no intelligent person in the world swears. does me mother know i talk that way? oh am i sorry, were you trying to insult me? ah shit, i was too busy wondering how in the world some one can get so caught up over something on the internet.
beth, even if you had managed some half ass attempt at a serious insult to me, youd be forgetting that its the internet.. why do you care so much? hell, why are you even reading what im saying.. its the internet.. is what im saying going to some how change your life? nope, so chill out and accept that some one has a different opinion and probably doesnt give a fuck what some trolling blogger has to say.
heres something to think about.. if ya dont like it, leave.. trust me, no ones gonna miss ya, just move the curser to the top right and click that X, see isnt the computer world neat..
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