I drove past a Discount Funeral Store today, I shit you not! It made me laugh until I thought I was going to pee myself. It reminded me of the time I was asked to leave my grandfather's funeral... *kick in fog machine and wavy images along with mysterious "flashback" music*
My grandfather passed away at the ripe old age of 93. It was sad in the way all funerals are sad, but, for crying out loud, he was 93, it wasn't unexpected. I have always giggled when I'm uncomfortable or nervous, so this too should not have surprised anyone. My nephew was around 7 or 8, and being given the choice of attending school on spelling test day or hanging out with me, he chose wisely.
As we sat in the third row of uncomfortable wood folding chairs, Eddie and I whispered a little until my mom turned around and gave us the Stinkeye of Death. We sat quietly for an eternity (ok, probably five minutes, but we're both hyper, and it SEEMED like forever). Finally, Eddie whispers to me, "why is he wearing glasses"? He nodded forward. I looked at the elderly gentleman in front of me and, thinking Eddie was setting up some joke, I said, "so he can see, duh", and rolled my eyes at him. He looked at me with the most disgusted face and said at a volume which could have been heard across a noisy gym, "BUT HE'S DEAD, YOU IDIOT", and smacked his forehead like he was dealing with the biggest mental deficient God ever created. All heads turned toward us, and I let out a BWAHAHAHA. At the look on my mother's face, we tried to control our laughter, honestly we did. However, neither one of us could stop giggling, and my mom's bug eyed glares did not help matters. We were still trying stop when the usher leaned down to me and whispered, "perhaps the two of you would like to get a breath of fresh air?" in a tone that let me know it was not really a question.
I took Eddie's hand and we started to get up. He was holding his breath, trying not to laugh, when it happened. You guessed it- he ripped one- loudly. And it stunk. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard, the minister stood open-mouthed at the front of the room, my mom and sister were beet red (Cruella wouldn't even look toward us; I think she was hoping no one would know she was his mom), and my dad stared straight ahead as if nothing were going on. We spent the rest of the time in the parking lot, trying to compose ourselves (btw, the phrase "compose yourselves" was used by the usher and we found it extremely funny). Due to our incredible charm, Eddie and I were both forgiven very quickly by everyone but my immediate family, who refuse to even talk about it 12 years later! Oh, and Eddie and I still aren't allowed to sit next to each other at funerals.
My grandfather passed away at the ripe old age of 93. It was sad in the way all funerals are sad, but, for crying out loud, he was 93, it wasn't unexpected. I have always giggled when I'm uncomfortable or nervous, so this too should not have surprised anyone. My nephew was around 7 or 8, and being given the choice of attending school on spelling test day or hanging out with me, he chose wisely.
As we sat in the third row of uncomfortable wood folding chairs, Eddie and I whispered a little until my mom turned around and gave us the Stinkeye of Death. We sat quietly for an eternity (ok, probably five minutes, but we're both hyper, and it SEEMED like forever). Finally, Eddie whispers to me, "why is he wearing glasses"? He nodded forward. I looked at the elderly gentleman in front of me and, thinking Eddie was setting up some joke, I said, "so he can see, duh", and rolled my eyes at him. He looked at me with the most disgusted face and said at a volume which could have been heard across a noisy gym, "BUT HE'S DEAD, YOU IDIOT", and smacked his forehead like he was dealing with the biggest mental deficient God ever created. All heads turned toward us, and I let out a BWAHAHAHA. At the look on my mother's face, we tried to control our laughter, honestly we did. However, neither one of us could stop giggling, and my mom's bug eyed glares did not help matters. We were still trying stop when the usher leaned down to me and whispered, "perhaps the two of you would like to get a breath of fresh air?" in a tone that let me know it was not really a question.
I took Eddie's hand and we started to get up. He was holding his breath, trying not to laugh, when it happened. You guessed it- he ripped one- loudly. And it stunk. I had tears running down my face from laughing so hard, the minister stood open-mouthed at the front of the room, my mom and sister were beet red (Cruella wouldn't even look toward us; I think she was hoping no one would know she was his mom), and my dad stared straight ahead as if nothing were going on. We spent the rest of the time in the parking lot, trying to compose ourselves (btw, the phrase "compose yourselves" was used by the usher and we found it extremely funny). Due to our incredible charm, Eddie and I were both forgiven very quickly by everyone but my immediate family, who refuse to even talk about it 12 years later! Oh, and Eddie and I still aren't allowed to sit next to each other at funerals.
At 1:52 AM,
Trashman said…
That was great. It brought back memories of my grandmothers funeral. I'm sitting here with a stupid grin on my face. Thank you.
At 10:59 AM,
Tsarina said…
I'm always glad when my personal humiliations can amuse others!!!
At 5:29 PM,
JamDaddy said…
You guys gave yourselves and everyone else a great memory of the moment. Your family just won't acknowledge it, they are family after all. Bet Eddie has loved you ever since, you are someone favorite.
At 8:50 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That is classic!!!
At 10:13 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- Actually, Eddie and I have always been each other's favorites. I am a firm believer in reincarnation, and I believe that we have known each other for many lifetimes. Some day I'll blog about the strange mind-reading thing that we do sometimes to freak out other people!
Fleece- I'm sorry to hear that you're sad, I'm glad I could offer some humor. *Hug*
Inanna- thanks!
At 11:06 PM,
Derek said…
hahahahaha, that is awesome.. the fact that he farted put the icing on the cake.. he musta been waiting to use it.. haha
i mine.. 93.. come on.. i could see if it was someone really young
At 12:22 AM,
Seeker said…
Fuck man that was awesome you kick ass! I bet gramps was up there with a huge chuckle watching you two tear up his funeral.
At 8:06 AM,
Nord said…
That's great, funerals are too stuffy anyhow, reminds me a little of a hearse incident at my pops funeral. Funny story had me laughing.
At 10:58 PM,
Tsarina said…
I think the main reason the rest of the family forgave us is that my grandfather was also someone who laughed at inappropriate times (and was excessively gassy)! I guess the irony of the situation wasn't lost on them!
Thanks for the positive feedback on the new look; I'm not crazy about the header colors- a little jarring for my taste, but it's such a bitch to tinker with that it's gonna stay that way for a while.
At 6:11 AM,
Rita said…
I can't help but remember one of my favorite Mary Tyler Moore episodes, when the clown died and Mary can't control her laughter at the funeral.
"A little song, a little dance . . . a little seltzer down the pants . . ."
Classic story - I can't imagine what you could have done that might have pleased your grandfather any more than that.
At 9:08 AM,
Tsarina said…
OMG- I LOVED that episode!!! I'm not a big MTM fan, but that one is classic!
At 11:16 AM,
Tsarina said…
Wow, Robin, you have essentially summed up my entire life- maybe there's no need for me to blog!!! Thanks for visiting.
At 4:26 PM,
foxymama said…
I can relate... I once laughed for over 2hours...NON-STOP. I was dealing with several heavy issues in my life and that's the way it came out. The harder I tried to stop, the harder I laughed. Alas, it happened on a first date with a guy I thought was pretty cool and would have liked to date again.
At first he thought it was funny himself. On the way to dinner at a pretty fine establishment some distance away, he made a side trip to a nice pub where his friend was the bartender. He said he wanted his friend to see how much I enjoyed my date with him. I was laughing...
I laughed through dinner and half the way home again until finally, exhausted after 2 hours, it just stopped. Good thing too. A cop stopped us about 10 minutes after that, about a taillight out. I'm sure glad I wasn't laughing then.
I never saw the fellow again. ButI didn't laugh about it...
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