I Am A Spaz
Ok, I just thought I'd post this, because it is so typically me. Today was registration day at school. All of the laughing, smiling parents bring their irritable progeny to the school to sign up for classes. We all put on our Sunday best to meet and greet the families and reassure the community that we can be trusted with their most precious little angels. Even the PE teachers change out of track suits and make nice with everyone. Needless to say, appearance is VERY important.
It stormed here last night. When I got home, it was pitch black and my power was out. I took my WalMart bags out of the car, waded through three inches of water and opened the outside door. With my hands full, and the lights out, I began to climb the stairs to my kitchen; one, two, three, "there's seven, right?" I ask myself, five, six, seven, SMACK! No, folks, there are EIGHT steps to my kitchen. I missed that last step, tripped up it, and slammed my face into the kitchen door. I could taste blood filling my mouth and running down my face onto my shirt. Crying from the pain and the frustration of a very long day, I grabbed an icepack and put it in my mouth (this was the part that hurt worst). I fumbled around, found a candle and went to the bathroom. Bloody nose and bleeding mouth, shit. I washed the blood from my face, and it didn't look too bad. After taking some Tylenol and putting ice on my mouth for about an hour, the lights came on. I went to look in the mirror...
The first question from one of my co-workers this morning was, "what's the other guy look like?" I have a swollen nose, and a fat lip that's got a huge crusty scab covering one entire side. Oh, yeah, I had to get my ID picture taken today... *sigh*, welcome to the joy that IS my life.
It stormed here last night. When I got home, it was pitch black and my power was out. I took my WalMart bags out of the car, waded through three inches of water and opened the outside door. With my hands full, and the lights out, I began to climb the stairs to my kitchen; one, two, three, "there's seven, right?" I ask myself, five, six, seven, SMACK! No, folks, there are EIGHT steps to my kitchen. I missed that last step, tripped up it, and slammed my face into the kitchen door. I could taste blood filling my mouth and running down my face onto my shirt. Crying from the pain and the frustration of a very long day, I grabbed an icepack and put it in my mouth (this was the part that hurt worst). I fumbled around, found a candle and went to the bathroom. Bloody nose and bleeding mouth, shit. I washed the blood from my face, and it didn't look too bad. After taking some Tylenol and putting ice on my mouth for about an hour, the lights came on. I went to look in the mirror...
The first question from one of my co-workers this morning was, "what's the other guy look like?" I have a swollen nose, and a fat lip that's got a huge crusty scab covering one entire side. Oh, yeah, I had to get my ID picture taken today... *sigh*, welcome to the joy that IS my life.
At 10:24 PM,
JamDaddy said…
I hope you made up a better story for the parents. Something along the lines of keeping the PE coach in-line or fighting over sale clothes at Wal-mart.
I would never try to actually remember the number of steps in the dark. I know how many I have, but to actually trust my memory, ha, I know better. Just remember no matter how smart you are Fate is smarter and loves to be a smart-ass. Feel your way in the dark. A blind man never counts the steps to the street, they tap tap tap (feel) their way.
Sometimes you should post a pic or two. I would love to see the ID picture.
At 8:02 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
You know life is sometimes a pain in the ass. Usually when we need it the least. I hope all goes well. If not just tell everyone your kick boxing class is going great and offer to prove it.
love and light
At 9:30 AM,
Nord said…
This sounds exactly like something I would do. I walk around the house (in the dark) with my arms out in front of me, I have often walked into walls in a house I am supposed to know. Just so you don't feel like a total tard, I do this kind of thing too. I once got a black eye by smacking my eyebrow against a drawer (that I had left open and was out of my field of view) while I picked something off the floor.
At 10:32 AM,
Seeker said…
I woulda preferred my shot of 220v coming out of my house to that!
Nord ~ Hun you live upside-fucking-down how the hell can we expect you to maintain proper balance?
At 7:48 PM,
Tsarina said…
Thanks, everyone- hearing that I am not the only clumsy goofball in the world DOES make me feel better!
JD- I am not, repeat, NOT posting that pic! The woman that took it was really pissy when we walked in, but I kept talking to her and finally she smiled and chatted a bit. She told me it was against the rules, but if I come back after I'm healed, she'll take a new one for me (one of my best traits is the ability to schmooze)!
James- Something similar happened to me years ago, except I had to have surgery on my jaw that was knocked out of whack! When they said wear protection, I didn't know they meant a helmet.
Nord- I feel a geek sister vibe from you every time you comment or blog!
Seeker- STFU, assmonkey!!!! Glad to see you're up and commenting again ;)
Robyn- I wish you had made that suggestion before registration. I'm too damn honest (and too willing to tell a funny story on myself), so I told the truth.
Reaz- I think we must be related- my sister has done many of the things you mention, and most of my family is what we describe as "awkward". Of course, I consider it to be part of my charm...
At 9:05 AM,
Seeker said…
go to my blog and right click... I did that just for you ;)
At 10:58 AM,
Tsarina said…
Seeker- Again, your technological skills amaze me! I am honored that you took the time to call me an Ass Monkey!
At 12:18 PM,
Derek said…
Like last night, i was walking in the dark with a bowl of cereal.. miscalculated the steps and walked into the door.. spilt my cereal...
then the other day.. ran into some one riding my bike... sprained ankle and jammed finger. had fun telling the nurse about that..
At 9:49 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- Ouch; jammed fingers are one of the worst pains ever. When I was young, I had to stop playing volleyball because I was too wussy to stand the jammed fingers. Hope you're better now!
At 12:27 PM,
Derek said…
my fingers are still a bit stiff.. (the other ones knuckle got screwed up when i punched a books case.. yea.. i was mad..) then my ankle is still stiff and bruised.. and now my neck is stiff as hell from rocking it out at a concert the other night.. im falling apart!
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