Postcards from Paradise
Many evenings, I sit on my patio and watch the sunset. I am obsessed with sunsets, and as I watch the sherbet-hued sky, I feel a huge sense of awe and serenity. I haven't had cable in forever, and I rarely miss it. The most amazing herd of cows lives across the way (they were in the back pasture when this was taken), and their voices are similar to meditation chants. So, for anyone who wonders WHO would want to live in the MidWest- I wonder who WOULDN'T want to live here?

Evening view from my patio.
At 11:57 AM,
Derek said…
the city i live on is right on Lake Huron (one of the Great Lakes) and because of that we get aweome sun sets over the lake.. its kind of a 'thing' between me and my girl friend that we always owe eachother sunsets..
At 4:05 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, that is so cool; I love sunset on the water. There is a creek across from me, but it's not quite the same thing as watching sunset over a huge lake or ocean! I'm glad that you and your girlfriend take the time to notice things like that- you rock!
At 10:35 PM,
JamDaddy said…
I love sunset. We also just happen to live in an area that gets rainbows during the day all the time. Sometimes we see 2 or 3 at a time. The sky is very inspiring.
However, the mid-west???? It really depends where in the mid-west. If the city is large enough, ok I can deal. However on my last trip cross country I actually had to have truck parts flown in to Sheridan WY (twice). Yes it's nice, but I could never live THERE.
At 11:06 PM,
Derek said…
The sun sets over Lake Superior were really awesome too when we were on vacation one summer..
another awesome thing about the lake is watching storms roll in.. and the lightning over the lake.. very cool..
At 7:54 AM,
Tsarina said…
JD- I'm within easy driving distance of Chicago, St.Louis, and Indianapolis, if I get the urge for a city. I love the things to do there, but I'll never understand how people could love living in a city. I've always dreamt of living in WY, MT, or ND- lots of space and few ppl.
Derek- You're a man after my own heart! While I am terrified of thunder (too loud and sudden), I love watching storms roll in. In fact, I was going to blog about that when I get home this evening- watched it last night. Have a great day!
At 8:05 AM,
JamDaddy said…
ND in the middle of a wheat field during a sunset is awesome. My aunt and uncles house in WY is across from cow pastures and the sunset there are great also, over the mountains, breath taking. I am a suburb kinda person. 25 minutes outside of DC, 5 minutes West cows and farms, 10 minutes East traffic and people.
You do need to get to Anchorage AK for a sunset once in your life. The people make it worth the trip.
At 4:40 PM,
Tsarina said…
Alaska is definitely on my must-see list! If I die before I see the Northern Lights, I will be one pissed-off spirit!!!!
At 9:55 PM,
Derek said…
ive seen the northern lights once.. but i live in south western ontario.. so i guess technically it wasnt the aroura borialis (sp?) it was just some mess up, there was like bright red and then blue and green hues all over the sky.. i think it was like space dust or some junk.. it was really cool though
At 11:21 PM,
Tsarina said…
That is so cool! I've heard that you really can see the Aurora Borealis as far south ast Michigan sometimes, so it probably was! A girl I used to know was from somewhere in northwestern Canada, and she said that they often saw the lights there.
At 6:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
So your 43, huh, cows, what's a cow? Are they those things that piss milk? How do they do chocolate... do they eat table scraps or come when you call them? How does one hook up cable in the barn? Do you do hay rides? Sherbet-sky? When's the last time you ate? You sound three sheets to the windmill. Can you hear a cricket making love or a lightning bug turn on the light or hear an owl when its find out who? Can you hear your neighbor moan, your Sunday newspaper hitting the window, or hear a marsh mellow sizzle in your mouth your mailperson open your mai...your dentists drill from 8 miles a way, your tip hit the bottom of the glass on the counter... if you can your a good listener not a midwestner but if you can see the sunset, you've given thanks that you are alive until tomorrow.
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