The Joy of Pets (and other ramblings)
Sometimes I think that I love my dog too much (not in a creepy-Internet way). I was hoping to get away for a couple of days before school starts to just relax a little. I found the perfect retreat cottages- set in the woods, no phone, no tv, perfect. I was getting very excited at the prospect- they are near the Tibetan Cultural Center in Bloomington, IN, which I've long wanted to visit, and no one I know could disturb my peace and quiet. I was planning on just taking off, so no one would try to talk me out of it, or remind me that I hadn't been camping, or even hiking in the woods since I saw the Blair Witch Project. Happy in my image of meditating at sunrise, then walking with the dog through the woods; back to the cabin for lunch, then afternoon meditation at the Center. Maybe I'd take a book and just read until I fell asleep- oh, the joy of being pressure-free! Then, last night, I received an email from the Center that pets were not allowed! WTF? So, I pondered for about a minute and a half before I cancelled my reservation- if they won't let Baxter into their woods, who needs them? I'll never understand why places will let people bring their screaming, out of control kids, but I can't bring my sweet, well-mannered pup? *Note: I do not think that all little kids are screaming and out of control, just the ones who annoy me, so if you have kids that have some form of self-restraint while in public, please do not feel that was aimed at you*
For example, I was at the pet store over the weekend. I wanted to see if they had a turtle because I want to get a class pet, I've had boxturtles before, and they're great pets. There were two separate families there, the first, I'll call the Pleasant family. Dad and two kids- boy around 8, girl around 6. The Pleasant children were thrilled to be looking at the pets and excitedly chattered to each other and their dad. I arrived after them, so I stood back, allowing them to view the pets and waiting my turn. The little boy turned to me and said, "look at this lizzard, it's really cool", and allowed me to view. GOOD KIDS.
Family two, we'll call the Evil family. The Evils consisted of Mom, Dad, two boys (7&8?) and a girl (3 ish). The Evils came up after the Pleasants had left, and while I was looking at the turtles (which both had serious eye conditions). The Evil children actually tried to shove me to see what was in the cage. I looked at the oldest one and told him I would be done in a minute. He shoved harder and said, "Moooooove". I locked my knees and refused to budge (not an easy task, he was a strong little bastard). I look over at his mom, who laughs and actually said, "he knows what he wants!". I gave her the disgusted look and said, "meanwhile the rest of the world just wants him to go away", smiled and walked away. DEMON BEASTS
For example, I was at the pet store over the weekend. I wanted to see if they had a turtle because I want to get a class pet, I've had boxturtles before, and they're great pets. There were two separate families there, the first, I'll call the Pleasant family. Dad and two kids- boy around 8, girl around 6. The Pleasant children were thrilled to be looking at the pets and excitedly chattered to each other and their dad. I arrived after them, so I stood back, allowing them to view the pets and waiting my turn. The little boy turned to me and said, "look at this lizzard, it's really cool", and allowed me to view. GOOD KIDS.
Family two, we'll call the Evil family. The Evils consisted of Mom, Dad, two boys (7&8?) and a girl (3 ish). The Evils came up after the Pleasants had left, and while I was looking at the turtles (which both had serious eye conditions). The Evil children actually tried to shove me to see what was in the cage. I looked at the oldest one and told him I would be done in a minute. He shoved harder and said, "Moooooove". I locked my knees and refused to budge (not an easy task, he was a strong little bastard). I look over at his mom, who laughs and actually said, "he knows what he wants!". I gave her the disgusted look and said, "meanwhile the rest of the world just wants him to go away", smiled and walked away. DEMON BEASTS
At 11:09 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Why be a good parent when you have teachers, isnt that what they are hired for?
Oh I agree, give me my doggie Thumper over about 50% of the kids I meet each day. Well, lets not forget to add the parent of those kids to the list. Maybe since you were in a pet store it was ok to bite them?
At 11:50 PM,
Seeker said…
LMFAO! Man you need to learn to give the look of death. Stare into them as if you are satan himself and whisper that if they are not careful you are going to visit them in their sleep and .....
Swallow their Soul...Swallow their Soul.
Then looking intently at the parent you tell them in a more vocal voice....
You're children have the mark of the Beast. Pay heed and get it removed.
At 12:21 AM,
Tsarina said…
Wow, remind me never to piss you guys off- I was just fantasizing about thunking the mom in the forehead. But, dear God, Seeker, you fucking RULE! I'm just picturing her gap-toothed mouth dropping open in shock and horror! Btw- how DO you get the mark of the Beast removed- dermatologist?
At 12:55 AM,
Derek said…
haha, i hate parents that dont control their kids.. god.. i woulda pushed the kid back.. but im young, i can get away with it.. but then theyd just think im a punk ass teen.. which is true.. but still, get your damn kid on a leash people.
At 1:10 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, that reminded me- last semester, I was teaching a class where the kids had to write a poem about a person. One kid, whom I had tried very hard to include in things (he's just weird, and the other kids picked on him a lot), told me he was writing about me. Well, when I read the poem, it was about how mean I was! I didn't say anything to him, but cried all the way home. My neighbor's son overheard me telling the story to his dad, went to school the next day, and kicked the crap out of the kid! As a teacher, I had to say, "that's wrong", but inside, I was like, "take that, you punk-ass bitch!" Being a grown-up is hard! Oh, when I brought treats cuz they all passed their Constitution test, I made sure Kevin (neighbor kid) got two!
At 12:40 PM,
Derek said…
what a little jerk.. got to write poems and he wasted it being an ass...
man i loved when we got to write poems in grade 10 (didnt start writting till then) mind you i wrote some decent ones for a project in grade 9. But i remember we had to write a sonnet.. god i hated those.. and ballads.. took me for ever to get iambic pentameter down pat.. but i did finally end up getting a decent one.. actually its the first post i ever wrote on my blog.
At 6:01 PM,
Seeker said…
Yeah, but I never do that I have a loud Deep arsed voice and I bellow out Hey! that usually has the little fuckers shitting in their pants.
At 8:36 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Score One for Tsarina!!
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