Important Stuff...PLEASE READ
I received the following letter and wanted to share it. These are extremely vital programs to all schools, not just inner-city ones. Please contact the appropriate officials ASAP.
Save Title IV Funds and Save the DARE Program
In his fiscal year 2006 budget request, President Bush recommended eliminateing the State Grants portion of the Saafe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program despite the fact that it has historically served as the backbone of school based substance abuse prevention and intervention efforts in the United States and has had a significant impact on helping to achieve the 17% overall decline in youth drug use over the past three years.
If Congress implements this draconian cut, then the school based prevention infrastructures that are currently in place will be decimated and the 37 million youth who are served annually by programs funded throught SDFSC will no longer receive the prevention education they need.
Costs associated with drug, alcohol, and tobacco use add 10% or $41 billion to the already strained budgets of schools across the nation. the $441 million in funding for the SDFSC program is minimal when compared to these costs. We cannot afford to see the SDFSC program eliminated.
Using CADCA's CapWiz system, fax the members of your congressional delegation. The members of the House and Senate will be submitting their top appropriations priorities to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Appropriations Subcommittees in the next several weeks. It is imperative that you flood your members with faxes to ensure that restoring the funding for this critical program is one of their top appropriations priorities. YOUR FAX WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The more letters the Hill receives on this issue, the more likely we are to stop this program from being eliminated.
After you have faxed the members of your congressional delegation, send this alert to everyone else in your network.
Fax the members of your congressional delegation immediately to ask them to make restoration of the funds for the SDFSC program one of their top priorities during the appropriations process. CADCA will continue to monitor the SDFSC program as the appropriations process moves forward and will alert you when further action must be taken.
CADCA's fax system allows you to automatically fax CADCA's sample letter on this issue to your legislators from CADCA's website. To send faxes to your legislators, go to
Then click on Elected Officials. Once that page pops up, move down toward the bottom of the page and type in the legislator's name.
If you would like to personalize your letter with examples from your community, please email for a MS Word version of the sample letter.
Ok, I had a hard time figuring out the website to send a message to the puppet who represents me, but it was definitely worth the time. PLEASE take the time to act on this- this isn't just political- there are thousands of lives at stake here...National Security begins when our kids are safe and drug-free.
Save Title IV Funds and Save the DARE Program
In his fiscal year 2006 budget request, President Bush recommended eliminateing the State Grants portion of the Saafe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program despite the fact that it has historically served as the backbone of school based substance abuse prevention and intervention efforts in the United States and has had a significant impact on helping to achieve the 17% overall decline in youth drug use over the past three years.
If Congress implements this draconian cut, then the school based prevention infrastructures that are currently in place will be decimated and the 37 million youth who are served annually by programs funded throught SDFSC will no longer receive the prevention education they need.
Costs associated with drug, alcohol, and tobacco use add 10% or $41 billion to the already strained budgets of schools across the nation. the $441 million in funding for the SDFSC program is minimal when compared to these costs. We cannot afford to see the SDFSC program eliminated.
Using CADCA's CapWiz system, fax the members of your congressional delegation. The members of the House and Senate will be submitting their top appropriations priorities to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Appropriations Subcommittees in the next several weeks. It is imperative that you flood your members with faxes to ensure that restoring the funding for this critical program is one of their top appropriations priorities. YOUR FAX WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The more letters the Hill receives on this issue, the more likely we are to stop this program from being eliminated.
After you have faxed the members of your congressional delegation, send this alert to everyone else in your network.
Fax the members of your congressional delegation immediately to ask them to make restoration of the funds for the SDFSC program one of their top priorities during the appropriations process. CADCA will continue to monitor the SDFSC program as the appropriations process moves forward and will alert you when further action must be taken.
CADCA's fax system allows you to automatically fax CADCA's sample letter on this issue to your legislators from CADCA's website. To send faxes to your legislators, go to
Then click on Elected Officials. Once that page pops up, move down toward the bottom of the page and type in the legislator's name.
If you would like to personalize your letter with examples from your community, please email for a MS Word version of the sample letter.
Ok, I had a hard time figuring out the website to send a message to the puppet who represents me, but it was definitely worth the time. PLEASE take the time to act on this- this isn't just political- there are thousands of lives at stake here...National Security begins when our kids are safe and drug-free.
At 12:00 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Hi T, another good program being killed by poor administration by state and local officials. Did you know that only a few States provided complete detailed review of outcomes relating to their goals, most provide feedback not relating to goals or nothing at all. This has been going on since 96 and to date no clear definable outcomes have been determined nationwide for this SPECIFIC program.
On the positive side, if administered well it also supports non-direct things like improving student environments, reducing attacks on teachers, supporting youth networks, increasing community involvement, dropout prevention, and domestic violence.
I give it a thumbs up, the state officals a thumbs down. Save it and follow up by making your State and Local official use the money wisely and report the results. Remember no results or bad results equal a dead program.
Maybe you should teach and I should run the front office, bwahaha.
At 8:52 AM,
Tsarina said…
This program is being killed by the budget proposal which takes the money from it and gives it to "National Security". These programs have proven to be very successful; in IL alone, drug and alcohol use is down over 19% in 8th graders (my kids) in 3 years. The Title money is what allows me to buy things like equipment for experiments and hands-on models which help my kids understand better than simply reading from a book. My school is located in an impoverished area, which means that we do not receive enough funding from property taxes to pay our way. These funds are our lifeblood, and if removed, most teachers will return to the "butts in seats reading book" approach to teaching.{Inanna can tell you how effective this is for all kids, but especially active ones}.
As I said, this is not a politically motivated protest; I don't give a rat's ass WHO is trying to take the money from my kids, I will fight for it regardless.
I like and respect you JD, but on this matter, we are going to have to agree to disagree!
At 2:53 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Hi T, you should really love and cherish me since we actually AGREE on this one. I gave the program a thumbs up! The funding is in trouble because the States did NOT provide support for improvement or success back to the program administrators. General numbers do not get funding. The people giving out the money want to know how their money is being used and the good it does. If the schools and States never report back the success to the Fed the funding will go away. Fight for the program but make the State and school system report the successes and funding will actually increase. Politicians like to be associated with a PROVEN success story.
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