Valentine's Day Massacre
You know, sometimes I feel like all I do is complain here. Actually, I had a great day until 6th hour. I took treats and valentines for the kids and they worked on their projects. Then came 6th hour...I got called into the AssPrincipal's office and called on the carpet. It seems that my team and one of the counselors (not GC, but one I've always liked) believe that I did not put up a united front with the team in the meeting with C's mom on Friday. Why? you ask, let me explain:
For starters, I was not seated correctly. I always sit behind the rest of them, and when C came in, he chose to sit with me. Apparently, I should have shoved him away and made him sit with his mom or another teacher.
Secondly, I did not speak up about the difficulties I've been having with him. Honestly, I couldn't have gotten a word in between his mom and Crusty, but I really didn't feel there was a need. Why? you ask again...because I have been in regular contact with his mom. Every time we had a problem, I've called her, so she is well aware of the situation. If his other teachers chose not to do this (in spite of repeated requests by mom to do so), that's their problem.
Finally, I mentioned to his mom that some of our students have switched to other teams when they had problems with individual teachers.
The Ass kept me in his office for 20 minutes while he told me that I am (get this) TOO COMPASSIONATE, and need to stop sticking up for the kids. Apparently, I am supposed to sit by and watch these vicious bitches railroad my kids out of our classes because they are more difficult. I told him that I appreciated his advice. I then told him that I felt that I had presented a very united front while C and his mom were there, but that under no circumstances would I keep my mouth shut while I observed his being treated unfairly. He backpedalled and said that of course I should stand up for the kids, but only in private. Again, I asked what exactly I had done to make my team and the counselor feel that I was not standing with them. Again, he mentioned the way we were seated, and the fact that I did not bring up my problems with C. So, basically, I wasted 20 minutes of my life listening to a man that I don't respect or like tell me to be someone that I am not... That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. As far as I'm concerned, I KNOW I am doing a good job. I KNOW Crusty will not be asked back next year (another story, but she was rude to the superintendent's wife- oops). I KNOW the principal likes and respects me. I KNOW my kids like and respect me. I KNOW my kids' parents like and respect me. I KNOW that the staff whom I respect feel the same about me. I only have 3 months left; my team can just KISS MY ENTIRE WHITE ASS.
For starters, I was not seated correctly. I always sit behind the rest of them, and when C came in, he chose to sit with me. Apparently, I should have shoved him away and made him sit with his mom or another teacher.
Secondly, I did not speak up about the difficulties I've been having with him. Honestly, I couldn't have gotten a word in between his mom and Crusty, but I really didn't feel there was a need. Why? you ask again...because I have been in regular contact with his mom. Every time we had a problem, I've called her, so she is well aware of the situation. If his other teachers chose not to do this (in spite of repeated requests by mom to do so), that's their problem.
Finally, I mentioned to his mom that some of our students have switched to other teams when they had problems with individual teachers.
The Ass kept me in his office for 20 minutes while he told me that I am (get this) TOO COMPASSIONATE, and need to stop sticking up for the kids. Apparently, I am supposed to sit by and watch these vicious bitches railroad my kids out of our classes because they are more difficult. I told him that I appreciated his advice. I then told him that I felt that I had presented a very united front while C and his mom were there, but that under no circumstances would I keep my mouth shut while I observed his being treated unfairly. He backpedalled and said that of course I should stand up for the kids, but only in private. Again, I asked what exactly I had done to make my team and the counselor feel that I was not standing with them. Again, he mentioned the way we were seated, and the fact that I did not bring up my problems with C. So, basically, I wasted 20 minutes of my life listening to a man that I don't respect or like tell me to be someone that I am not... That's 20 minutes I'll never get back. As far as I'm concerned, I KNOW I am doing a good job. I KNOW Crusty will not be asked back next year (another story, but she was rude to the superintendent's wife- oops). I KNOW the principal likes and respects me. I KNOW my kids like and respect me. I KNOW my kids' parents like and respect me. I KNOW that the staff whom I respect feel the same about me. I only have 3 months left; my team can just KISS MY ENTIRE WHITE ASS.
At 10:36 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Are you supposed to say "white" ass? I think that shows a predisposition towards prejudice or something like that. I think you have to say "honkey" ass. OK, now that the politically correct stuff is out of the way, sounds like you got raked over the coals for effect only. That happens sometimes and is a famous power move by all the Asses of the world. Seems they put a lot of stock in seating arrangements and other really important things. Next time try his lap and call him daddy. If you do that in front of enough people he will be terrified to have any one-on-one meetings with you. I am always glad to hear you are hanging tough!
Watch for a Valentines kiss coming your way! X
At 7:50 PM,
Tsarina said…
Hehehe, I like the sitting in his lap thing...he's so conservative that he makes YOU look like Hillary Clinton! He'd have a stroke on the spot!!!! As far as the kiss...the dog DID wake me up with his wet nose this morning! Thanks for stopping by.
At 9:00 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
I thought it was "lily white ass?" Must be a southern thang. Give 'em hell darlin'!
At 10:00 PM,
Derek said…
stick it too em!
bunch a jerks..
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