The Painful Life of Tsarina
Sorry I haven't been around- this was a rough week and once I get home, all I do is sleep.
T. is in jail. He stole a car stereo. To say I am disappointed in him is putting it mildly. He's been making great progress- he stopped getting high, because part of his probation requires random drug testing. However, his uncle (a deacon at a church) fired him about three weeks ago (he helped fix stuff at the retirement home associated with the church), because he worked too fast (and I'm assuming he wasn't doing the work thoroughly). My thought would be that you would show the kid HOW you want something done, but hey, that's just me. So, T. hasn't had enough to eat for a while; I've been buying him lunch (as a half-day student, he doesn't qualify for free lunch). In his mind, when he saw this stereo, it meant money. Then, when the police questioned him, the stupid little shit admitted to it immediately. Honesty is good, but there are times to keep your freaking mouth shut. His mom and grandma have been refusing to accept his calls, so he called the school on my planning period. Thank God the good secretary answered and accepted the call so I could talk to him. If he's not in class tomorrow, I'm going to juvenile hall and trying to see him.
Her Highness has also discovered that she is WAAAAAYYYY too old to be rolling around on a concrete floor, trying to pull fighting girls off of each other. There was a fight in the galleria Friday, and let me tell you: narrow-minded Nina is NO FUCKING HELP in a crisis. As I'm on the floor, pulling one girl, with my feet pushing the other away, a third girl jumped on me. I see Nina standing there, mouth open. I finally yelled at her, "Get her the fuck off of me", which shocked the crowd of kids! At one point, the third girl had balled up her fist and was going to hit me. I stared her in the eye and said, "If you hit me, I will hit you back", which stopped her. Finally, Ann (another teacher), jumped in and helped separate everyone (by this time, there were five girls involved). The whole fucking time, Nina just stood there... she didn't even blow her whistle- I had to do that, too. I'm not saying she had to jump into the melee, but for God's sake, at least pull the girl off my back, you stupid twit! When all was said and done, five girls are suspended, Tsarina and Ann received attention from the nurse for minor scrapes and bruises, and Nina complained of a headache from the whole event!
When I got back to my class (with 20 minutes left), the kids were very concerned about me. It was sweet, really, they all crowded around and wanted me to assure them that the bruise on my cheek was nothing. Sometimes they are so kind, they make me want to cry (and sometimes, I DO). There is one kid in that class that I don't know what to do with- he likes me, which is fine, but he's being accused of saying things that are really inappropriate. Some of the girls are uncomfortable with the things they say he's been saying about me. I tried to talk to him, and explain sexual harassment and its consequences. He assurred me that it wouldn't happen again. However, as he was leaving Friday, I heard him refer to me as his woman to another student. I was too tired to stop him. Sigh, as sad as it is, that's the best offer I've had in ages... I gotta get a life!
I was thinking about those of you who stop by regularly, and how each of us is so different, yet I care about each of you so much. I'm very grateful for each and every one of you, and I pray that you all have a safe and happy holiday, and that your new year is filled with peace, love and joy.
T. is in jail. He stole a car stereo. To say I am disappointed in him is putting it mildly. He's been making great progress- he stopped getting high, because part of his probation requires random drug testing. However, his uncle (a deacon at a church) fired him about three weeks ago (he helped fix stuff at the retirement home associated with the church), because he worked too fast (and I'm assuming he wasn't doing the work thoroughly). My thought would be that you would show the kid HOW you want something done, but hey, that's just me. So, T. hasn't had enough to eat for a while; I've been buying him lunch (as a half-day student, he doesn't qualify for free lunch). In his mind, when he saw this stereo, it meant money. Then, when the police questioned him, the stupid little shit admitted to it immediately. Honesty is good, but there are times to keep your freaking mouth shut. His mom and grandma have been refusing to accept his calls, so he called the school on my planning period. Thank God the good secretary answered and accepted the call so I could talk to him. If he's not in class tomorrow, I'm going to juvenile hall and trying to see him.
Her Highness has also discovered that she is WAAAAAYYYY too old to be rolling around on a concrete floor, trying to pull fighting girls off of each other. There was a fight in the galleria Friday, and let me tell you: narrow-minded Nina is NO FUCKING HELP in a crisis. As I'm on the floor, pulling one girl, with my feet pushing the other away, a third girl jumped on me. I see Nina standing there, mouth open. I finally yelled at her, "Get her the fuck off of me", which shocked the crowd of kids! At one point, the third girl had balled up her fist and was going to hit me. I stared her in the eye and said, "If you hit me, I will hit you back", which stopped her. Finally, Ann (another teacher), jumped in and helped separate everyone (by this time, there were five girls involved). The whole fucking time, Nina just stood there... she didn't even blow her whistle- I had to do that, too. I'm not saying she had to jump into the melee, but for God's sake, at least pull the girl off my back, you stupid twit! When all was said and done, five girls are suspended, Tsarina and Ann received attention from the nurse for minor scrapes and bruises, and Nina complained of a headache from the whole event!
When I got back to my class (with 20 minutes left), the kids were very concerned about me. It was sweet, really, they all crowded around and wanted me to assure them that the bruise on my cheek was nothing. Sometimes they are so kind, they make me want to cry (and sometimes, I DO). There is one kid in that class that I don't know what to do with- he likes me, which is fine, but he's being accused of saying things that are really inappropriate. Some of the girls are uncomfortable with the things they say he's been saying about me. I tried to talk to him, and explain sexual harassment and its consequences. He assurred me that it wouldn't happen again. However, as he was leaving Friday, I heard him refer to me as his woman to another student. I was too tired to stop him. Sigh, as sad as it is, that's the best offer I've had in ages... I gotta get a life!
I was thinking about those of you who stop by regularly, and how each of us is so different, yet I care about each of you so much. I'm very grateful for each and every one of you, and I pray that you all have a safe and happy holiday, and that your new year is filled with peace, love and joy.
At 8:11 PM,
Katrina said…
Sorry to hear that T. is in jail. It is great that he has you to turn to though.
As for fights...your school encourages you to break up fights???? We are told to stay out of it, call the office and our police resource person (in our school), and clear the area of students. We are never to get involved. Well, at least you weren't incredibly injured...take care of yourself!
At 1:08 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Dang Tsarina, I can't believe you yelled at Nina and gave her a headache, Harsh, very Harsh!
At least you are good to the students and they in return love you. I'm thinking about now you should really keep an injury scrap book. Breaking up a fight is way cooler that crashing into a door and banging up your noodle.
Hope T gets his act together. Take care of yourself and enjoy the Holidays. Step under the mistletoe for me and I will blow a kiss.
At 9:02 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
Bad week Tsarina. The holiday break is almost here though. A little time for you to reinvigorate yourself. A mugwart poltice is just the ing for that nasty bruise. Yes they had that right in Practical Magic.
On behalf of all your regs. We love you right back. Not all of us post regularly. We do care though, and you are in our thoughts.
Love and Light
At 11:04 AM,
Mark said…
I'm a former high school English teacher. I read your blog to remind myself of what that was like and to teach myself about how to do it well--better than I did. You are clearly a wonderful teacher.
Please take care of yourself. You are giving so much. All of us following your blog love you for it. Still, I find myself worrying about you. Please remember to do whatever you need to do for personal renewal.
At 2:02 PM,
Traci Dolan said…
Jeeebus H. your Highness!!! That Nina woman needs her teeth kicked in. So sorry about T!! I know it must be breaking your heart. I hope it all works out. I will be thinking of you this holiday season, as always! *hugs*
At 9:20 PM,
Tsarina said…
Hey all! T. was in school today, but VERY upset. I hugged him goodbye and he started to cry a little. He wouldn't talk, though, so I'm not really sure what's up. It breaks my heart to see him sliding down the path he's chosen. I'd appreciate any prayers to your respective higher powers to give him strength and guidance. It's been suggested that his may be my next funeral, and to be quite honest, I think that would be more than my heart could take. If I don't talk to you again before the weekend, I wish all of us PEACE.
At 11:24 AM,
Derek said…
Teachers here are afraid to touch us i think.. but if there is a huge fight that they gotta stop im sure they will. not many fights here often though. 1200 students and for the most part we all mind our own business. theres definitely some clashing but nothing really bad.
bummer with T. i imagine that would be enough to make ya quiet for awhile, staying a couple nights in the pin. Id really hate that. tis why im real sneaky. Id like to say i dont do things that could get me in that trouble, but let's be serious, im a mixed up teenager. :p
just knock that teacher out, seriously.. you'll feel much better. just accidently push her into a fight. Ou! ask one of your students to mistakenly get pushed and knock into her.. hmmm
Merry Christmas!
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