Karma Kicks Ass
Ok, trying this again: Blogger wouldn't let me in yesterday, and has now lost TWO posts.
Karma is a beautiful thing, and sometimes it's vicious as HELL! Nina had a fight in her room on Tues. One girl shoved another's head through the window. Nina tried to separate them and got punched at least twice. Her whistle was ripped off her neck, and when she told her other kids to get help, they blocked the doorway and didn't move. Finally, Bill heard the commotion and helped her. I didn't hear anything until they were trying to get the girls out into the hall. I went and tried to get the other kids back into their classes. Nina has some really scary kids, and I thought one was going to hit me because I put my hand on his arm. The school is pressing charges on the two girls, and it's a felony because they hit a teacher. Later, she had a small scuffle, but she and I were able to contain it quickly. I was proud of my kids: as soon as I walked out the door to help her, one of them got on the call box to the office and asked for help!
In the continuing soap opera of T's life, one of his grandmas has died. On Wed, he was trying to finish his final exam (the rest of the kids did projects and we were playing a game). When I went to check on him, he was crying, and apologized for not being able to do it. I told him to forget it for now, and come play the game with the others. It seemed to cheer him a little. So, his grade gets turned in a couple of days late- that's life. I told his other teachers that his grandma had died and that I was going to send flowers, thinking they would want to contribute. They just stared at me---FUCKERS. One of the counselors and an administrator who has taken an interest in him said they would contribute, which I thought was nice.
I told my mom that I'm not doing Xmas day dinner at my aunt's. I'll do tonight at Cruella's so I can see Eddie, but I just don't enjoy seeing those people, and Dad will embarass me somehow, so why bother? She's pissed, but I'm relieved.
I want to thank Inanna for giving me one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. I read in her blog that her psychologist thinks medication would help her focus long enough to clean her house. It suddenly hit me--- when I was on my anxiety meds, I was able to clean, do the laundry and dishes, AND finish things I started. Since I've been off them, it's a struggle for me to maintain a train of thought long enough to finish a sentence. THANKYOU, Inanna, for letting me know that I may just be crazy and not necessarily lazy!!!!!
Please continue to keep T in your prayers. Two weeks with no structure will be dangerous for many of my kids; it could be especially so for him.
Have a happy (insert holiday name here). If you do not celebrate any holiday at this time of the year, have a great day! I hope we all find peace and comfort.
Karma is a beautiful thing, and sometimes it's vicious as HELL! Nina had a fight in her room on Tues. One girl shoved another's head through the window. Nina tried to separate them and got punched at least twice. Her whistle was ripped off her neck, and when she told her other kids to get help, they blocked the doorway and didn't move. Finally, Bill heard the commotion and helped her. I didn't hear anything until they were trying to get the girls out into the hall. I went and tried to get the other kids back into their classes. Nina has some really scary kids, and I thought one was going to hit me because I put my hand on his arm. The school is pressing charges on the two girls, and it's a felony because they hit a teacher. Later, she had a small scuffle, but she and I were able to contain it quickly. I was proud of my kids: as soon as I walked out the door to help her, one of them got on the call box to the office and asked for help!
In the continuing soap opera of T's life, one of his grandmas has died. On Wed, he was trying to finish his final exam (the rest of the kids did projects and we were playing a game). When I went to check on him, he was crying, and apologized for not being able to do it. I told him to forget it for now, and come play the game with the others. It seemed to cheer him a little. So, his grade gets turned in a couple of days late- that's life. I told his other teachers that his grandma had died and that I was going to send flowers, thinking they would want to contribute. They just stared at me---FUCKERS. One of the counselors and an administrator who has taken an interest in him said they would contribute, which I thought was nice.
I told my mom that I'm not doing Xmas day dinner at my aunt's. I'll do tonight at Cruella's so I can see Eddie, but I just don't enjoy seeing those people, and Dad will embarass me somehow, so why bother? She's pissed, but I'm relieved.
I want to thank Inanna for giving me one of the best gifts I've ever gotten. I read in her blog that her psychologist thinks medication would help her focus long enough to clean her house. It suddenly hit me--- when I was on my anxiety meds, I was able to clean, do the laundry and dishes, AND finish things I started. Since I've been off them, it's a struggle for me to maintain a train of thought long enough to finish a sentence. THANKYOU, Inanna, for letting me know that I may just be crazy and not necessarily lazy!!!!!
Please continue to keep T in your prayers. Two weeks with no structure will be dangerous for many of my kids; it could be especially so for him.
Have a happy (insert holiday name here). If you do not celebrate any holiday at this time of the year, have a great day! I hope we all find peace and comfort.
At 10:48 AM,
Traci Dolan said…
Heyyyy... who you callin' crazy?? LOL! I wish you the best of the holiday season. Don't let them get to you and enjoy all the wonderful things about the season. I'm so glad to have met you Tsarina. You're doing so much good in the world! *hugs*
At 10:56 AM,
Derek said…
thats some crazy instant karma!
the 2 weeks off here have been SO boring. The first two days were sweet, then it got real boring! Ive whipped out my old n46 games and have been beating all the things i could never beat when i was a little kid. It's sad.
At 11:11 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Hitting Teachers, Felonies, Students, Saying Fuckers, and needing drugs, Super Sweet script for an HBO Special. I used to think my younger years were full of wild eyed fun and terror, now I think your teaching job wins! Happy Holidays T!
At 7:52 AM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
You know Tsarina I have an idea for T if you can still reach him. Something that will give him some structure and take the pressure off trying to deal with this test while he is greiving for his grandma.
Give him an assignment. He must do one good deed a day and write in a journal about how helping someone out made him feel about them, himself, and the world. It will give him focus. It could be anything. Buy a happy meal for a homeless person. Work for a day at a local shelter. Help someone annonomously by taking their trashcans back around the side of their house for them. Anything that he has to go out of his way to do. I think you might be surprised at the change that could could bring in his outlook.
Love and Light
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