Move Away From The Screen And GO OUTSIDE!
Hi Everyone, welcome to a beautiful weekend! I'm about to load the dog and the camera and take some lovely fall-foliage pics for Grandma. But, before I go, I wanted to say hello and catch you all up on the magical existence that IS my life.
I know I have been grousing forever that I don't feel well, and I'm sorry. I'm hoping that by taking it pretty easy this weekend, I'll be refreshed and renewed for next week. This coming week is midterms. I don't do a big test like most teachers- I hate tests. I don't like taking them, and I don't like giving them. I think you put a lot of pressure on a person by calling something a test, so I do "projects". They don't realize it, because they're having fun, but those are their tests! Unfortunately, I just figured my grades, and I have 8 Fs!!! I don't think I've given 8 Fs in my career. I looked at my grades, and everyone who has a C or below is just not turning stuff in. Can you imagine: all you have to do is turn something in, and you will pass, but you are too cool to do even that? The worst part is, I offered all of the Ds and Fs an extra assignment to help bring their grades up a little (I don't normally offer extra credit, but I hate to see anyone dig a hole this deep so early in the year). Only one student did the assignment... ONE.
My 7th hour class was feeling very sheepish; bad bad bad reports from the sub on Thursday. The rule is: if a sub writes your name down, you have AT LEAST 2 detentions. My detentions are after school for 30 minutes, which doesn't seem like a big deal to me (having spent extensive time in detention halls myself). However, most teacher's detentions are 15 minutes at lunch, so I seem really mean! Shit, if they're going to be unpleasant in my class, I'm going to make their detention as unpleasant as possible (I make them work out of our book for the whole time). My hope is that after a few people serve my detentions, word will get out, and behavior issues will be reduced (kind of the same idea behind public executions!) So, next Tues. and Wed. I will be having a full house of visitors. It sucks, because I got rave reviews for 3 of my classes, but two of them are full of "class clowns" and attitudes. Sigh, I should be glad it was only 2 classes.
The kid is supposed to come start painting my house today. I would rather he wait til next weekend, but, what am I going to do? He keeps thinking he can come in and use the bathroom, but I don't know how much clearer I can make it: I AM A TEACHER. IF YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE, IT WOULD LOOK INAPPROPRIATE, AND I COULD LOSE MY LICENSE. Kevin never had a problem with that, but he's very busy now, and doesn't have time. So, I've got Gomer, who is a nice kid, but has no experience with anyone who values their career. His mom is fresh out of prison, and his grandparents are passed out most of the time... sigh. My mom always said my sister collected stray animals and I collected stray people- it's my special gift, I guess.
Have a great weekend!!
I know I have been grousing forever that I don't feel well, and I'm sorry. I'm hoping that by taking it pretty easy this weekend, I'll be refreshed and renewed for next week. This coming week is midterms. I don't do a big test like most teachers- I hate tests. I don't like taking them, and I don't like giving them. I think you put a lot of pressure on a person by calling something a test, so I do "projects". They don't realize it, because they're having fun, but those are their tests! Unfortunately, I just figured my grades, and I have 8 Fs!!! I don't think I've given 8 Fs in my career. I looked at my grades, and everyone who has a C or below is just not turning stuff in. Can you imagine: all you have to do is turn something in, and you will pass, but you are too cool to do even that? The worst part is, I offered all of the Ds and Fs an extra assignment to help bring their grades up a little (I don't normally offer extra credit, but I hate to see anyone dig a hole this deep so early in the year). Only one student did the assignment... ONE.
My 7th hour class was feeling very sheepish; bad bad bad reports from the sub on Thursday. The rule is: if a sub writes your name down, you have AT LEAST 2 detentions. My detentions are after school for 30 minutes, which doesn't seem like a big deal to me (having spent extensive time in detention halls myself). However, most teacher's detentions are 15 minutes at lunch, so I seem really mean! Shit, if they're going to be unpleasant in my class, I'm going to make their detention as unpleasant as possible (I make them work out of our book for the whole time). My hope is that after a few people serve my detentions, word will get out, and behavior issues will be reduced (kind of the same idea behind public executions!) So, next Tues. and Wed. I will be having a full house of visitors. It sucks, because I got rave reviews for 3 of my classes, but two of them are full of "class clowns" and attitudes. Sigh, I should be glad it was only 2 classes.
The kid is supposed to come start painting my house today. I would rather he wait til next weekend, but, what am I going to do? He keeps thinking he can come in and use the bathroom, but I don't know how much clearer I can make it: I AM A TEACHER. IF YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE, IT WOULD LOOK INAPPROPRIATE, AND I COULD LOSE MY LICENSE. Kevin never had a problem with that, but he's very busy now, and doesn't have time. So, I've got Gomer, who is a nice kid, but has no experience with anyone who values their career. His mom is fresh out of prison, and his grandparents are passed out most of the time... sigh. My mom always said my sister collected stray animals and I collected stray people- it's my special gift, I guess.
Have a great weekend!!
At 10:58 AM,
Derek said…
bummer bout the marks.. must be frustraiting.. luckily all my marks are pretty good right now (cept physics.. blah) I have a 90 somethign i math, 90 something in media stuides, 90 something in history too i think.. i aced a chapter test, but got zero on a homework thing.. so i hope the wieghting on the homework it really low to keep that test mark up there.. then physics.. i dont wanna know
At 4:27 PM,
Tsarina said…
See, Derek, this is how YOUR teacher feels when you pull a 0 on a homework assignment! It's very frustrating to see someone who is bright and able choose to sit by and do nothing. However, since most of your grades are high, I won't nag too much! ;)
At 9:25 PM,
Derek said…
yeah, like i dont wanna sound conceited, but i am pretty smart. Judging on my report card marks compared to the averages.. But im not your average smart kid.. basically i live the average-under average kid life style.. like many people tell me they never thought i was smart until they were in a class with me or had a serious discussion with me. i dunno, if i actually applied myself, i could probably be getting amazing grades.. i mean i got an 95% in academic grade 10 math with never doing my homework except for the unit assignments which were really the only thing i put effort into.. I just cant be bothered to really try
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