Ups and Downs
Ok, I'm still sick; I'm going to take tomorrow off and just relax. But, more importantly, I have to tell you the most amazing story...
Ilia's sister, Myra, is awake! She's not sitting up in bed, talking, like in the movies, but she is alert and responsive! The story goes like this: The girls' 7 year old nephew (who saw the shooting) has been inconsolable. Apparently, they were very close, and no one has known what to do for him. So, Ilia's mom (his grandma), decided he needed to see Myra (still in her coma) to understand what was going on. Before they went into her room, the grandma stopped to talk to someone in the hall, and the little boy snuck in to see her. He SWEARS that Ilia was sitting on the bed next to her, holding her hand and whispering in her ear. She turned and smiled at him, and he knew Myra would be ok. He called for his grandma, to tell her that Ilia had come back. When he turned back around, she was gone, but the machines hooked up to Myra began going off- she was awake! The doctors have taken pics of her skull, and can't find the bullet fragment that was lodged in her brain (they couldn't remove part of it); it's just gone! Enough to give you shivers, eh?
Everyone at school is sick. There is a wicked strain of pinkeye going around, along with strep throat, viral pneumonia, as well as many other minor illnesses. I now have a sore throat and a fever (again). I have begun walking around my room between classes with Lysol, spraying every surface. I'll stop class if I see someone wipe his/her nose with their hand and tell them to wash it- I don't care anymore, it's repulsive (we have sinks in our rooms, so they don't have to leave). I bought good soap, as well as hand sanitizer, and hand lotion, so there is no excuse for passing your nasty germs on to others!!!
Bill has been too sick to play sneaky jokes on any of us lately. I kind of miss it, but to be honest, I've been too tired to really give a shit. I am still working on revenge for his posting of the note about me... hehehe.
I took a note away from one of my kids today-- It seems his girlfriend is mad because he let another girl perform oral services on him. Geez, when I was in 8th grade, my idea of cheating was if my boyfriend talked to another girl in class. I hadn't even kissed a boy yet... I'm old. And, I'm a little pissed that my 8th grade students are seeing more action than I am- God has a cruel sense of humor!
Have a great day!
Ilia's sister, Myra, is awake! She's not sitting up in bed, talking, like in the movies, but she is alert and responsive! The story goes like this: The girls' 7 year old nephew (who saw the shooting) has been inconsolable. Apparently, they were very close, and no one has known what to do for him. So, Ilia's mom (his grandma), decided he needed to see Myra (still in her coma) to understand what was going on. Before they went into her room, the grandma stopped to talk to someone in the hall, and the little boy snuck in to see her. He SWEARS that Ilia was sitting on the bed next to her, holding her hand and whispering in her ear. She turned and smiled at him, and he knew Myra would be ok. He called for his grandma, to tell her that Ilia had come back. When he turned back around, she was gone, but the machines hooked up to Myra began going off- she was awake! The doctors have taken pics of her skull, and can't find the bullet fragment that was lodged in her brain (they couldn't remove part of it); it's just gone! Enough to give you shivers, eh?
Everyone at school is sick. There is a wicked strain of pinkeye going around, along with strep throat, viral pneumonia, as well as many other minor illnesses. I now have a sore throat and a fever (again). I have begun walking around my room between classes with Lysol, spraying every surface. I'll stop class if I see someone wipe his/her nose with their hand and tell them to wash it- I don't care anymore, it's repulsive (we have sinks in our rooms, so they don't have to leave). I bought good soap, as well as hand sanitizer, and hand lotion, so there is no excuse for passing your nasty germs on to others!!!
Bill has been too sick to play sneaky jokes on any of us lately. I kind of miss it, but to be honest, I've been too tired to really give a shit. I am still working on revenge for his posting of the note about me... hehehe.
I took a note away from one of my kids today-- It seems his girlfriend is mad because he let another girl perform oral services on him. Geez, when I was in 8th grade, my idea of cheating was if my boyfriend talked to another girl in class. I hadn't even kissed a boy yet... I'm old. And, I'm a little pissed that my 8th grade students are seeing more action than I am- God has a cruel sense of humor!
Have a great day!
At 10:12 PM,
Seeker said…
Fuck man thats insane! Like I always tell my lady.. "If we ever have a daughter she isnt gonna know what a pecker looks like till shes 18!"
Yeah like that will ever fly, but hey I got the gun toting souther accent and I am big enough to scare the little bastards away in any case =)
Man that shit sucks you ought to make someone call her mom and have the counselor get involved.
Then ask the girl "do you kiss your daddy good night with that mouth?" hahahaha fucking trauma I love it baby!
At 10:24 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Kids carry the worst germs and they love to share. Clean clean clean. I can never seem to get that across to my son. One time as punishment we made him hand wash dishes, everyone got diarrhea, then we realized it was his washing (or not) causing it. Went back to the dishwasher and we all recovered. Thank goodness it's not lice at your school, lol.
Some of these young kids will do and try anything, it's a shame. I have a terrible time with my 3 girls trying to make sure they understand what some kids say they do is not what they really do or what is right to do. Some of the parents just say they have no control - LOSERS! Better break out the STD photos, include them in the note and hand it to the kids and the parents, lol.
At 10:25 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Oh yeah, hope you revive on your day off! Get Well.
At 5:29 AM,
Nord said…
Wow, 8th grade - how old is that? 13? 14? OMG - I didn't even know what boys were when I was that age (well ok I did, but not what they had).
As for being sick, schools carry that crap like the plague, once someone has it everyone starts to drop. I hope you feel better soon. (Pink eye? Is that an actual sickness - and here I am thinking it was a South Park made up disease - hahaha).
At 2:15 PM,
Tsarina said…
Seeker- Dude, when my first date came to pick me up, Dad was sitting in the living room cleaning the gun. He said, "I don't care WHAT time you come home", smiled and laughed quietly. Scared my date shitless- we were home by 9:30. After that, I just snuck out!! As far as parental involvement, I tried to contact the mother of the "performer" about her school work last week, and was told to "go fuck myself", and not to ask the parents to do my fucking job for me.
As far as kissing her dad- probably not. I just found out this week the exact numbers: of my 120 kids- 68% see their fathers 1 or less times a year; 22 students have their father in prison; 6 students have their mother in prison; 3 have both parents in prison; 20 kids live with a relative who is not their parent; and 26 live with a foster family; only 16... Yes, 16 students of my 120 live with both parents.
JD- I don't understand why they don't comprehend the idea of germ transmission. I've ordered the powder and blacklight kits to show them all the crud living on their hands, hoping that will scare them. Honestly, this really does seem to be more boys than girls who don't wash; I'm not sure if the girls are just more eager to please, or they actually understand better.
Nord- yep, 13-14 years old usually (I do have several 15 and 16 year-olds). These kids are all around 14; sad, eh?
At 2:21 PM,
Tsarina said…
Oh, btw Nord, pinkeye may just be the American slang, it's conjunctivitis, and I know it's prevalent throughout the world. I saw a documentary that stated that in underdeveloped areas, many kids eventually DIE from this, which shocked me, because I never thought of it as a big deal.
At 2:33 PM,
Derek said…
i know people that had sex at 14.. yeah.. pretty messed up.. some kids were 'making out' in grade 5.. thats 10-11 years old.. thats just funny though.. those musta been the WORST kisses ever..
world is an old place now
At 7:54 PM,
Nord said…
Oh, well yes that I have heard of (and kind of explains a lot actually). People die of it? I didn't think it was anywhere near that serious.
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