NyQuil Rocks
Ok, I'm back from the brink of death. Anyone who has ever sent their child to school sick should be beaten with a mallet. I don't care what your reason; you are a scum-sucking selfish pissbag. Thank God for NyQuil! At least you're asleep, and don't care that you may be dying.
I've been trying to find a dr. so I can refill my anxiety meds, but I can't reach anyone while they're in the office. On my lunch, they're out of the office at lunch. At 3 pm, they're not taking calls for the rest of the day. Do these bastards have to pay bills like the rest of us? I've noticed my anxiety level rising steadily, and I've got to do something. It's awful when an idea creeps into my head, and I can't let it go. For some reason, I had the feeling that something awful was going to happen to my dog today, and in spite of a very good day, whenever I was alone, the thought would return. I nearly had a full-blown panic attack over the last mile to the house. Geez, being nuts isn't all it's cracked up to be. I think losing Ilia has made a lot of my anxiety resurface. I hate this; why can't I just deal with shit like everyone else- you know-- road rage!?
Oh, btw, stinky dad's son thinks I have a "fuckin awesom rack". I know this because another teacher took a note from him, and Bill put it on the bulletin board in the teacher's lounge (yes, he IS a rat-bastard). I rarely go down there, so apparently it's been there since Thurs. Do you think I should ask the kid what he thinks of my ass?
Shit, I've gotta get ready for tomorrow-- Open House!!! Blah... so much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it. Sorry so brief and self-pitying; I'll try for more later. Sadly, as I found out today, I can't get into blogs from school...sigh.
Have a great day, all!
I've been trying to find a dr. so I can refill my anxiety meds, but I can't reach anyone while they're in the office. On my lunch, they're out of the office at lunch. At 3 pm, they're not taking calls for the rest of the day. Do these bastards have to pay bills like the rest of us? I've noticed my anxiety level rising steadily, and I've got to do something. It's awful when an idea creeps into my head, and I can't let it go. For some reason, I had the feeling that something awful was going to happen to my dog today, and in spite of a very good day, whenever I was alone, the thought would return. I nearly had a full-blown panic attack over the last mile to the house. Geez, being nuts isn't all it's cracked up to be. I think losing Ilia has made a lot of my anxiety resurface. I hate this; why can't I just deal with shit like everyone else- you know-- road rage!?
Oh, btw, stinky dad's son thinks I have a "fuckin awesom rack". I know this because another teacher took a note from him, and Bill put it on the bulletin board in the teacher's lounge (yes, he IS a rat-bastard). I rarely go down there, so apparently it's been there since Thurs. Do you think I should ask the kid what he thinks of my ass?
Shit, I've gotta get ready for tomorrow-- Open House!!! Blah... so much to do, and not nearly enough time to do it. Sorry so brief and self-pitying; I'll try for more later. Sadly, as I found out today, I can't get into blogs from school...sigh.
Have a great day, all!
At 8:15 PM,
Rev. Kimberly Rich said…
NyQuil is awsome!! Yes sick folks should stay at home. Sadly though, most companies have a point system in place these days. You get so many points and then you get fired. The parents work place makes it impossible for people to stay home with their kids. Sucks huh??
Glad you are feeling better though. You know you could tell me these things and I would gladly light candles :P
love and light,
At 9:48 PM,
Derek said…
lol, it made me laugh..
mind you im still in a good mood from hearing an amazing quote i said on saturday night that i had forgotten.. im not sure if ill share it though.. haha
At 11:17 AM,
Dan Workman said…
I have been SO out of touch regarding how I should have been addressing my daughter's hot looking teachers!!! I had NO FKN IDEA that you guys were fair game for super inappropriate verbal body comments!
At 8:46 PM,
Tsarina said…
Robyn- you know, I've always thought that companies could save money in the long run if they had sick child daycares. They could staff it with nurses, and accept minor illnesses (colds, flu, etc). Sure, it would cost money to start up, but imagine how much happier your employees would be, knowing that their kids were nearby and being taken care of.
Derek-- Spill it, buddy... don't tease us like that!
Fleece- Isn't it funny how EVERYONE loves that crap? As I was buying it (in the gas station b/c I was too sick to brave WalMart), about 3 people commented on what great shit it is!!!
Dan- I'm sure your daughter's teachers appreciate NOT being oogled! There's another teacher on our team who is 22, and really hot, so I'm eagerly awaiting parent/teacher conferences, to see if stinky dad discusses her anatomy!
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