Odds n Ends
Hi, everyone! I want to thank you all for your kind words and wishes. I think we're all past the shock of Monday, and we're beginning to move on. We actually had a great day today- one of the girls in my homeroom asked if she could play a song for us that she had written, and it was haunting and beautiful, but also... comforting and uplifting. While most of us shed a tear or two, they were really more tears of hope and joy than of sadness and loss.
In continuing the brighter, more positive feelings, I'll give you another installment from: MY LIFE IS WEIRDER THAN FICTION
I had a parent come in tonight, wanting to talk about his son's grade. This seemed strange, because his son has an A so far (how many grades can you get in 3 weeks?) First of all, let me say that I knew his father had arrived before I saw or heard him. Hmmm, you may ask, how many senses are left.. touch, no; taste, HELL NO; smell, DING DING DING... BINGO! It wasn't just the overwhelming BO, but the liter of imitation Polo that really pushed his stench-ometer over the top. He walked in, looked at me, said, "Never mind", and started to leave. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My son said you were nice-lookin', so I was gonna meet ya, but yur way too short, and yur ass is too big". And he left. Now, should I feel insulted that the stinky dad thinks I have a fat ass, or should I send my mom flowers for giving me her butt so that he left quickly? I'm at a loss.
My mom called yesterday to tell me that my sister and her man left to get his daughter; their custody orders finally came through. Great news if you know where she's (his daughter) been living, and how she's been treated. However, she lives in fucking Louisiana! Do you think anyone in my family has turned on a TV and watched a weather report? When I asked Mom "What about Ivan"? She honest-to-goodness replied, "Is that their neighbor that helped fix their roof?" Sigh... I'm hoping I don't see them on the news; the "surprised as shit" couple that you always think are complete idiots for not taking a hurricane seriously.
Have a good evening.
In continuing the brighter, more positive feelings, I'll give you another installment from: MY LIFE IS WEIRDER THAN FICTION
I had a parent come in tonight, wanting to talk about his son's grade. This seemed strange, because his son has an A so far (how many grades can you get in 3 weeks?) First of all, let me say that I knew his father had arrived before I saw or heard him. Hmmm, you may ask, how many senses are left.. touch, no; taste, HELL NO; smell, DING DING DING... BINGO! It wasn't just the overwhelming BO, but the liter of imitation Polo that really pushed his stench-ometer over the top. He walked in, looked at me, said, "Never mind", and started to leave. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My son said you were nice-lookin', so I was gonna meet ya, but yur way too short, and yur ass is too big". And he left. Now, should I feel insulted that the stinky dad thinks I have a fat ass, or should I send my mom flowers for giving me her butt so that he left quickly? I'm at a loss.
My mom called yesterday to tell me that my sister and her man left to get his daughter; their custody orders finally came through. Great news if you know where she's (his daughter) been living, and how she's been treated. However, she lives in fucking Louisiana! Do you think anyone in my family has turned on a TV and watched a weather report? When I asked Mom "What about Ivan"? She honest-to-goodness replied, "Is that their neighbor that helped fix their roof?" Sigh... I'm hoping I don't see them on the news; the "surprised as shit" couple that you always think are complete idiots for not taking a hurricane seriously.
Have a good evening.
At 6:58 PM,
Derek said…
guy really takes parent teacher interVIEWs to the next level...
i would have loved to have heard that girls song..
At 12:25 AM,
Seeker said…
Damn I can't believe that guy had the audacity to actually say that!
I swear we need just 1 day and the freedom to kill without retribution and these asshats would be fishfood.
At 12:48 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Saved by your butt. Since you are short you would have been at armpit level, not a good thing. Since the kid has good grades I guess we know intelligence skips a generation in their family.
I love your Mom. Did you respond that Ivan was the guy helping to remove the roof? BTW, what is her theory on hurricanes? If trees make wind and hurricanes start over the ocean are they the result of tree vacuums?
At 9:06 AM,
Dan Workman said…
I'll reserve judgement on whether your life is truly weirder than fiction. I wouldn't believe a novel that had that sequence in it. Fk that guy. That was God saving you from a dumbass. I love your blog. Don't stop!!!
At 11:18 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek- It really amazes me sometimes how talented people can be- the girl who sang is usually silent, sits alone and doesn't have a lot of friends. After the song, I saw more people talk to her than ever.
Seeker- I was a bit shocked myself- I may make jokes about having a big ass, but honestly, it's not out of proportion! As for killing him, ahh, what's the point, someone would have to clean up the blood (now, STERILIZING him, that would get my vote)!
JD- I have no clue if my mom has any concept as to WHAT a hurricane is *sigh*, weather is one of my favorite things to teach. I'm PRAYING that intelligence skips a few generations (love my grandparents, but the maternal ones weren't really bright, either).
Dan- glad to have you on board- I think you passed me your flu! I want to dedicate a national holiday to the person who invented NyQuil!!!! I'm completely out of my mind on the stuff right now, so I hope this all makes sense!!!
Will post more when I'm feeling better. Love you all!
At 9:26 PM,
Katrina said…
I just stumbled upon your blog tonight...I loved it!
I have had some weird parent conferences..ahahha but never one like that! haha
At 8:37 PM,
Tsarina said…
Katrina, as soon as I'm feeling better, I'll come visit your realm and say hi!
At 7:52 PM,
Seeker said…
where the hell you been darlin?! sorry your sick and hope you get better soon!
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