Peaceful, Easy Feeling
Sometimes such simple things make me really really happy. This evening, I sat on my patio, eating a popsicle, reading a textbook and watching my dog play. The sun was setting, and for a few brief moments, I really felt peaceful. It was the first time in my life that I remember not having a nervous knot in my stomach without being high. For a few beautiful, tranquil moments, I knew peace. Then, of course, the inbred goatfuckers down the road had to ruin my zen-ness with firecrackers and drunken laughter... I remember why I don't own a gun.
I miss getting high- that's probably the biggest sacrifice I've made for my teaching. However, the desire is part of what makes me more reliable than the drug-sniffing dog they bring through the schools now and then. I can walk by a locker and tell you if there's green refreshments in it from a foot away! One of my kids last year would show up high, we all knew it, but no one could prove a thing. Coincidentally, the stoners and skaters all seem to like me best, so I was elected to talk to him. After a long conversation with the principal, where I was cautioned not to accuse him of anything, and a lot of other legal bullshit, I was trusted to talk with this young man. I laugh at the wording that they want me to use; "it has been brought to my attention that you have been having some difficulty with concentration lately..." Christ, if I said that to him, he'd think I was wearing a wire and never open his mouth! So, I get him in the conference room, and I ask him what's up? He looks at me knowingly- "he's been expecting this conversation", I think. He smiles and assures me nothing is up. Disregarding everything the principal has just said, I get in his face and say, "Don't give me that crap. Do I LOOK stupid? I have eyes and a nose that work very well, and I KNOW what's up". He stops smiling; I rarely get mad at the kids, so for me to get serious like that is a big deal. He assures me that everything is under control, which I disagree with. We talk back and forth for two class periods, me explaining the damage he is doing to his body, him maintaining that "it's no big deal". Finally, I think he got sick of my voice (I know I was sick of hearing it), and he agreed to speak with the counselor and tell his parents. He asked me to sit in when his parents came- that's an awkward situation, but I did it. As it turns out, he was not only using, but was also the second biggest dealer in the high school! Who knew? Anyway, as the other teachers were congratulating me on a great job, I felt like such a fucking hypocrite- if I could, I would have gone home and smoked a joint right then!
I miss getting high- that's probably the biggest sacrifice I've made for my teaching. However, the desire is part of what makes me more reliable than the drug-sniffing dog they bring through the schools now and then. I can walk by a locker and tell you if there's green refreshments in it from a foot away! One of my kids last year would show up high, we all knew it, but no one could prove a thing. Coincidentally, the stoners and skaters all seem to like me best, so I was elected to talk to him. After a long conversation with the principal, where I was cautioned not to accuse him of anything, and a lot of other legal bullshit, I was trusted to talk with this young man. I laugh at the wording that they want me to use; "it has been brought to my attention that you have been having some difficulty with concentration lately..." Christ, if I said that to him, he'd think I was wearing a wire and never open his mouth! So, I get him in the conference room, and I ask him what's up? He looks at me knowingly- "he's been expecting this conversation", I think. He smiles and assures me nothing is up. Disregarding everything the principal has just said, I get in his face and say, "Don't give me that crap. Do I LOOK stupid? I have eyes and a nose that work very well, and I KNOW what's up". He stops smiling; I rarely get mad at the kids, so for me to get serious like that is a big deal. He assures me that everything is under control, which I disagree with. We talk back and forth for two class periods, me explaining the damage he is doing to his body, him maintaining that "it's no big deal". Finally, I think he got sick of my voice (I know I was sick of hearing it), and he agreed to speak with the counselor and tell his parents. He asked me to sit in when his parents came- that's an awkward situation, but I did it. As it turns out, he was not only using, but was also the second biggest dealer in the high school! Who knew? Anyway, as the other teachers were congratulating me on a great job, I felt like such a fucking hypocrite- if I could, I would have gone home and smoked a joint right then!
At 1:56 PM,
Tsarina said…
As far as I know, kid is doing well- Mom and Dad actually got him into a program (usually parents decide it's just a "phase", ground the kid and assume problem is ended). Thanks for the support- I hope to have a lot more moments like that too. The reason I wanted this house is the view from the patio: it overlook a pasture with a huge old tree and a bunch of cows. Growing up, I always longed for someplace so serene and beautiful; I'm luckier than I know!
At 4:37 PM,
JamDaddy said…
Wow, teaching is a lot like being a parent. There will probably be many more time you have to be in the same situation. You did great! It's all about helping the kids whether they are yours or just under your care.
Relaxing moments are what makes life great and memorable. Best Wishes on many more.
At 6:00 PM,
Derek said…
sometimes after lunch thats all you can smell in the school...
quite a bit of our teachers smoke it too though.. its pretty obvious
At 8:50 PM,
Seeker said…
I own you Darlin'!">muhahaahahahaahhahh
At 8:50 PM,
Seeker said…
I own you Darlin'!">muhahaahahahaahhahh
At 8:55 PM,
Seeker said…
Damn it blogger fucked up! Try this link:
I Still own you!
At 8:58 PM,
Seeker said…
god damn it that didnt work either something is fucked and im too tired to play tonight maybe ill try again tomorrow or maybe not..
At 9:42 PM,
Tsarina said…
JD- You're right; when people ask me if I have kids, I tell them I've had over 500! I cherish each of them (ok, some of them more than others!)
Derek- That's wild; I have only had one other co-worker who ever admitted he had EVER smoked, let alone continues to do it. Most schools have random drug testing, so that doesn't happen.
Seeker- The link worked, and although I don't really understand it, I find your ownership to be an interesting idea! ;)
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