Ok, I think my anxieties have developed into neurosis. Not that this would be hard for anyone who knows me to believe, but I am totally freaking out. I have to have a bunch of lesson plans and a classroom management plan done by the first of the week, and I'm frozen in terror. Of course, I'm not so frozen that I couldn't play video games all afternoon! The thing is, the teachers who will be reviewing this are older, and while experience is a wonderful thing, oftentimes, it leads to stagnation, especially in teachers. My lessons almost exclusively involve about ten minutes of me talking, and the rest of the class time with the students working on whatever we're doing. While younger teachers recognize the value of self-direction and group interaction, older teachers often 'poo-poo' it as a fad. They want butts in the seats, quietly taking notes while a teacher yammers on and on. I mean, I get sick of hearing myself talk after ten or fifteen minutes, and I LIKE the subject! I think I need chocolate!
Next complaint: fireworks and the hillbillies who play with them CONSTANTLY. I do not for one moment believe that our forefathers would be pleased to note that we celebrate their struggles and sacrifices by lighting bottle rockets and trying to burn down our neighbor's shed with them! I have explained to the stupid fucking losers about four times (much more nicely than I wanted to), that there is gasoline in the shed, and if they continue landing flaming things on the roof, a spark could fall through one of the large holes in the roof and ignite the gas. I think if it happens one more time, I'm going to dump some gasoline on their shoes, then let Darwinism follow its natural course. As I mentioned, I am a little stressed, and I don't understand this national fascination with fire and noise. Ok, real fireworks are pretty, but do we REALLY need to play with firecrackers, Roman candles, and bottle rockets for two weeks before and after the Fourth? I think I need LOTS of chocolate! Have a Happy Fourth!
Next complaint: fireworks and the hillbillies who play with them CONSTANTLY. I do not for one moment believe that our forefathers would be pleased to note that we celebrate their struggles and sacrifices by lighting bottle rockets and trying to burn down our neighbor's shed with them! I have explained to the stupid fucking losers about four times (much more nicely than I wanted to), that there is gasoline in the shed, and if they continue landing flaming things on the roof, a spark could fall through one of the large holes in the roof and ignite the gas. I think if it happens one more time, I'm going to dump some gasoline on their shoes, then let Darwinism follow its natural course. As I mentioned, I am a little stressed, and I don't understand this national fascination with fire and noise. Ok, real fireworks are pretty, but do we REALLY need to play with firecrackers, Roman candles, and bottle rockets for two weeks before and after the Fourth? I think I need LOTS of chocolate! Have a Happy Fourth!
At 6:49 AM,
Seeker said…
Hey! I found your blog and thought I would take a peak and I am impressed. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and I like your expressions you have a tad of the sarcastic ass in yas ;)
Anyways please feel free to stop by and view mine you are added to my fav links section and I hope you keep writing you're a very interesting lady.
Ohh and if you do visit the site I don't tend to proof read so typo's etc. just let them be aigh?
At 12:48 PM,
Derek said…
Ah come on, ya cant say blowing things up with fire crackers isnt fun.. And have you ever had a roman candle shot at you, what a rush.
At 1:44 PM,
Tsarina said…
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At 1:46 PM,
Tsarina said…
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At 2:22 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, I tell you what; if you want to have drunken hillbillies with fireworks in your yard, send me your address, and I'll send them over!!! I finally went out and "explained" to them that the next time anything even remotely firework-like landed on my property, I was going to take all of the unlit ones, shove them up their collective asses and light the fuses. I must have been pretty scary, because they all left immediately afterward! Who needs drugs when you can bully intoxicated rednecks?
At 2:25 PM,
Tsarina said…
Seeker, thanks! I visited your blog and loved it; even resisted the urge to pull out the red pen and make corrections!!! I would like to add links to blogs I like, but can't figure out how (Hell, I have trouble getting comments to show up right!). I'm working on it though.
At 4:40 PM,
Derek said…
haha, true they are pretty annoying when you aren't the one playing with them, oh well.
At 6:03 PM,
Seeker said…
go to and get the code for blogrolling it is easy to use then you will have to go into your template and place the HTML code that they give you (cut and paste) under the section that says side bar.
You will then be able to add links so easily it just takes a click and your done.
Ahh yes the mighty red pen. I went back to school a year go and was carrying a 4.0 before i got burned out lol only 3 more years to go w00t! but seriously I do the spell checker when i have time and i am not receiving pay for this blog if that ever happens then I'll be more dutiful hahaahh. I am sure you can see they are mere typos and not of the standard fair!
I Rule! ;)
At 7:17 PM,
Seeker said…
testing to see if this works
At 9:18 PM,
Tsarina said…
Seeker, you get the "Stud of the Day" award! Thanks for the links help... ok it still took me two hours and a lot of cursing, but I got some links up. I didn't realize that it won't save changes if you're using Netscape, so finally had to open IE, and got them there. I had a few others, but they must be floating around cyberspace somewhere... *sigh* that is a project for another day!
At 10:48 PM,
Seeker said…
W00t! I Rule Baby Yeeeeeah!
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