Ok, doesn't it seem like a matter of common sense that someone who has chosen a profession where they will never make any money (such as teaching) is probably not money-oriented, unless they are stupid? Tell me then, why my friend would try to set me up with someone whose entire life revolves around how much he spent on SHIT? My friend, who will hereafter be known as "Bitch", invited me to a cookout because she wanted me to meet this guy her husband worked with. Now, I explained to Bitch that while David (her hubby) is a very nice man, he's an ACCOUNTANT, and dull, even by accountant standards. If I'm going to have a steamy summer fling, I'd like it to be with someone interesting and/or exciting, right? So, I am introduced to said co-worker, whom I shall call "Blah", and the first thing he does is show me his car. It's some sort of SUV, which immediately makes me think "gas hog". When I smile and politely say "it's nice", he seems disappointed, so proceedes to tell me how much it cost! First of all, that is fucking TACKY. Secondly, if you tell me that you paid that much for something without a basement and running water, I not only think you're tacky, I also think YOU ARE AN IDIOT! He must have mistook my look of disgust and horror for interest, because he proceeded to tell me about his new house in [the newest, snottiest subdivision around], how much it cost, AND THEN, bragged to me how they worked hard to keep "undesirables" out of the neighborhood. Never one to keep my mouth shut, I innocently asked who was deemed "undesirable". He stammered a little then gave me some crap about "people who would commit crimes". I was intrigued, and asked if Miss Cleo was now sitting on the neighborhood association, so she could tell them exactly WHO was going to commit crimes. He laughed, like he didn't realize that I was on the fast track to loathing him. All through dinner, he talked about money- how much he spends on things, how much he'll have accumulated in fifteen years, when he can retire, who makes less than him... It was, quite possibly, the worst dinner I've ever had that didn't involve my family. Afterward, I made an excuse to get out of there fast, shooting Bitch the evileye on my way past. Blah decides to walk me to my car (Ford Escort). He actually said, "I think we've really hit it off, don't you? I don't have a pen on me, but I'll get your number from [Bitch}, and give you a call". I imagined us on a date, visiting the vault with his money in it, maybe swimming in it, a la Scrooge McDuck (Donald's uncle). I couldn't take any more, I began ranting crazily about how with the money he spent on that car, he could have fed and clothed an entire village of Tibetan refugees for several years, and about the environmental and human toll that using all that gas was costing. As I was getting to the "undesirables" he was working so hard to keep out, he said, "you're nuts", and walked away.
Please don't get me wrong: I firmly believe that everyone has the right to spend their money in any way they choose. I also really think that we all have to treat ourselves to something special sometimes. But, DEAR GOD, know your audience before you spread out your financial statements! Perhaps if I were some bimbo who was impressed by the Rolex on his wrist (he pointed this out- was less impressed when I pointed out "Timex" on mine), this would have been an appropriate conversation. However, I am an intelligent, socially conscious human being who does not bow down to the Money Gods. Maybe I AM nuts, or maybe I'm a freak, as has often been suggested. Whatever the case, I can't help but think that there are others like me out there who buy things because they like them, and not to impress strangers at BBQs. Bitch called to apologize. I let her do it on the machine: I'm not calling her back for a while.
Please don't get me wrong: I firmly believe that everyone has the right to spend their money in any way they choose. I also really think that we all have to treat ourselves to something special sometimes. But, DEAR GOD, know your audience before you spread out your financial statements! Perhaps if I were some bimbo who was impressed by the Rolex on his wrist (he pointed this out- was less impressed when I pointed out "Timex" on mine), this would have been an appropriate conversation. However, I am an intelligent, socially conscious human being who does not bow down to the Money Gods. Maybe I AM nuts, or maybe I'm a freak, as has often been suggested. Whatever the case, I can't help but think that there are others like me out there who buy things because they like them, and not to impress strangers at BBQs. Bitch called to apologize. I let her do it on the machine: I'm not calling her back for a while.
At 11:30 PM,
Seeker said…
haha maybe thats why said fella is not married? I take you are like a liberal tree hugger of sorts then?
Its all good we always need a few more hippies to even things out ;)
At 12:32 AM,
Tsarina said…
While I like to think of myself as a liberal tree-hugging hippie, I'm not above eating a cheeseburger while I watch a prison chain gang cut down a tree to get rid of the fucking birds that crap all over my car!
At 9:30 AM,
Seeker said…
Oh good as long as you have a bit of selfishness in yas =)
At 5:45 PM,
Derek said…
im surprised you lasted that long.. i woulda lost it WAY earier.. hell probably at the SUV.. or at least the rollex.
At 6:14 PM,
Tsarina said…
Seeker- I am not selfish... life really DOES revolve around me!!
Mike- Way to go! I'll never understand what women see in a guy just because he has STUFF... besides, "manual labor" guys are much better at using their hands ;)
Derek- Thank you; I thought I controlled myself incredibly well- I'm not against a 4wd truck if you live in the middle of the country like I do, and the roads get drifted shut in winter, but just to drive around town? Probably compensating for inadequacies in other parts of his life, eh?
At 7:14 PM,
Derek said…
wouldnt doubt it..
its pretty bad when some one tries to woo a women by the contents of his wallet, he obviously has a warped perspective of things, either that or like you said, something else in his life, or many things seem so bad to him that he must flaunt his wealth in an attempt to cover that up or make up for it. Pretty sad.
At 7:56 AM,
Bill said…
Good For YOU!
At 11:59 AM,
Doe said…
This Man soooo sounds like my cousin! She is an insufferable bitch.
Her: I really like your watch.
Me: I like yours too its very nice.
Her: mine cost $180.00 How much was yours. (this said with smug look.)
Me: Mine was a gift from my mother and it is beyond a dollar value.
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