Moving In Day
Yeah, big day today- I started taking stuff into my classroom!!!! It's gigantic; I don't know what I'll do with all that space! I realized today, though, that when school starts, it will take me over an hour to get there once I allow for traffic and road construction.
I also realized again how important manners are. My class was not equipped with a teacher's desk. I decided that I could deal with that, I'd use one of the tables, no biggie. However, I did want a softer chair (I'm a wuss, I know). So, as I was leaving for lunch, I saw two of the janitors and asked them if there was possibly a desk chair that I could have. They didn't think so, but said they'd look. Ok, fine, I'm really not one to complain about little shit like that, so I told them not to worry too much about it. I then (and this is where my manners come into play) asked them if they wanted me to pick up lunch for them while I was out so that they wouldn't have to spend their whole lunch waiting in line somewhere. They said, "no thank you", and I left, thinking little about it. When I got back, not only did I have the NICEST desk chair in the building, I also had a huge desk!!!! I think I'm going to take them milkshakes on Thursday when I go back- maybe I'll get the 50 ft. extension cord I want, too!
I have a couple of friends from Chicago who are so freaking arrogant to service people that I refuse to go to dinner with them any more (I'm not saying all Chicago people are rude... just the ones I know). They always wonder why they get so little help when we're in a store, or when they take a cab- one of them couldn't believe when I told him that the cab driver had stopped the meter several blocks before the stop because he missed his turn. I attribute it to the fact that I looked him in the eye and said, "hi, how are you", instead of barking an address at him. I never understand people who have the attitude, 'I'm better because I have...' fill in the blank- more education, more money, whatever. Honestly, the smartest man I ever met only finished third grade. Anyway, it again proves that karma works- sometimes it takes forever, but everything you put out there always comes back!
A couple of other notes- I'm not really feeling intellectual, but the picture looks so damn much like me that I may leave it there forever! Ok- I need to cut my bangs like that, but it's like a cartoon of me, and I thought it was cool (I know, I'm a dork). Also, we saw I,Robot this weekend. I really liked it- kind of like The Terminator meets Demolition Man. My friend, Diana, hated it. I'm not saying it should win an Oscar, but it was fun and exciting, and to be honest, that's all I really ask for my seven bucks! And yes, I am feeling better... apparently I have developed an allergy to shrimp. This sucks, because that is one of my favorite foods, but after the past few days, I don't think I'll ever crave it again! Anyway, I'm going to get to bed early so I can get stuff done tomorrow- hope you all have a great day!
I also realized again how important manners are. My class was not equipped with a teacher's desk. I decided that I could deal with that, I'd use one of the tables, no biggie. However, I did want a softer chair (I'm a wuss, I know). So, as I was leaving for lunch, I saw two of the janitors and asked them if there was possibly a desk chair that I could have. They didn't think so, but said they'd look. Ok, fine, I'm really not one to complain about little shit like that, so I told them not to worry too much about it. I then (and this is where my manners come into play) asked them if they wanted me to pick up lunch for them while I was out so that they wouldn't have to spend their whole lunch waiting in line somewhere. They said, "no thank you", and I left, thinking little about it. When I got back, not only did I have the NICEST desk chair in the building, I also had a huge desk!!!! I think I'm going to take them milkshakes on Thursday when I go back- maybe I'll get the 50 ft. extension cord I want, too!
I have a couple of friends from Chicago who are so freaking arrogant to service people that I refuse to go to dinner with them any more (I'm not saying all Chicago people are rude... just the ones I know). They always wonder why they get so little help when we're in a store, or when they take a cab- one of them couldn't believe when I told him that the cab driver had stopped the meter several blocks before the stop because he missed his turn. I attribute it to the fact that I looked him in the eye and said, "hi, how are you", instead of barking an address at him. I never understand people who have the attitude, 'I'm better because I have...' fill in the blank- more education, more money, whatever. Honestly, the smartest man I ever met only finished third grade. Anyway, it again proves that karma works- sometimes it takes forever, but everything you put out there always comes back!
A couple of other notes- I'm not really feeling intellectual, but the picture looks so damn much like me that I may leave it there forever! Ok- I need to cut my bangs like that, but it's like a cartoon of me, and I thought it was cool (I know, I'm a dork). Also, we saw I,Robot this weekend. I really liked it- kind of like The Terminator meets Demolition Man. My friend, Diana, hated it. I'm not saying it should win an Oscar, but it was fun and exciting, and to be honest, that's all I really ask for my seven bucks! And yes, I am feeling better... apparently I have developed an allergy to shrimp. This sucks, because that is one of my favorite foods, but after the past few days, I don't think I'll ever crave it again! Anyway, I'm going to get to bed early so I can get stuff done tomorrow- hope you all have a great day!
At 6:16 AM,
JamDaddy said…
You are going to be a great teacher, I love your values! I hate when people puke on others they consider lower than themselves. I agree with you, treat everyone with some respect and have manners. My brother does that stuff and it drives me nuts!
At 11:19 AM,
Seeker said…
Hell I don't "Think" I am better than everyone else. I "KNOW" I am better. As Dr. Phil would say, "You have got to own it!"
At 11:26 AM,
Tsarina said…
JD- Thanks; no matter how old a person gets, we still enjoy a compliment from a stranger! Mike- I HATE that phony nice thing; I usually begin talking to them like they are a SLOW four-year-old! After a while, they either get the point and act more normal, or they think I'm retarded and stop trying to talk to me- either way, I win!!! Seeker- but the point is, you think you're better than EVERYBODY- you at least treat all of us mere mortals the same!
At 11:31 AM,
Derek said…
i try to be nice to everyone, but somtimes i just get tired and pissed off, or more commmanly, annoyed..
At 2:44 PM,
Seeker said…
True 'dat!
Derek - Truth is a Matter of Perpsective Here you will find things that willl help you deal with your annoying members of mankind. *Shameless Plug*
At 5:52 PM,
Doe said…
yes you are so right, I hate it when people treat others rudely because of dress or the job they happen to do. I always seem to get the extras too. But only because I do treat people right. Best example I can think of.. sort of a "pretty woman" experience. I was at Ward's department store. I had $200. to spend. I was dressed in old jeans and a t. No make-up, Ok I looked like crap. I was ignored. I went home from there changed did the make-up thing and went back... funny how the SAME sales people were all over me. I told one nasty little witch that I would spend my money else wear but wanted to show her what commision she had lost. Whiped out $500. Told her next time look at the person and maybe the jewelery they were already wearing before she desided that she was too good to wait on them. Yep I had, had on my diamond ring, a Ruby and diamond ring and a very impressive wedding set.
opps this is your blog ..
At 6:43 PM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, you just keep on being nice to people- you're not a rude American, so don't start acting like one!
Seeker, your shameless self promotion amuses me, so I'll allow it! (Derek, be sure to read the archived story about the frog-- that was the funniest thing ever)
Doe, don't you wonder what those women are thinking? My grandma used to shop at Bergners- when I was with her, the sales girls would trip over themselves to wait on us. When I'd go in alone, security followed me-- I don't go to Bergners any more- fuck em, WalMart considers me CLASSY!!!
At 12:03 AM,
Derek said…
haha, yeah i know, i try to keep canadian.. but man, some times people just really suck! haha
At 2:28 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, my ex and I went to the Formula One (that's European racing for those of you who only know NASCAR) races in Indy. It's a completely international crowd- people from all over, and we could spot the Americans from a mile away. They were the drunk, shirtless people who, when trying to communicate with someone from another country, spoke LOUDER to try and get their point across...we told everyone we were Canadian. Hey, I'm proud of my country, it's my fellow countrymen that embarass me.
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