This and That
My dog hates racists!! I've always known he was brilliant, but this impresses me to no end. I finally put two and two together yester day when he nearly tore this guy's leg off, and I noticed he had black combat boots with white laces (the guy, not the dog). Probably twenty people pass by here on foot every day, and Baxter may bark occasionally at one or two, but he never chases them. However, this guy was walking, and I saw Baxter begin running toward the road, ears back and fangs bared. I tried calling him, which usually works, but he kept going. The guy didn't appear too frightened (in spite of his own opinion, Baxter is not scary-looking). But, I have never seen him actually try to attack someone before, and it scared me. I was apologizing profusely when I noticed the laces in his boots and my skin began to crawl. The guy was very polite about it, but I kept thinking about the symbolism of those laces, and I reallized that the only people Baxter has really disliked since I got him are all racist in varying degrees. I have always suspected it, but now I know for a fact; some higher power matched Baxter and I up- we're meant to be a family!
I am feeling a little less self-pitying since my last post. Sorry, but I am an artsy-type, and we tend to be an emotional lot. Part of the change in my mood is that I went to a movie tonight. First of all, let me tell you- I LOVE MOVIES! Even when they suck, I love actually going to the movies. Probably some issues stemming from childhood (we probably only went to two or three movies the entire time I was growing up). Whatever the reason, just the act of going to the theater improves my mood. But, on top of that, the movie rocked! We saw The Terminal, with Tom Hanks. I know this looks like your typical date movie, but it's really not. It was hysterically funny, something I hadn't realized from the previews. It was also very sweet and touching (not the kind of sweet that makes you want to beat yourself in the head with a hammer, but nicely sweet). If you're wanting to see a film that will make you feel all happy inside, this is a great choice!
By the way, the name of the blog, Loser's Lounge, does not reflect my real feelings about myself. When I was in college, there was a really popular bar called something like the Winner's Circle. All of the trendy people went there, so as you can imagine, I avoided it like the plague. My friends and I discovered this awful little hole-in-the-wall dive, dirty pool tables and good music on the jukebox (no rap or dance music allowed). All of the regulars referred to it as "Loser's Lounge" to acknowledge the difference from the Winner's Circle. We were proud of it, and, to the owner's dismay, several of us had t-shirts printed up! Anyway, that was a challenging period in my life, but Loser's Lounge was where I could always find someone who cared how I was doing, even if I had just met them ten minutes before! These were real people who understood that my life didn't center around Mommy and Daddy paying for my education and new car. In fact, they respected me more because of it. So, please don't feel that I'm really thinking of myself as a total loser, and I certainly don't think you're a loser for spending some time here- it's nice to have the company!
I am feeling a little less self-pitying since my last post. Sorry, but I am an artsy-type, and we tend to be an emotional lot. Part of the change in my mood is that I went to a movie tonight. First of all, let me tell you- I LOVE MOVIES! Even when they suck, I love actually going to the movies. Probably some issues stemming from childhood (we probably only went to two or three movies the entire time I was growing up). Whatever the reason, just the act of going to the theater improves my mood. But, on top of that, the movie rocked! We saw The Terminal, with Tom Hanks. I know this looks like your typical date movie, but it's really not. It was hysterically funny, something I hadn't realized from the previews. It was also very sweet and touching (not the kind of sweet that makes you want to beat yourself in the head with a hammer, but nicely sweet). If you're wanting to see a film that will make you feel all happy inside, this is a great choice!
By the way, the name of the blog, Loser's Lounge, does not reflect my real feelings about myself. When I was in college, there was a really popular bar called something like the Winner's Circle. All of the trendy people went there, so as you can imagine, I avoided it like the plague. My friends and I discovered this awful little hole-in-the-wall dive, dirty pool tables and good music on the jukebox (no rap or dance music allowed). All of the regulars referred to it as "Loser's Lounge" to acknowledge the difference from the Winner's Circle. We were proud of it, and, to the owner's dismay, several of us had t-shirts printed up! Anyway, that was a challenging period in my life, but Loser's Lounge was where I could always find someone who cared how I was doing, even if I had just met them ten minutes before! These were real people who understood that my life didn't center around Mommy and Daddy paying for my education and new car. In fact, they respected me more because of it. So, please don't feel that I'm really thinking of myself as a total loser, and I certainly don't think you're a loser for spending some time here- it's nice to have the company!
At 2:07 PM,
... said…
Nice post!
Yea, Houston summer weather sucks. But having to deal with snow sucks more!
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