Tsarina's World

The musings, rants, and general complaints of a schoolteacher in the MidWest. I have no real social life, which sucks for me personally, but makes my dog happy- he is the center of my universe! Come on in, take your shoes off and stay a while... who wants pie and coffee?

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Crack and Gum

So, I'm surfing the net, when I discover blogs- possibly mankind's greatest invention! I can rant and ramble, and pretend like people are paying attention--- it will be just like my eighth grade U.S. History classes! I miss teaching. The kids are so friggin funny; actually, if I could spend all my day with them, and none with the other teachers, I'd be a happy fucking camper! It's not that I don't like the other teachers, but they're so boring! No wonder kids start doing drugs- God, after an eight-hour inservice with them, I'm looking to score some crack my own self! I do not condone crack, mind you. In fact, I don't understand why anyone wants to take drugs to make themselves MORE hyper and paranoid!

I guess the problem with other teachers lies in the fact that they're all grown-ups. I hate grown-ups- you know what I mean... they have no sense of humor, everything is so damn serious all the time. And, God forbid the kids have fun, or act their ages-- these people were ready to crucify one kid because he always chewed gum! I am not kidding- CHEWED GUM!! The group of six teachers held a special meeting to discuss how best to punish him. Let me tell you, that was NOT the time to say "what's the big deal?" (I guess I should tell you, as if you couldn't figure it out, I was teaching in a small, rural school.) However, I had previously worked in larger, slightly more urban schools, where you were expected to keep an eye out for weapons, so gum is not a top priority! But, anyway, these six adults spent the better part of twenty minutes discussing punishments. Eventually, they settled on a Saturday detention, where he would be expected to scrub the desks and chairs throughout the entire junior high! So, on the last day of school, I gave him a pack of gum and said "enjoy"! Fuck em, they aren't employing me next fall, what do I care?


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