Diary of a Madwoman
Goddamn it, sometimes I hate my family. I know that my parents did the best job that they could do, given their own problems, but for Chrissakes, don't have kids if you're too fucked up to make an effort to help them. I should explain- I'm crazy. I mean, I'm not "dress up like a clown and stalk young kids" crazy, but I have panic attacks that you cannot believe. I've always had them, but was finally diagnosed two years ago. As a kid, my parents just thought I was being overly dramatic and would spank me, so I learned to hide in my room for safety until the feeling passed. Now, when I have them, it's damn near impossible for me to leave the fucking house. I'm low on my meds, so have been trying to conserve them until I start work and have insurance (it's expensive as hell to be nuts in the U.S.). Well, today, I should have taken them when I first woke up and went to the basement to do laundry. I have two windows broken out down there, and I began worrying about snakes getting in. Now let me tell you- I have a phobia of snakes that is embarassing and extreme; I faint. So, as I'm nervously trying to pretreat stains and load the washer, I start shaking and have to run upstairs and sit on my bed for twenty minutes. This would be enough for most people to simply take their medicine, but I only had four pills left, so I thought I could ride it out. This was a huge mistake; I needed to go into town and pay bills, but I COULD NOT leave the house. I can't explain the feeling- I know in my mind that everything is fine. However, I can't convince myself of that, and my heart begins to race, I can hear the blood pounding in my ears, and I just shake. I finally took a pill around four and was able to walk to the mailbox a little while later, although I was racing to get back to the house. Now I'm sitting here, listening to Van Morrison and kicking myself for not getting anything done today. It has been at least a year since I've had a day this bad, and now I'm worried about it interfereing with my work. I usually just take a pill with some coffee right before school starts, and I'm calm, alert and focused all day, but I can't afford to go to the doctor and get more medicine before I start working, which means that I'll start the year without any pills.
Goddamn them- I know it's not totally my parents' fault, it's a chemical problem in my brain. However, I find it strange that they had two children, and one is bipolar while the other is trapped in her own house for days at a time. The shrink I used to see kept assuring me that my problems are not unusual for someone who grew up in a household like ours (scary to think that there are other houses like that). I don't know why I'm sharing this with you when I haven't even told most of my friends, but there's something freeing about talking about it, and this is a safe venue. If you think less of me, wtf- I don't have to see you at parent/teacher conferences. Sometimes I feel like I am more of my "real" self here than in my real life where I have to try to be perfect all the time. I know most people wouldn't think anything if I failed at something, but I can't imagine it (except for relationships, but that's a whole other issue!) . My shrink always told me to have as much compassion for myself as I have for others, but somehow that seems so- weak. I do realize that the world won't end if I fail at something, but the idea of it sends me into a new panic. Anyway, thanks for listening; I'm going to bed.
Goddamn them- I know it's not totally my parents' fault, it's a chemical problem in my brain. However, I find it strange that they had two children, and one is bipolar while the other is trapped in her own house for days at a time. The shrink I used to see kept assuring me that my problems are not unusual for someone who grew up in a household like ours (scary to think that there are other houses like that). I don't know why I'm sharing this with you when I haven't even told most of my friends, but there's something freeing about talking about it, and this is a safe venue. If you think less of me, wtf- I don't have to see you at parent/teacher conferences. Sometimes I feel like I am more of my "real" self here than in my real life where I have to try to be perfect all the time. I know most people wouldn't think anything if I failed at something, but I can't imagine it (except for relationships, but that's a whole other issue!) . My shrink always told me to have as much compassion for myself as I have for others, but somehow that seems so- weak. I do realize that the world won't end if I fail at something, but the idea of it sends me into a new panic. Anyway, thanks for listening; I'm going to bed.
At 1:47 AM,
Derek said…
my day wasnt to great either.. nothing as bad as that.. i dont have any psychological problems.. that i know of anyways. But tonight i havent felt so hot, really confused about some shit, kinda messed up and dont know what to think, probably explains why its quarter to 3am here and i havent even thought of sleep. Life can just be too much sometimes.. some may think people are over reacting and being 'silly' but i never got this. clearly it matters a hell of a lot to the person for them to feel this fucked. But i guess second opinions can help you snap back to reality.. but i dont know. i really need my g/f to get back from vacation so i can be with her...
I have a really bad habit of taking over blogs comments and end up sort of blogging myself...
At 3:14 AM,
JamDaddy said…
Better save an emergency pill for the class trip to the zoo. The reptile house will be your downfall, lol. All kidding aside, I can relate: medication costs (I have migraines), fucked up parents (mine tried? but I modeled after other people), panic attacks (not really, more like "am I fucking up the kids" attacks).
You do so many good things and have such a great outlook about the things around you. I am not suprised you are worried about failing at something and the world ending. Your piece just might, naw, you will always recover. You go girl, lol. Maybe you can ask for pills for your birthday. That ought to send a message to your family.
At 11:29 AM,
Tsarina said…
Derek, I'm sorry you had a bad day too. Be glad you haven't gone nuts yet (you're a writer, it WILL happen)... I was thinking our family motto should be "hereditary insanity- the gift that keeps on giving", I dunno, what do you think? And don't every worry about taking over my blog- you're welcome to do that any time you want!
JD, Thanks, sometimes it really does help to know that someone, somewhere understands. I don't have to worry about the zoo- thanks to certain current policies, my school is bankrupt, and we won't be going anywhere without contributions from individuals. However, imagine being a science teacher with a phobia of snakes- not good!
At 11:43 AM,
Derek said…
haha, yeah i think that moto about sums it up.
sometimes i really wonder if ive lost it or not. I put up most of what I write on my blog, but there's writtings from a couple nights that'll I'll never show anyone..
youd think a writter would be able to keep their sanity since they let out all the things that are bothering them through their writting. but sometimes it just doesnt come out.
It wont be world around me that makes me crazy, it'll be this one girl. *sigh*
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